OpenACC: Analysis and Parallelization

What is OpenACC ?

  • OpenACC defines a set of compiler directives that allow code regions to be offloaded from a host CPU to be computed on a GPU

    • High level GPU programming

    • Large similarity to OpenMP directives

  • Support for both C/C++ and Fortran bindings

  • Extensive guides, tutorials, code samples and documentation on the OpenACC standard can be found at

OpenACC vs. CUDA or HIP

  • Why OpenACC and not CUDA / HIP?

    • Easier to work with

    • Porting of existing software requires less work

    • Same code can be compiled to CPU and GPU versions easily

  • Why CUDA/HIP and not OpenACC?

    • Get access to all features of the GPU hardware

    • More optimization possibilities

Steps in porting code to GPUs

  • The three key steps in porting to high performance accelerated code:

    1. Analyze/Identify parallelism

    2. Express data movement and parallelism

    3. Optimize data movement and loop performance

    4. Go back to 1!

  • Analyze your code to determine most likely places needing parallelization or optimization.

  • Parallelize your code by starting with the most time consuming parts and check for correctness.

  • Optimize your code to improve observed speed-up from parallelization.

The Himeno stencil benchmark

Solving Poisson’s equation for incompressible fluid by the Jacobi iteration method.



The NAS parallel benchmark MG

Multi-Grid on a sequence of meshes for computational fluid dynamics applications



Analysis and Parallelization

  • Serial Computing on CPU

  • Porting to GPU

  • NVIDIA nvprof provides a simple interface to collect on a target without using the GUI. (new NSight system)

    • GPU profiling capabilities: High-level usage statistics, Timeline collection, Analysis metrics

    • basic CPU sampling

$ srun -n 1 nvprof --cpu-profiling on --cpu-profiling-mode top-down ./himeno.x
======== CPU profiling result (top down):
Time(%)      Time  Name
85.74%    18.16s  jacobi
 7.46%     1.58s  initmt
 0.94%     200ms  | ???
 6.75%     1.43s  __c_mcopy4_sky
 0.05%      10ms  __c_mcopy4

OpenACC data model

  • Define a region with data declared in the device memory

    • C/C++: #pragma acc data [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc data [clauses]

    • clauses can be copy, copyin, copyout, and present

  • Data transfers take place

    • from the host to the device upon entry to the region

    • from the device to the host upon exit from the region

  • Functionality defined by data clauses

  • Data clauses can also be used in kernels and parallel constructs

OpenACC execution model

  • OpenACC includes two different approaches for defining parallel regions

    • kernels defines a region to be transferred into a series of kernels to be executed in sequence on an accelerator. Work sharing parallelism is defined automatically for the separate kernels, but tuning prospects limited.

    • parallel defines a region to be executed on an accelerator. Work sharing parallelism has to be defined manually. Good tuning prospects.

    • C/C++: #pragma kernels, #pragma parallel loop

    • Fortran: !acc kernels, !$acc parallel loop

  • With similar work sharing, both can perform equally well