Developing Applications with the AMD ROCm Ecosystem
This training material is created by AMD in collaboration with ENCCS. It covers how to develop and port applications to run on AMD GPU and CPU hardware on top AMD-powered supercomputers. You will learn about the ROCm software development languages, libraries, and tools, as well as getting a developer’s view of the hardware that powers the system. The material focuses mostly on how to program applications to run on the GPU.
It is useful to have prior experience developing HPC applications, and some understanding of recent HPC computer hardware and the Linux operating system.
The lesson
- Introduction to HIP Programming
- Porting Applications to HIP
- Getting Started with OpenMP® Offload Applications on AMD Accelerators
- Developing Fortran Applications: HIPFort, OpenMP®, and OpenACC
- Exercises
- Architecture
- GPU-Aware MPI with ROCmTM
- AMD Node Memory Model
- Hierarchical Roofline on AMD InstinctTM MI200 GPUs
- Affinity — Placement, Ordering and Binding
- Profiling and debugging
- OpenMP Offload Programming
- Introduction to ML Frameworks
- Summary and outlook
Who is the course for?
About the course
4 half-day schedule
Day 1, 2022, 13:00-17:00 — Programming Environments
HIP (George Markomanolis, AMD)
HIP Exercises on ACP cloud
Hipify — porting applications to HIP
Hipify exercises
Getting Started with OpenMP® Offload Applications on AMD Accelerators (Jose Noudohouenou, AMD)
OpenMP exercises
Developing Fortran Applications, HIPFort & Flang (Bob Robey and Brian Cornille, AMD)
Fortran exercises – HIPFort
Day 2, 13:00-17:00 — Understanding the Hardware
The AMD MI250X GPUs (George Markomanolis, AMD)
AMD Communication Fabrics (Mahdieh Ghazimirsaeed,AMD)
Memory Systems (Bob Robey, AMD)
Exercises – MPI Benchmark and Memory Systems
Roofline Model (Noah Wolfe, AMD)
Affinity — Placement, Ordering and Binding (Gina Sitaraman and Bob Robey, AMD)
Exercises – Affinity
Day 3, 13:00-17:00 — Tools
Profiler - rocprof
Exercises - rocprof
Profiler - Omnitrace
Profiler - Omniperf
Debuggers — rocgdb
Debugging - exercises
Day 4, 13:00-17:00 — Special Topics
Using OpenMP® (Michael Klemm, AMD)
Introduction to ML frameworks (Alessandro Fanfarillo, AMD)
Discussion and feedback
See also
- LAB-NOTES: New “lab-notes” series on
Finite Difference Method – Laplacian Part 1 of a series
AMD Matrix Cores – using the matrix math operations for all articles in the series
Will be released on a two-week cadence
- Developer resources
Videos on HIP and GPU programming
ROCm documentation
- Quick start guides at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Infinity Hub with many popular applications ported to AMD GPUs
- AMD Cloud resources for trying out AMD systems
AMD Cloud Platform (ACP) -
AMD Accelerator Cloud (AAC) -
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Instructional Material
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Attribution - You must give appropriate credit (mentioning that your work is derived from work that is Copyright (c) ENCCS and individual contributors and, where practical, linking to, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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