GPU-Aware MPI with ROCmTM
Point-to-point and collective
Get the node with at least two GPUs and tasks:
salloc -N 1 -p MI250 --gpus=2 --ntasks 2
Load OpenMPI module
module load openmpi/4.1.4-gcc
Change mpicxx wrapper compiler to use hipcc
export OMPI_CXX=hipcc
Compile and run the code
mpicxx -o ./pt2pt ./pt2pt.cpp
$mpirun -n 2 ./pt2pt
You can get around the message “WARNING: There was an error initializing an OpenFabrics device” by telling OpenMPI to exclude openib:
mpirun -n 2 --mca btl ^'openib' ./pt2pt
OSU Bandwidth benchmark code
Get a node allocation. Check what is available with sinfo. Then
salloc -N 1 --ntasks 8 –gpus=8 -p MI250
Set up environment
module load rocm openmpi/4.1.4-gcc
Check if OpenMPI is built with UCX
Check if UCX is built with ROCm?
/global/software/openmpi/gcc/ucx/bin/ucx_info -v
Get Ohio State University micro-benchmark code
Build micro-benchmark code
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/osu-mb \
CC=/global/software/openmpi/gcc/ompi/bin/mpicc \
CXX=/global/software/openmpi/gcc/ompi/bin/mpicxx \
--enable-rocm --with-rocm=${ROCM_PATH}
make –j12
make install
Run benchmark
mpirun –N 1 –n 2 ./osu-mb/mpi/pt2pt/osu_bw $((16*1024*1024)):$((16*1024*1024)) D D
Try different pairs of GPUs. How does the bandwidth vary?
Try different communication options (blit kernel and SDMA) using the env variable HSA_ENABLE_SDMA. How does the bandwidth vary?