Profiling and debugging
Omnitrace and Omniperf
Reservation: enccs_3
Get the exercise:
cp -r /global/training/enccs/exercises/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/ .
Compile and run the code
cd hip
hipcc -I../ -DSHMOO nbody-orig.cpp -o nbody-orig
65536, 161.871
Check the file
./$EXE 65536
The binary is called
Use rocprof with
rocprof --stats nbody-orig 65536
RPL: on '221130_200946' from '/global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0' in '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip'
RPL: profiling '"nbody-orig" "65536"'
RPL: input file ''
RPL: output dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_200946_3670592'
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_200946_3670592/input_results_221130_200946'
ROCProfiler: input from "/tmp/rpl_data_221130_200946_3670592/input.xml"
0 metrics
65536, 159.960
ROCPRofiler: 10 contexts collected, output directory /tmp/rpl_data_221130_200946_3670592/input_results_221130_200946
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.csv' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.stats.csv' is generating
Files with the prefix results are created
Check the files results.csv
You can se einformation for each kernel call with their duration
cat results.csv
0,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,0,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372809346673,1591372809872935,1591372836189584,1591372836215944,26316649
1,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,2,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372836774261,1591372837000949,1591372863116796,1591372863132315,26115847
2,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,4,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372863652552,1591372863877281,1591372889980009,1591372889994436,26102728
3,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,6,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372890512133,1591372890735562,1591372916796147,1591372916817087,26060585
4,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,8,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372917332974,1591372917556629,1591372943652575,1591372943667909,26095946
5,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,10,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372944181896,1591372944405378,1591372970475883,1591372970491020,26070505
6,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,12,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372971009527,1591372971233309,1591372997318181,1591372997339821,26084872
7,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,14,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591372997856209,1591372998080743,1591373024164495,1591373024180993,26083752
8,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,16,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591373024701060,1591373024924818,1591373051023611,1591373051040364,26098793
9,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,18,3670615,3670615,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,"0x0","0x7f7b27c04500",1591373051559851,1591373051782878,1591373077878145,1591373077902255,26095267
Check the statistics result file, one line per kernel
cat results.stats.csv
"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",10,261124944,26112494,100.0
Profile the HIP calls with
rocprof --stats --hip-trace nbody-orig 65536
RPL: on '221130_201416' from '/global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0' in '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip'
RPL: profiling '"nbody-orig" "65536"'
RPL: input file ''
RPL: output dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_201416_3670892'
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_201416_3670892/input_results_221130_201416'
ROCTracer (pid=3670915):
65536, 161.051
hsa_copy_deps: 0
scan ops data 29:30 File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.copy_stats.csv' is generating
dump json 19:20
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.hip_stats.csv' is generating
dump json 51:52
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.stats.csv' is generating
dump json 9:10
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
Now we have new files with the hip
in their name like below, checl the file results.hip_stats.csv
cat results.hip_stats.csv
Profile also the HSA API with the
rocprof --stats --hip-trace --hsa-trace nbody-orig 65536
RPL: on '221130_201737' from '/global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0' in '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip'
RPL: profiling '"nbody-orig" "65536"'
RPL: input file ''
RPL: output dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_201737_3671219'
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_201737_3671219/input_results_221130_201737'
ROCProfiler: input from "/tmp/rpl_data_221130_201737_3671219/input.xml"
0 metrics
ROCTracer (pid=3671242):
65536, 155.978
ROCPRofiler: 10 contexts collected, output directory /tmp/rpl_data_221130_201737_3671219/input_results_221130_201737
hsa_copy_deps: 1
scan hsa API data 5953:5954 hsa_copy_deps: 0
scan hip API data 51:52 File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.csv' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.stats.csv' is generating
dump json 9:10
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.hsa_stats.csv' is generating
dump json 5963:5964
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.copy_stats.csv' is generating
dump json 19:20
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.hip_stats.csv' is generating
dump json 51:52
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/results.json' is generating
See the content of the file
cat results.hsa_stats.csv
Download the results.json file on your laptop
From your laptop:
scp -i id_ed25519 -P 8560 enccs_tr_0@ .
Visit the web page:
Click on the top left menu, “Open Trace File on th eleft top”
Select the file results.json
Zoom in/out: W/S Move left/right: A/D
Read about the counters: vim /global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0/lib/rocprofiler/gfx_metrics.xml
Create a file with the contents:
cat rocprof_counters.txt
pmc : Wavefronts VALUInsts VFetchInsts VWriteInsts VALUUtilization VALUBusy WriteSize
pmc : SALUInsts SFetchInsts LDSInsts FlatLDSInsts GDSInsts SALUBusy FetchSize
pmc : L2CacheHit MemUnitBusy MemUnitStalled WriteUnitStalled ALUStalledByLDS LDSBankConflict
Execute with using the counters
rocprof --timestamp on -i rocprof_counters.txt nbody-orig 65536
RPL: on '221130_205737' from '/global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0' in '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip'
RPL: profiling '"nbody-orig" "65536"'
RPL: input file 'rocprof_counters.txt'
RPL: output dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574'
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input0_results_221130_205737'
ROCProfiler: input from "/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input0.xml"
gpu_index =
kernel =
range =
7 metrics
Wavefronts, VALUInsts, VFetchInsts, VWriteInsts, VALUUtilization, VALUBusy, WriteSize
65536, 155.389
ROCPRofiler: 10 contexts collected, output directory /tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input0_results_221130_205737
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input1_results_221130_205737'
ROCProfiler: input from "/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input1.xml"
gpu_index =
kernel =
range =
7 metrics
SALUInsts, SFetchInsts, LDSInsts, FlatLDSInsts, GDSInsts, SALUBusy, FetchSize
65536, 156.996
ROCPRofiler: 10 contexts collected, output directory /tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input1_results_221130_205737
RPL: result dir '/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input2_results_221130_205737'
ROCProfiler: input from "/tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input2.xml"
gpu_index =
kernel =
range =
6 metrics
L2CacheHit, MemUnitBusy, MemUnitStalled, WriteUnitStalled, ALUStalledByLDS, LDSBankConflict
65536, 155.264
ROCPRofiler: 10 contexts collected, output directory /tmp/rpl_data_221130_205737_3673574/input2_results_221130_205737
File '/global/home/gmarko/HIP-Examples/mini-nbody/hip/rocprof_counters.csv' is generating
Contents of the rocprof_counters.csv file
cat rocprof_counters.csv
0,"bodyForce(Body*, float, int) [clone .kd]",0,0,0,3673711,3673711,65536,256,0,0,20,4,16,64,0x0,0x7f2b4d282500,2048.0000000000,1212443.0000000000,12.0000000000,12.0000000000,100.0000000000,68.1476813493,7872.0000000000,131228.5000000000,65553.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,6.3483148000,9429.1875000000,96.5684331443,0.0250344612,0.0044357832,0.0102024550,0.0000000000,0.0000000000,1594244102859719,1594244111978746,1594244138305243,1594244138330792
We have made special builds of the Omnitools, omnitrace and omniperf for use in the exercises
Load Omnitrace
module use --append /global/training/enccs/modules/
module load omnitrace/1.7.3
Reserve a GPU
Check the various options and their values and also a second command for description
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omnitrace-avail --categories omnitrace
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omnitrace-avail --categories omnitrace --brief --description
Create an Omnitrace configuration file with description per option
srun -n 1 omnitrace-avail -G omnitrace_all.cfg --all
Declare to use this configuration file:
export OMNITRACE_CONFIG_FILE=/path/omnitrace_all.cfg
Get the file
cp /global/software/rocm/rocm-5.3.0/share/hip/samples/2_Cookbook/0_MatrixTranspose/MatrixTranspose.cpp .
hipcc -o MatrixTranspose MatrixTranspose.cpp
Execute the binary:
time srun -n 1 --gpus 1 ./MatrixTranspose
and check the duration
Dynamic instrumentation
Execute dynamic instrumentation:
time srun –n 1 –gpus 1 omnitrace -- ./MatrixTranspose
and check the durationCheck what the binary calls and gets instrumented:
nm --demangle MatrixTranspose | egrep -i ' (t|u) '
Available functions to instrument:
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omnitrace -v -1 --simulate --print-available functions -- ./MatrixTranspose
the simulate option means that it will not execute the binary
Binary rewriting
Binary rewriting:
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omnitrace -v -1 --print-available functions -o matrix.inst -- ./MatrixTranspose
We created a new instrumented binary called matrix.inst
Executing the new instrumented binary:
time srun -n 1 --gpus 1 ./matrix.inst
and check the durationSee the list of the instrumented GPU calls:
cat omnitrace-matrix.inst-output/TIMESTAMP/roctracer.txt
Copy the
to your laptop, open the web page click to open the trace and select the file
Hardware counters
See a list of all the counters:
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omnitrace-avail --all
Declare in your configuration file:
OMNITRACE_ROCM_EVENTS = GPUBusy,Wavefronts,VALUBusy,L2CacheHit,MemUnitBusy
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 ./matrix.inst
and copy the perfetto file and visualize
Activate in your configuration file OMNITRACE_USE_SAMPLING = true
, execute and visualize
Kernel timings
Open the file
(replace binary and timestamp with your information)In order to see the kernels gathered in your configuration file, make sure that
, execute the code and open again the fileomnitrace-binary-output/timestamp/wall_clock.txt
We have made special builds of the Omnitools, omnitrace and omniperf for use in the exercises
Load Omniperf
module use --append /global/training/enccs/modules/
module load omniperf/1.0.4
Reserve a GPU, compile the exercise and execute Omniperf, observe how many times the code is executed
salloc -N1 -p MI250 --reservation=enccs_3 --gpus=1 --time 00:10:00
cp /global/training/enccs/omniperf/1.0.4/share/sample/vcopy.cpp .
hipcc -o vcopy vcopy.cpp
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omniperf profile -n vcopy_all -- ./vcopy 1048576 256
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omniperf profile -h
to see all the optionsNow is created a workload in the directory workloads with the name vcopy_all (the argument of the -n). So, we can analyze it
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy_all/mi200/ &> vcopy_analyze.txt
There is no need for srun to analyze but we want to avoid everybody to use the login node. Explore the file vcopy_analyze.txt
We can select specific IP Blocks, like:
srun -n 1 --gpus 1 omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy_all/mi200/ -b 7.1.2
But you need to know the code of the IP Block
If you have installed Omniperf on your laptop (no ROCm required for analysis) then you can download the data and execute:
omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy_all/mi200/ --gui
Open the web page: