Automated dependency handling with FetchContent


  • Is there a way to automatically satisfy the dependencies of our code?


  • Learn how to download your dependencies at configure-time with FetchContent.

  • Learn how fetched content can be used natively within your build system.

CMake offers two modules to satisfy missing dependencies on-the-fly: the ExternalProject and FetchContent modules.

Using ExternalProject
  • The download step happens at project build-time.

  • You can handle dependencies that do not use CMake.

  • You need to rewrite your whole build system as a superbuild.

Using FetchContent
  • The download step happens at project configure-time.

  • You can only manage dependencies that use CMake.

  • It’s an well-delimited change to an existing CMake build system.

Both are extremely powerful mechanisms, but you should use them with care. Often, comprehensive documentation will suffice to help users set up their environment to build your code successfully! In this episode, we will discuss the FetchContent module.

The FetchContent module

To fetch dependencies on-the-fly at configure-time you will include the built-in CMake module FetchContent. This module has been part of CMake since its 3.11 version and has been steadily improved since then.

There are two steps in a FetchContent-based workflow:

  1. Declaring the content to fetch with FetchContent_Declare. This can be a tarball (local or remote), a local folder, or a version control repository (Git, SVN, etc.).

  2. Populating the content with FetchContent_MakeAvailable. This commands adds the targets declared in the external content to your build system.

    Since targets from the external project are added to your own project, you will be able to use them in the same way you would when obtaining them through a call to find_package: you can use found and fetched content in the same exact way. If you need to set options for building the external project, you will set them as CMake variables before calling FetchContent_MakeAvailable.

Unit testing with Catch2

Unit testing is a valuable technique in software engineering: it can help identify functional regressions with a very fine level of control, since each unit test is meant to exercise isolated components in your codebase. Equipping your codebase with integration and unit tests is very good practice.

There are many unit testing frameworks for the C++ language. Each of them stresses a slightly different approach to unit testing and comes with its own peculiarities in set up and usage. In this episode, we will show how to use Catch2 a very popular unit testing framework which emphasizes a test-driven development workflow. Catch2 is distributed as a single header file, which is one of its most appealing features: it can easily be included in any project. Rather than download the header file and adding it to our codebase, we can use FetchContent to satisfy this dependency for us when needed.

Exercise 26: Catch2 reloaded

We want to use the Catch2 unit testing framework for our code. In this exercise, we will download the Catch2 project at configure-time from its GitHub repository.

A scaffold for the project is in content/code/day-2/26_more-catch2.

  1. Create a C++ project.

  2. Set the C++ standard to C++14. Catch2 will work with C++11 too.

  3. Create a library from the sum_integers.cpp source file.

  4. Link the library into a sum_up executable.

  5. Include the FetchContent module and declare the Catch2 content. We want to download the v2.13.4 tag from the official Git repository.

  6. Make the Catch2 content available.

  7. Create the cpp_test executable.

  8. Enable testing and add a test. You will have to check how to call a Catch2 executable in the documentation.

  9. Try running your tests.

  • What differences do you note in the configuration step?

  • What happens if you forget to issue the FetchContent_MakeAvailable command?

  • What targets are built in the project? Which ones are from Catch2? You can use the following command to obtain a list of all available targets:

    $ cmake --build build --target help

A working solution is in the solution subfolder.


FetchContent is a powerful module in your CMake toolbox. Beware! Satisfying every dependency of your code in this way will make the duration of both the configuration and build stages balloon.


  • CMake lets you satisfy dependencies on-the-fly.

  • You can do so at build-time with ExternalProject, but you need to adopt a superbuild framework.

  • At configure-time, you can use the FetchContent module: it can only be applied with dependencies that also use CMake.