Reference for learners
External references
Here is a (non exhaustive) list of external resources for further study after this lesson:
Miscellaneous resources
Some ML challenges or benchmarks
Some courses for deeper learning:
Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch, the course is quite intuitive
Coursera courses by Andrew Ng:
AI for everyone, for beginners who won’t do ML projects but are courious about what AI really is and what AI can do
ML course and DL course, quite intensive courses for beginner/intermediate-level researchers who will do ML/DL projects
Structuring Machine Learning Projects, how to conduct ML projects with useful ML engineering strategies
Book: Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville - Deep Learning. A really thorough, detailed (though math-heavy) book on everything (for example Generative Adverserial Networks or Autoencoders) you want to know about deep learning
Book: Simon J.D. Prince - Understanding Deep Learning. A less dense and slightly more modern overview of deep learning with coding examples for each chapter.