Scatter and gather
How can I split data across the ranks of my program?
How can I join data from the ranks of my program?
Know the difference between scatter and gather
An MPI_Scatter
call sends data from one rank to all other ranks.
After the call, all ranks in the communicator have the one value sent from the root rank, ordered by rank number.
is blocking and introduces collective
synchronization into the program.
This can be useful to allow one rank to share values to all other ranks in the communicator. For example, one rank might compute some values, and then scatter the content to all other ranks. They can then use this as input for future work.
int MPI_Scatter(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
int root, MPI_Comm comm)
All ranks must supply the same value for root
, which specifies
the rank of that communicator that provides the values that are
sent to all other ranks.
, sendcount
and sendtype
describe the buffer on
the root process from which the data comes. sendcount
describes the extent of the buffer sent to each other rank, not the
extent of the whole buffer! Other ranks do not need to allocate a
send buffer, and may pass any values to the call.
, recvcount
and recvtype
describe the buffer on
each process to which the data is sent. Only a buffer large
enough to receive the data for that process is needed.
All ranks in the communicator must participate with valid receive buffers and consistent counts and types.
An MPI_Gather
call sends data from all ranks to a single rank.
It is the inverse operation of MPI_Scatter
After the call, the root rank has one value from each other rank in the communicator, ordered by rank number.
is blocking and introduces collective
synchronization into the program.
This can be useful to allow one rank to collect values from all other ranks in the communicator. For example, all ranks might compute some values, and then the root rank gathers the content. It can then use this as input for future work. One use case is to combine data so that one rank can compute a combined property, or write all the data to a file.
int MPI_Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
int root, MPI_Comm comm)
All ranks must supply the same value for root
, which specifies
the rank of the process within that communicator that receives the
values send from each process.
, sendcount
and sendtype
describe the buffer on
each process from which the data is sent. Only a buffer large
enough to contain the data sent by that process is needed.
, recvcount
and recvtype
describe the buffer on
the root process in which the data is received. revcount
describes the extent of the buffer received from each rank, not the
extent of the whole buffer! Other ranks do not need to allocate a
receive buffer, and may pass any values to the call.
All ranks in the communicator must participate with valid send buffers and consistent counts and types.
Exercise: scatter and gather (1)
Use scatter and gather
You can find a scaffold for the code scatter-and-gather-1.c
in the
folder. A working solution is
in the solution
subfolder. It’s similar to the broadcast code we saw
earlier. Try to compile with:
mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 scatter-and-gather-1.c -o scatter-and-gather-1
When you have the code compiling, try to run with:
mpiexec -np 4 ./scatter-and-gather-1
Use clues from the compiler and the comments in the code to change the code so it compiles and runs. Try to get all ranks to report success :-)
One correct pair of calls is:
MPI_Scatter(values_to_scatter, 1, MPI_FLOAT, &scattered_value, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank_of_scatter_root, comm); /* ... */ MPI_Gather(&result, 1, MPI_FLOAT, gathered_values, 1, MPI_FLOAT, rank_of_gather_root, comm);
What would happen if you mistakenly used 4 for the scatter send count or the gather receive count. Why?
What would happen if you mistakenly used more (or fewer) MPI proccesses to run the code (e.g.
mpiexec -np 5 ...
Exercise: scatter and gather (2)
Use scatter and gather on more data
In this exercise you’ll use MPI_Scatter
to split a matrix into row
vectors. The number of rows in the matrix is equal to the number of
processes, and each vector will be stored on the individual processes.
After scatter, you can also use MPI_Gather
to assemble the vectors
into a matrix.
You can find a scaffold for the code scatter-and-gather-2.c
in the
A working solution is
in the solution
subfolder. It’s similar to the broadcast code we saw
earlier. Try to compile with:
mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 scatter-and-gather-2.c -o scatter-and-gather-2
When you have the code compiling, try to run with different number of MPI processes.
Try to get all ranks to report success :-)
One correct pair of calls is:
MPI_Scatter(matrix, size, MPI_FLOAT, vector, 1, MPI_FLOAT, 0, comm); /* ... */ MPI_Gather(matrix_2, size, MPI_FLOAT, vector, size, MPI_FLOAT, 0, comm);
Exercise: scatter and gather (3)
Use scatter and gather to compute inner product of vectors
In this exercise you’ll use MPI_Scatter
to split two vectors into
segments and compute their inner product in parallel.
After scatter, you can use MPI_Reduce
to collect the final result,
and use MPI_Gather
to collect timing information.
You can find a scaffold for the code scatter-and-gather-3.c
in the
A working solution is
in the solution
subfolder. It’s similar to the broadcast code we saw
earlier. Try to compile with:
mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 scatter-and-gather-3.c -o scatter-and-gather-3
When you have the code compiling, try to run with different number of MPI processes.
Try to get rank 0 to report success :-)
See also
MPI applications can scatter and gather data to suit common application patterns.