Communicators and groups
How can we write extensible and safe parallel libraries?
Learn about tagging of messages.
Learn the difference between intracommunicator and intercommunicator.
Learn how to create new communicators.
The use of software libraries allows programmers to develop new software without having to reinvent the wheel every time one is needed. Software components, if properly packaged and documented, can be easily reused and combined to fit the programmers purposes. How can we write high quality libraries that can efficiently exploit parallelism in the message passing model?
Let us have a look at the basic point-to-point communication routines
and MPI_Recv
Point-to-point communication between two sloths. The tag of the message can be used to match messages between sending and receiving partners.
int MPI_Send(const void *buf,
int count,
MPI_Datatype datatype,
int dest,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Recv(void *buf,
int count,
MPI_Datatype datatype,
int source,
int tag,
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status *status)
Both accept a tag
parameter, used to match messages sent and received. As a
library author, one might decide to reserve a certain range of integers for exclusive
use as tags for messages originating from the code. This is however not an
optimal solution:
It imposes a restrictive design onto potential users. This is a choice that is not intrinsic to the problem domain and usually suggests a bad design.
The design is not extensible. What if one runs out of tags and need to add a new one to the reserved list? One may break the API or, worse, interfere with existing tagging in client code.
The library is not, most likely, the only one used. How can one guarantee that the choice of reserved tags is unique?
Clearly, using hard-coded tags to distinguish the origin of messages does not scale with the number of components involved in a software project and will reduce the extensibility and maintainability of the codebase.
All of the above. Note that the behavior also depends on which communicator is used.
Note that MPI_Send
and MPI_Recv
also take a communicator as parameter
and indeed the use of communicators is the solution offered by the MPI standard
for the problems faced by library authors.
Even if one is not writing parallel libraries, it is a good idea to get
acquainted with the concepts of communicators and groups. Communicators
come in two flavors:
Intracommunicators. Essentially a collection of processes that can interact through point-to-point and collective message passing routines.
Intercommunicators. These are collection of processes in disjoint intracommunicators that can interact through message passing.
Intracommunicators are the most commonly occuring flavor. We will only deal with intracommunicators in this lesson and, following general practice, we will simply call them communicators from now on. A communicator consists of:
A group, i.e. an ordered collection of processes. Each process in the group is assigned a rank, a non-negative integer number. The rank uniquely identifies each process in the group.
A context, i.e. a system-defined object that identifies each communicator uniquely. Since the context is unique to the communicator, the same group can span different communicators, without causing issues.
It’s a wonderful MPI_COMM_WORLD
is the default communicator: it is spanned by the group of
processes specified when launching the program:
mpirun -np 2 program
Let’s get reacquainted with some functions with communicators as parameters.
You can find the file with the complete source code in the
Probably the most basic ones are:
, to obtain the size of the group spanning the communicator.MPI_Comm_rank
, to obtain the rank of the calling process in the group spanning the communicator.
We cannot modify the context of a communicator directly, but we can get its
group with the MPI_Comm_group
int MPI_Comm_group(MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group *group)
A group has type MPI_Group
, it is good practice to clean up the memory
used by such an object calling MPI_Group_free
int MPI_Comm_free(MPI_Comm *comm)
What can we do with groups? Quite a lot, it turns out! Processes in a group form a set. We can create new groups by:
explicitly including and excluding processes from an existing group.
performing set operations, such as intersection and difference, between groups.
Exclusion and inclusion of processes are done with integer arrays of ranks, recall that the rank is the unique identifier of a process within a group.
int MPI_Group_excl(MPI_Group group,
int n,
const int ranks[],
MPI_Group *newgroup)
Once we have a group, a call to MPI_Comm_create
will handily give us a
new communicator spanned by the processes in the group.
int MPI_Comm_create(MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group group,
MPI_Comm *newcomm)
The new communicator is an object of MPI_Comm
type, which can be used in
any context where one would have used MPI_COMM_WORLD
. You can clean up
such an object with MPI_Comm_free
What happens when you call MPI_Comm_create
Check the documentation about creating communicators. Which
of the following is true when calling MPI_Comm_create
Every rank in
needs to callMPI_Comm_create
Every rank in
needs to callMPI_Comm_create
Only one rank needs to call
Every rank must call
. Creation of communicators is a collective operation.
Manipulation of groups can be a tedious affair. It is usually more convenient
to create new communicators by splitting existing ones with
int MPI_Comm_split(MPI_Comm comm,
int color,
int key,
MPI_Comm *newcomm)
The existing communicator to split.
The criterion by which to assign the calling process to the new communicator.
The relative rank of the calling process in the group of the new communicator.
The new communicator.
will not overlap.
Warm up your communicators and your groups
Time for some practice! We will run with 4 processes, divide them evenly into two groups and create a new communicator out of them.
You can find a scaffold for the code in the
You will have to complete the source code to compile and run correctly:
follow the hints in the source file. Compile with:
mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 comms-groups-divide-evenly.c -o comms-groups-divide-evenly
A working solution is in the solution
Calculating \(\pi\)
The computation of high-dimensional integrals with Monte Carlo method can be
quite efficient. We will aim at a more modest target here: the calculation
of \(\pi\) by Monte Carlo sampling.
Given a circle of radius 1, the ratio of randomly drawn points inside and
outside the circle will converge to \(\frac{\pi}{4}\).
Rather than have every process invoke rand
separately, we would like to
reserve one single process for that purpose and use all the others to check
whether these points are inside or outside the circle.
To reduce communication traffic, this single process will fill and send a
whole array of random numbers.
You can find a scaffold for the code in the
Only one process will generate random data. Define a
group including all other processes which will be acting as checkers.Define a communicator for the checker processes.
process listens for requests and serves them by sending an array of random data. The scaffold definesREQUEST
group goes through the random data and tallies the number of points inside and outside the circle.Unless we meet the user-provided error threshold, checker processes will request a fresh batch of random data.
Compile with:
mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 pi-monte-carlo.c -o pi-monte-carlo
A working solution is in the solution
See also
Chapters 3, 4, and 6 of the Using MPI book by William Gropp et al. show examples of using the functions described in this episode. [GLS14]
Chapter 7 of the Parallel Programming with MPI book by Peter Pacheco. [Pac97]
You can use tags to differentiate the source of messages, but this approach is neither extensible nor safe.
You can create new communicators by splitting or grouping.