One-sided communication: synchronization


  • What are the pitfalls of RMA?

  • How can we make RMA safe and correct?


  • Learn about active target communication and how to achieve it.

  • Learn about passive target communication and how to achieve it.

What could go wrong?


Steve and Alice are joined by Martha. It is not really clear which value Alice will find in the memory window!


In the last episode, we introduced the concept of epochs in one-sided communication. Recall that an epoch is the execution span occurring between calls to MPI synchronization functions. Calls to MPI_Put, MPI_Get, and MPI_Accumulate must be encapsulated within an access epoch for the memory window. Multiple data transfers can occur within the same epoch, amortizing the performance downsides of synchronization operations.


The timeline of window creation, calls to RMA routines, and synchronization in an application which uses MPI one-sided communication. The creation of MPI_Win objects in each process in the communicator allows the execution of RMA routines. Each access to the window must be synchronized to ensure safety and correctness of the application. Note that any interaction with the memory window must be protected by calls to synchronization routines: even local load/store and/or two-sided communication. The events in between synchronization calls are said to happen in epochs, here represented by vertical purple lines.

Some general rules:

  • Any call to RMA communication functions that take a MPI_Win object as argument, must occur within an access epoch.

  • Memory windows at a given process can be featured in multiple epochs, as long as the epochs do not overlap. Conversely, epochs on distinct memory windows can overlap.

  • Local and non-RMA MPI operations are safe within an epoch.

Active target communication

In active target communication, the synchronization happens both on the origin and the target process.


The origin process issues both synchronization and data movement calls. The target also issues synchronization calls, hence the name active target communication. Synchronization on the target process starts the exposure epoch of its memory window. Synchronization on the origin process starts the access epoch on the target’s memory window. Once the origin process has completed its RMA operations, the programmer must take care to synchronize once more on the origin to close the access epoch. The exposure epoch is closed by yet another synchronization call on the target process.

The structure of an epoch assumes more fine-grained detail:

  • An exposure epoch is enclosed within synchronization calls by the target process. The target process makes known to potential origin processes the availability of its memory window.

  • An access epoch is enclosed within synchronization calls by the origin process. There can be multiple access epochs within the same exposure epoch.

Exposure and access epochs can be interleaved and overlapped, with few caveats:

  • A process’ memory window can be in multiple exposure epochs, as long as these are disjoint.

  • An exposure epoch for a process’ memory window may overlap with exposure epochs on other windows.

  • An exposure epoch for a process’ memory window may overlap with access epochs for the same or other MPI_Win window objects.


Using a fence is possibly the easiest way to realize the active target communication paradigm. These synchronization calls are collective within the communicator underlying the window object.


You can enclose RMA communication within calls to MPI_Win_fence. This is a collective operation on the window object: on the origin process, it opens (closes) the access epoch; on the target process, it opens (closes) the exposure epoch.

RMA communication calls are surrounded by MPI_Win_fence calls. This collective operation opens and closes an access epoch at an origin process and an exposure epoch at a target process. Calls to MPI_Win_fence act similarly to barriers: the MPI implementation will synchronize the sequence of RMA calls occurring between two fences.

During an exposure epoch:

  • You should not perform local accesses to the memory window.

  • Only one remote process can issue MPI_Put.

  • There can be mutiple MPI_Accumulate function calls.


In this exercise, you will have to use active target synchronization with fences to perform a MPI_Get operation. We have seen this strategy in previous examples.

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-4/03_rma-fence folder:

  1. Create a window and attach to a previously allocated buffer with MPI_Win_create

  2. Synchronize with MPI_Win_fence before calling MPI_Get. There were no previous RMA calls, which assertion could be used?

  3. Issue a MPI_Get call on all ranks greater than 0. You want to obtain all of the contents of the buffer on rank 0.

  4. Synchronize again with a fence. Which assertion could be used, knowing that there will be no more RMA calls after?

  5. Don’t forget to free up the window!

A working solution in the solution folder.


The use of MPI_Win_fence can pose constraints on RMA communication and, since it’s a collective operation, might incur performance penalties. Imagine, for example, that you created a window object in a communicator with \(N\) processes, but that only pairs of processes do RMA operations. Fencing these operations will force the whole communicator to synchronize, even though in reality only the interacting pairs should do so.

MPI enables you to have more fine-grained control than fences over synchronization. Exposure epochs on target processes can be opened and closed with:

while opening and closing of access epochs on origin processes is enabled by:


Any process can issue a call to MPI_Win_post to initiate an exposure epoch for a specific group of processes. The access epoch starts with a call to MPI_Win_start and end with a call to MPI_Win_complete. The exposure epoch is closed with MPI_Win_wait (or MPI_Win_test). Exposure and access epochs must pertain to matching process groups. The programmer has to explicitly manage the pairing of exposure and access epochs in this model: all communications partners should be known. With the Post/Start/Complete/Wait calls, MPI lets you implement active target communication with weak synchronization: the call to MPI_Win_start is not required to happen chronologically before the call to MPI_Win_post.


Start an exposure epoch for the memory window on the local calling process. Only the processes in the given group should originate RMA calls. Each process in the origin group has to issue a matching MPI_Win_start call.

int MPI_Win_post(MPI_Group group,
                 int assert,
                 MPI_Win win)


In this exercise, you will have to use active target synchronization with Post/Start/Complete/Wait set of calls to perform a series of MPI_Put operations. We first create a buffer buf with size equal to that of the communicator. On each rank, we initialize it with a rank-dependent value, e.g. rank * 11. The goal is to use MPI_Put such that at index rank of buf on rank 0 we will find the correct rank-dependent value. As an example, using 4 processes the final buf on rank 0 should contain:

[0.0, 11.0, 22.0, 33.0]

Post/Start/Complete/Wait offers more granular control over which processes synchronize with each other. To achieve this, we will be using groups of processes within the communicator that spans the window object. Thus, we also save the ranks of each process in the communicator in an appropriately sized array ranks. This will be used for creating groups.

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-4/04_rma-pswc folder:

  1. Create a window and attach to a previously allocated buffer with MPI_Win_create

  2. Obtain the group corresponding to the communicator with MPI_Comm_group.

  3. On rank 0:

    • Create the group of RMA origin processes. This group contains all processes whose rank is greater than 0. Use MPI_Group_incl and the ranks array.

    • Use MPI_Win_post and MPI_Win_wait to initialize the exposure epoch of the window on rank 0 (the target) for the group of origin processes.

  4. On ranks > 0:

    • Create the group of RMA target processes, which only includes rank 0. Use MPI_Group_incl.

    • Initialize access epoch with MPI_Win_start for the group of target processes.

    • Issue the correct MPI_Put call to store the element at index rank from buf on the origin process into buf on the target process.

    • Terminate the access epoch with MPI_Win_complete.

  5. Don’t forget to free window(s) and group(s).

A working solution in the solution folder.

Passive target communication

This communication paradigm is conceptually close to the shared memory model: the memory managed by the window object is globally accessible to all process in the communicator. This is also called a “billboard” model.


In passive target communication, data movement and synchronization are orchestrated by the origin process alone. The programmer will use MPI_Win_lock and MPI_Win_unlock to achieve passive target communication. Calls to these functions delimit the access epochs. There are no exposure epochs in passive target communication.

Passive target communication can pose challenges for program portability and should only be used when the memory managed by window object has been allocated with:

Lock and unlock

In this exercise, you will have to use passive target synchronization to perform a series of MPI_Put operations. The final result is similar to that of the previous exercise.

We first create a buffer buf with size equal to that of the communicator. On each rank, we initialize it with a rank-dependent value, e.g. rank * 11. The goal is to use MPI_Put such that at index rank of buf on rank 0 we will find the correct rank-dependent value. As an example, using 4 processes the final buf on rank 0 should contain:

[0.0, 11.0, 22.0, 33.0]

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-4/05_rma-lock-unlock folder:

  1. Create a window and attach to a previously allocated buffer with MPI_Win_create

  2. The origin processes are those of rank > 0:

    • Create a lock on the target process (rank 0). What type of lock should you ask?

    • Issue the correct MPI_Put call to store the element at index rank from buf on the origin process into buf on the target process.

    • Release the lock.

  1. Don’t forget to free the window.

Should you do synchronization also on the target process?

A working solution in the solution folder.

Computation of \(\pi\)

As a final RMA exercise, we will rework the calculation of \(\pi\) proposed in the exercise content/code/day-1/09_integrate-pi, which used MPI_Bcast and MPI_Reduce.

We want to use MPI_Accumulate:

  • We designate a manager process that will be the target of the one-sided reduction.

  • All processes in the communicator will work on their own chunk of the integration.

  • Worker processes, i.e. not the manager, are the origin of the one-sided reduction and will accumulate their result on the manager process.

We can use active target synchronization. It’s not a great idea to use a fence: because the communication will be between a pair of processes and a fence forces all processes to synchronize after each call to MPI_Accumulate.

You can find a scaffold in the content/code/day-4/06_rma-pi-pscw folder, which uses Post/Start/Complete/Wait instead.

The general flow is:

  • The process designed as manager holds the number of integration points and performs Post-Wait.

  • All worker processes use Start-Complete to retrieve the number of integration points.

  • All processes work on their chunk of the integration points.

  • All worker processes use Start-Complete to accumulate their result on the manager process.

  • The manager process uses Post-Wait.

Follow the prompts in the scaffold to get your slice of \(\pi\):

  1. Create two windows, one to hold the number of integration points, the other for the value of \(\pi\) computed on each rank.

  2. Create two groups of processes: one only containing rank 0 (the manager process), the other with all other processes in the communicator (the workers).

  3. Obtain the number of points on the worker processes:

    • On the manager process, use Post-Wait.

    • On the worker processes, use MPI_Get, correctly interleaved with Start-Complete.

  4. Aggregate the results:

    • On the worker processes, use MPI_Accumulate, correctly interleaved with Start-Complete.

    • On the manager process, use Post-Wait

  5. Don’t forget to free the windows!

Find a working solution in the solution folder.

Final thoughts

One-sided communication and its use are a bit more complicated than standard two-sided communication in MPI. When and why should one think about using RMA?

  • We can achieve better performance using one-sided communication. This is due mostly to the fact that we can have more granular control over synchronization and data movements.

  • Though the synchronization mechanisms may appear quite convoluted, they’re a more natural fit for cases where one wants to overlap computation and communication.

As a general rule of thumb, you should beware whenever a performance claim is made without showing any numbers. One-sided communication can be efficient, with some caveats:

  1. Software: the quality of its implementation in the MPI library you’re using can be rather poor.

  2. Hardware: the interconnect might have high latency and/or not support RMA natively.

  3. Usage anti-patterns: using the synchronization methods appropriately is key to performance. For example:

    • Using a fence on many processes when only a few of those need to communicate is inefficient (and wasteful).

    • Using locks on many procesess will be poses correctness and efficiency issues.

Some advice in case you decide to use one-sided communication in your code:

  • Run a microbenchmark test suite, for example the OSU suite to check that hardware and software will not be an issue.

  • RMA can lead to improved performance especially when many communication calls can be made within a pair of synchronization calls. If you want to capitalize on this, make sure to group your calls accordingly!

See also

  • The lecture covering MPI RMA from EPCC is available here

  • Chapters 3 and 4 of the Using Advanced MPI by William Gropp et al. [GHTL14]


  • RMA epochs and synchronization.

  • The difference between active and passive synchronization.

  • How and when to use different synchronization models.