Interfacing to C, Fortran, and Python
Why Julia interfacing with other languages?
How interfacing Julia with compiled languages (C and Fortran)?
How interfacing Julia with Python and vice versa?
Instructor note
20 min teaching
20 min exercises
Why Julia interfacing with other languages?
One of the most significant advantages of Julia is its speed. As we have shown in the Episode Motivation, Julia is fast out-of-box without the necessity to do any additional steps. As such, Julia solves the so-called two-language problem.
Since Julia is fast enough, most of the libraries are written in pure Julia, and there is no need to use C or Fortran for performance. However, there are many high-quality, mature libraries for numerical computing already written in C and Fortran. It would be resource-wasting if it is not possible to use them in Julia.
In fact, to allow easy use of existing C and Fortran code, Julia has native support for calling C and Fortran functions. Julia has a no boilerplate philosophy: functions can be called directly from Julia without any glue code generation or compilation – even from the interactive prompt.
In this episode, we will show examples of Julia interfacing with C and Fortran. Extensive description of all provided functionality can be found in the official manual.
Interfacing Julia with C
We can interface to shared C libraries from Julia by using the ccall
By convention, shared libraries are named using the .so
file extension.
Many C libraries ship compiled as shared libraries.
However, if you want to compile the code yourself using GCC or Clang, you will need to use the -shared
and -fPIC
The machine instructions generated by Julia’s just-in-time compiler are the same as for a native C call and therefore the resulting overhead is the same as calling a library function from C code.
The following example is adapted from Calling C from Julia by The Craft of Coding.
Let’s conside the following C function which computes the mean from an array of 64-bit integer values.
We will name the file as mean.c
double mean(long *arr, long n)
long i, sum=0;
double mean;
for (i=0; i<n; i=i+1)
sum = sum + arr[i];
mean = sum / (double)n;
return mean;
Next, we need to compile the code in mean.c
into a shared object named as
We use the GNU C compiler (GCC) with the flags -Wall
to enable warnings, -fpic
to make the shared object relocatable and -shared
to produce a shared object.
A collection of shared objects is usually referred to as a library.
$ gcc -Wall -fpic -shared -o mean.c
Now, we can call the shared object from Julia using the ccall
When calling C functions, the name of the function and the library it lives in are passed as a tuple in the first argument, followed by the return type of the function and the types of the function arguments, and finally the argument themselves.
# Define the array in Julia
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
# Length of the array
n = length(arr)
# We need to convert the inputs because Julia integer type can be 32 or 64-bit
# depending on the system.
arr_c = convert(Vector{Clong}, arr)
n_c = convert(Clong, length(arr))
# Call the shared library
ccall((:mean, "./"), Cdouble, (Ptr{Clong}, Clong), arr_c, n_c)
We can also create a wrapper function for convenient access to the function as follows:
function mean(arr::Vector{Int64}, n::Int64)
ccall((:mean, "./"), Cdouble, (Ptr{Clong}, Clong), arr, n)
function mean(arr::Vector{Int64})
mean(convert(Vector{Clong}, arr), convert(Clong, length(arr)))
The mean.c
file, the shared library
after compilation of the C code, and a Jupyter notebook document julia-c.ipynb
containing the above examples for interfacing Julia with C are provided at the /content/code/interfacing
directory in the github repository.
Interfacing Julia with Fortran
The interfacing of Julia with Fortran is similar to that for interfacing Julia with C via the ccall
It should be noted that the Fortran compilers usually generate mangled names by appending an underscore to the lowercased/uppercased function names during compilation. Therefore, if you want to call a Fortran function using Julia, you must pass the mangled identifier corresponding to the rule followed by your Fortran compiler.
In addition, when calling a Fortran function, all inputs must be passed as pointers to allocated values on the heap or stack. This applies not only to arrays and other mutable objects which are normally heap-allocated, but also to scalar values such as integers and floats which are normally stack-allocated and commonly passed in registers when using C or Julia calling conventions.
Below we provide an example for interfacing Julia with Fortran.
! julia_fortran.f90
module julia_fortran
implicit none
real(8) function add(a, b)
implicit none
real(8), intent(in) :: a, b
add = a + b
end function add
subroutine addsub(x, y, a, b)
implicit none
real(8), intent(out) :: x, y
real(8), intent(in) :: a, b
x = a + b
y = a - b
end subroutine addsub
subroutine concatenate(x, a, b)
implicit none
character(*), intent(out) :: x
character(*), intent(in) :: a, b
x = a // b
end subroutine concatenate
subroutine add_array(x, a, b, n)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(8), intent(out) :: x(n)
real(8), intent(in) :: a(n), b(n)
x = a + b
end subroutine add_array
end module julia_fortran
Then we compile the code julia_fortran.f90
into a shared object named as
gfortran julia_fortran.f90 -O3 -shared -fPIC -o
# if you use Mac OS and come to an error `ld: library not found for -lSystem`
# you can use the command below for compilation
# gfortran julia_fortran.f90 -O3 -shared -fPIC -o -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib
Next we can call the shared object from Julia using the ccall
ccall((:__julia_fortran_MOD_add, "./"), Float64, (Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}), 1.1, 3.5)
# 4.6
In addition, the add
function in the Fortran module can be further wrapped in the following Julia function to simplify the calling convention.
function add(a::Float64, b::Float64)
ccall((:__julia_fortran_MOD_add, "./"), Float64, (Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}), a, b)
# add (generic function with 1 method)
add(6.7, 3.9)
# 10.6
Calling a Fortran subroutine is similar to calling a Fortran function. In fact, the subroutine in Fortran can be regarded as a special function, and its return value is void (corresponding to the Nothing type in Julia).
Here is another Fortran wrapper example.
function addsub(a::Float64, b::Float64)
x = Ref{Float64}()
y = Ref{Float64}()
ccall((:__julia_fortran_MOD_addsub, "./"), Nothing, (Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}), x, y, a, b)
x[], y[]
# addsub (generic function with 1 method)
addsub(5.9, 1.5)
# (7.4, 4.4)
The Fortran subroutine can pass the calculation results to the caller via modifying the values of input parameters.
In this example, x and y are the output results to the caller.
Therefore two pointers should be defined using Ref{Float64}()
and then passed to the Fortran subroutine.
After calling the Fortran subroutine, we will use x[]
and y[]
to extract the results from the addresses the pre-defined pointers pointing to.
The rest of the this process is similar as calling the Fortran function.
Here is another example to concatenate two strings via calling a Fortran subroutine.
function concatenate(a::String, b::String)
x = Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizeof(a) + sizeof(b))
ccall((:__julia_fortran_MOD_concatenate, "./"), Nothing, (Ref{UInt8}, Ref{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt, UInt, UInt), x, Vector{UInt8}(a), b, sizeof(x), sizeof(a), sizeof(b))
# concatenate (generic function with 1 method)
concatenate("Hello ", "Julia!!!")
# "Hello Julia!!!"
Finally, we have the sample to passing to and fetching an output array from the Fortran subroutine.
function add_array(a::Array{Float64,1}, b::Array{Float64,1})
x = Array{Float64,1}(undef, length(a))
ccall((:__julia_fortran_MOD_add_array, "./"), Nothing, (Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{UInt32}), x, a, b, length(x))
# add_array (generic function with 1 method)
add_array([0.2, 1.3, 1.6, 4.6], [-1.8, -0.3, 1.1, 2.4])
# 4-element Vector{Float64}:
# -1.6
# 1.0
# 2.7
# 7.0
The julia_fortran.f90
file and a Jupyter notebook file (julia_fortran.ipynb
) containing the above examples for interfacing Julia with Fortran are provided in the github repository.
Interfacing Julia with Python
Besides interfacing Julia with compiled languages like C and Fortran, it is also possible for Julia to have intensive interactions with interpreted languages, such as Python, which provide a powerful procedure to leverage the strengths of both languages.
Actually we have came to the interfacing of Julia with Python at the Setup section in the ENCCS lesson of Introduction to programming in Julia.
We have demonstrated the creation of Jupyter notebooks in Julia using the IJulia
The Jupyter notebooks support multiple languages, including Julia and Python.
You can write Julia code in one cell and Python code in another, allowing seamless integration.
For specific interactions between Julia and Python, there are two formats, that is, you can call Python from Julia, and you can also call Julia from Python.
Calling Python from Julia
The “standard” way to call Python code in Julia is to use the PyCall package, which has nice features including:
It can automatically download and install a local copy of Python, private to Julia, in order to avoid messing with version dependency from the “main” Python installation and provide a consistent environment within Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
It imports a Python module and provides Julia wrappers for all functions and constants including automatic conversion of types between Julia and Python.
Type conversions are automatically performed for numeric, boolean, string, and I/O streams plus all tuples, arrays, and dictionaries of these types. Other types are converted to the generic PyObject type.
Before calling Python code from Julia, make sure you have PyCall
installed in Julia
using Pkg
Then you can use PyCall to import and call Python functions:
using PyCall
math = pyimport("math")
println(math.sin(math.pi / 4))
Embedding Python code in a Julia program is similar to what we saw with C and Fortran, except that you don’t need (for the most part) to worry about transforming data.
You define and call the Python functions using py-strings (py"..."
), and, in the function call, you can use your Julia data directly.
Note that the py-strings are not part of the Julia itself: they are defined by the PyCall module.
def sumMyArgs(a,b):
return a+b
def getNElement(n):
c = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
return c[n]
# 7
# 2-element Vector{Int64}:
# 8
# 10
# 2-element Vector{Int64}:
# 10
# 11
# 1
It is noted that you don’t need to convert complex data like arrays, and the results are automatically converted to Julia types.
It is very easy to mix Julia and Python code. So if you like a developed module in Python, you can directly use it in Julia.
np = pyimport("numpy")
# PyObject <module 'numpy' from '/Users/XXX/.julia/conda/3/aarch64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/'>
a = np.random.rand(2, 3)
# 2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
# 0.0558569 0.631385 0.109421
# 0.220353 0.547723 0.962298
exp_a = np.exp(a)
# 2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
# 1.05745 1.88021 1.11563
# 1.24652 1.72931 2.6177
(Optional) Calling Julia from Python
The other way around, embedding Julia code in a Python script or terminal, is equally of importance, as in many cases it provides substantial performance gains for Python programmers, and it may be easier than embedding C or Fortran code.
This is achieved using the PyJulia Python package, which is a Python interface to Julia (similar to PyCall being the Julia interface to Python).
Before installing PyJulia
, be sure that the PyCall
module is installed in Julia and that it is using the same Python version as the one from which you want to embed the Julia code.
It should be noted that the name of the package in pip is julia, not PyJulia.
$ python3 -m pip install julia
$ python3
>>> import julia
>>> julia.install()
>>> jl = julia.Julia(compiled_modules=False)
If you have multiple Julia versions, you can specify the one to use in Python by passing julia=”/path/to/julia/binary/executable” (e.g., julia = “/home/myUser/lib/julia-1.1.0/bin/julia”) to the julia.install()
Now you can now access to Julia in multiple ways. For example, you can define all your functions in a Julia script and “include” it.
Herein we have a Julia script named as python_call_julia.jl
, which contains the following Julia code:
function helloWorld()
println("Hello World!")
function sumMyArgs(a, b)
return a+b
function getNElement(n)
c = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
return c[n]
You can access these defined functions in Python with:
>>> jl = julia.Julia(compiled_modules=False)
>>> jl.include("python_call_julia.jl")
<PyCall.jlwrap getNElement>
>>> jl.helloWorld()
Hello World!
>>> jl.sumMyArgs([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
array([5, 7, 9], dtype=int64)
>>> jl.getNElement(1)
# if you get a warning like "FutureWarning: Accessing `Julia().<name>` to obtain Julia objects is deprecated.
# Use `from julia import Main; Main.<name>` or `jl = Julia(); jl.eval('<name>')`.", then you should
# use the command below to get the result
>>> from julia import Main; Main.getNElement(1)
You can otherwise embed Julia code directly into Python using the Julia eval()
>>> jl.eval("""
function func_prod(is, js)
prod = 0
for i in 1:is
for j in 1:js
prod += 1
return prod
Then you can call this function in Python as
>>> jl.func_prod(2, 3)
It should be noted that if you want to run the function in broadcasted mode, i.e., apply the function for each element of a given array.
In Julia, you could use the dot notation, e.g., func_prod.([2,3],[4,5]). But herein you will get an error as this is not a valid Python syntax.
In cases like this, when you can’t simply calling a Julia function using Python syntax, you can still rely to the same Julia eval()
function you used to define the Python function to call it:
>>> jl.eval("func_prod.([2,3],[4,5])")
array([ 8, 15], dtype=int64)
Finally, you can also access any module available in Julia with from julia import ModuleName, and in particular you can set and access global Julia variables using the Main module.
Interfacing Julia with other languages
In addition, it is also possible interfacing Julia with other programming languages using third-party packages. The following table shows an overview of those packages.
Language |
Calling from Julia |
Calling Julia |
R |
Java |
Moreover, other Julia packages provide Julia interface for some well-known libraries from other languages. As an example, we can mention ScikitLearn.jl, which provides an interface for the scikit-learn library from Python or the RDatasets.jl that provides an easy way to load famous R datasets.
See also
Julia have significant interfacing with compiled and interpreted languages to leverage the strengths of both languages.
Interfacing Julia with C and Fortran is accomplished by the
function.Interactions between Julia and Python are achieved via the
package for calling Python from Julia and through thePyJulia
package for calling Julia from Python.