

  • What is the two-language problem?

  • How performant is Julia?

  • What is composability?

  • What will we learn and not learn in this lesson?

Instructor note

  • 15 min teaching

Why was Julia created?

Julia has been designed to be both fast and dynamic. In the words of its developers:

We want a language that’s open source, with a liberal license. We want the speed of C with the dynamism of Ruby. We want a language that’s homoiconic, with true macros like Lisp, but with obvious, familiar mathematical notation like Matlab. We want something as usable for general programming as Python, as easy for statistics as R, as natural for string processing as Perl, as powerful for linear algebra as Matlab, as good at gluing programs together as the shell. Something that is dirt simple to learn, yet keeps the most serious hackers happy. We want it interactive and we want it compiled. (Did we mention it should be as fast as C?)

From Why We Created Julia by Jeff Bezanson Stefan Karpinski Viral B. Shah Alan Edelman


Many researchers and programmers are drawn to Julia because of its speed. Indeed, Julia is among the few languages in the exclusive petaflop club (along with C, C++ and Fortran).


Micro-benchmarks comparing Julia with many other languages. Taken from the Julia benchmarks section

The two-language problem

Combining languages

Have you ever written and prototyped code in a high-level language and then found it necessary to rewrite or port it to a different language for performance?

To run code in any programming language, some sort of translation into machine instructions (assembly code) needs to take place, but how this translation takes place differs between programming languages:

  • Interpreted languages like Python and R translate instructions line by line.

  • Compiled languages like C/C++ and Fortran are translated by a compiler prior to running the program.

The benefits of interpreted languages are that they are easier to read and write because less information on aspects like types and array sizes needs to be provided. Programmer productivity is thus higher in interpreted languages, but compiled languages can perform faster by orders of magnitude because the compiler can perform optimizations during the translation to assembly. This is also known as the two-language problem.

In many ways Julia looks like an interpreted language, and mostly behaves like one. But before each function is executed, the Julia engine Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) will compile it “just in time” (JIT). More on that later. Thus you get the flexibility of an interpreted language and the execution speed of the compiled language at the cost of waiting a bit longer for the first execution of any function.


Julia is highly composable, which means that by writing generic code, components (packages) that have been developed independently can simply be used together and the result is exactly what you would have dreamed about.

A well known example is the interplay between DifferentialEquations.jl, a package for solving differential equations, and Measurements.jl, a package for working with magnitudes where uncertainties are explicitly reckoned. Here’s an example solving the simple pendulum equation:

\[\ddot{\theta} + \frac{g}{L}\theta = 0\]

(adapted from

using DifferentialEquations, Measurements, Plots

g = 9.79 ± 0.02; # Gravitational constants
L = 1.00 ± 0.01; # Length of the pendulum

#Initial Conditions
u₀ = [0 ± 0, π / 3 ± 0.02] # Initial speed and initial angle
tspan = (0.0, 6.3)

#Define the problem
function simplependulum(du,u,p,t)
    θ  = u[1]
     = u[2]
    du[1] = 
    du[2] = -(g/L) * sin(θ)

#Pass to solvers
prob = ODEProblem(simplependulum, u₀, tspan)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), reltol = 1e-6)

plot(sol.t, getindex.(sol.u, 2), label = "Numerical")

The result is a plot of the solution to the differential equation with error bars!


Drawbacks and workarounds

Time to first plot: If you open the Julia REPL and type in a plotting command, it will take a few seconds for the plot to appear because Julia needs to precompile the fairly large Plots.jl package. This makes Julia unsuitable for small scripts that get called frequently to perform light work.

  • Workaround 1: Use instead long-running REPL sessions

  • Workaround 2: One can use PackageCompiler.jl to create a precompiled package including Julia’s base libraries which can be run on a different computer.

Ecosystem: The ecosystem of packages is less mature than e.g. Python and R, so you might not find a package that corresponds exactly to your favorite package in another language.

  • Workaround 1: It’s straightforward to use external libraries in Python or R

  • Workaround 2: Writing fast Julia code is easier than in most other languages so you might consider writing your own version!

Rapid package evolution: Although most major packages have stabilized, there are still many packages that go through frequent large changes that can break your code.

  • Workaround: Julia comes with a powerful package manager and in-built support for isolated software environments where dependencies can be recorded exactly.

Large memory footprint: Because of precompilation of Julia’s Base libraries the runtime of a running process can be very large. This can take away valuable memory for actual computation.

  • Workaround: There are plans to enable building more lightweight runtimes in future versions of Julia.

What you will learn

  • What’s different in Julia compared to most other languages.

  • How to efficiently develop Julia packages and write unit tests.

  • How to benchmark and profile Julia code.

  • How to write efficient serial code.

  • How to use multithreading, multiprocessing and MPI.

  • How to write Julia code for GPUs.

We will be focusing on high-level performance considerations and parallelization approaches and not dig deep into low-level aspects. There is always a tradeoff; to squeeze as much performance out of a code as possible one often needs to drop down to lower levels of memory management, interprocess communication etc. But using higher-level approaches can lead to significant performance gain for many scientific problems which makes it a good (initial) time investment.

What you will not learn

  • We will only be scratching the surface of the topics we do cover. Make sure to go through the recommended additional reading at the end of each episode if you want to learn more.

  • How to interoperate with other languages. Calling code in Python, R, C/C++ and Fortran is relatively straightforward but is outside the current scope.

  • Julia has mature packages for scientific computing in many different scientific disciplines. An overview of the package ecosystem will be provided but we will not go into any details.

See also