Introduction to Julia syntax
How do I run Julia?
What does basic Julia syntax look like?
Instructor note
30 min teaching
20 min exercises
This episodes provides a condensed overview of Julia’s main syntax and features.
Video alternative
As an alternative to going through this page, learners can also watch this video which covers “a 300 page book on Julia in one hour”.
Coming from other languages
If you are coming from MATLAB, R, Python, C/C++ or Common Lisp, you should also have a look at this page which lists the respective differences in Julia.
Running Julia
We can write Julia code in various ways:
REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop). Start it by typing
(or the full path of your Julia executable) on your command line. The REPL has four modes:Julian mode - default mode where prompt starts with
. Here you enter Julia expressions and see output.Type
to go to Help mode where prompt starts withhelp?>
. Julia will print help/documentation on anything you enter.Type
to go to Shell mode where prompt starts withshell>
. You can type any shell commands as you would from terminal.Type
to go to Package mode where prompt starts with(@v1.5) pkg>
(if you have Julia version 1.5). Here you can add packages withadd
, update packages withupdate
etc. To see all options type?
.To exit any non-Julian mode, hit Backspace key.
Jupyter: Jupyter notebooks are familiar to many Python and R users.
Pluto.jl: Pluto offers a similar notebook experience to Jupyter, but in contrast to Jupyter, Pluto understands global references between cells, and reactively re-evaluates cells affected by a code change.
Visual Studio Code (VSCode):
a full-fledged Integrated Development Environment which is very useful for larger codebases. Extensions are needed to activate Julia inside VSCode, see the official documentation for instructions.
A text editor like nano, emacs, vim, etc., followed by running your code with
julia filename.jl
Firing up Julia
If Julia has been installed according to the instructions in
Setup it should be possible to open up a Julia session by
typing julia
in a terminal window or by clicking on the Julia
application in a file browser. The result should look something like this:

Using Julia on the LUMI cluster.
Add CSC’s local module files to the module path, then load the Julia module, and check the current version of Julia.
module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles
module load julia
julia --version
Basic syntax
Feature |
Example syntax and its result/meaning |
Arithmetic |
Types |
Special values |
Let us explore some basic types in the Julia REPL:
# Int64
# Float64
# ComplexF64
# (Float64, AbstractFloat, Real, Number, Any)
# 4-element Vector{Any}:
# AbstractFloat
# AbstractIrrational
# Integer
# Rational
Vectors and arrays
Feature |
Example syntax and its result/meaning |
1D arrays |
Indexing and slicing |
Multidimensional arrays |
Manipulating arrays |
splice!(a, 3, -1)
Rm in given pos and replace |We can play around with Vectors and Arrays to get used to their syntax:
v1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
# 3-element Vector{Int64}:
m1 = [1.0 2.0 3.0]
# 1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
# broadcasting
v2 = v1.^2
v3 = v2 .- v1
# slicing
# combine vectors into matrix
A = [v1 v2 [7.0, 6.0, 5.0]]
A[1:2, 1] = [3,3] # types are cast automatically
# solve Ax=b
b = [4.0, 3.0, 2.0]
x = A \ b
# test with matrix-vector multiply
A*x == b
# true
Loops and conditionals
loops iterate over iterables, including types like Range
, Array
, Set
and Dict
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]
println("i = $i")
A = [1 2; 3 4]
# visit each index of A efficiently
for i in eachindex(A)
println("i = $i, A[i] = $(A[i])")
for (k, v) in Dict("A" => 1, "B" => 2, "C" => 3)
println("$k is $v")
for (i, j) in ([1, 2, 3], ("a", "b", "c"))
println("$i $j")
Conditionals work like in other languages.
if x > 5
println("x > 5")
elseif x < 5 # optional elseif
println("x < 5")
else # optional else
println("x = 5")
The ternary operator exists in Julia:
a ? b : c
The meaning is [condition] ? [execute if true] : [execute if false].
While loops:
n = 0
while n < 10
n += 1
A function is an object that maps a tuple of argument values to a return value.
Example of a regular, named function:
function f(x,y)
x + y # can also use "return" keyword
A more compact form:
f(x,y) = x + y
This function can be called by f(4,5)
The expression f
refers to the function object, and can be passed
around like any other value (functions in Julia are first-class objects):
g = f
Functions can be combined by composition:
f(x) = x^2
g(x) = sqrt(x)
f(g(3)) # returns 3.0
An alternative syntax is to use ∘ (typed by \circ<tab>
(f ∘ g)(3) # returns 3.0
Most operators (+
, -
, *
etc) are in fact functions, and can be used as such:
+(1, 2, 3) # 6
# composition:
(sqrt ∘ +)(3, 6) # 3.0 (first summation, then square root)
Just like Vectors and Arrays can be operated on element-wise (vectorized)
by dot-operators (e.g., [1, 2, 3].^2
), functions can also be vectorized (broadcasting):
sin.([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
Keyword arguments can be added after ;
function greet_dog(; greeting = "Hi", dog_name = "Fido") # note the ;
println("$greeting $dog_name")
greet_dog(dog_name = "Coco", greeting = "Go fetch") # "Go fetch Coco"
Optional arguments are given default value:
function date(y, m=1, d=1)
month = lpad(m, 2, "0") # lpad pads from the left
day = lpad(d, 2, "0")
date(2021) # "2021-01-01
date(2021, 2) # "2021-02-01
date(2021, 2, 3) # "2021-02-03
Argument types can be specified explicitly:
function f(x::Float64, y::Float64)
return x*y
Return types can also be specified:
function g(x, y)::Int8
return x * y
Additional methods can be added to functions simply by new definitions with different argument types:
function f(x::Int64, y::Int64)
return x*y
To find out which method is being dispatched for a particular function call:
@which f(3, 4)
As functions in Julia are first-class objects, they can be passed as arguments to other functions. Anonymous functions are useful for such constructs:
map(x -> x^2 + 2x - 1, [1, 3, -1]) # passes each element of the vector to the anonymous function
Varargs functions can take an arbitrary number of arguments:
f(a,b,x...) = a + b + sum(x)
f(1,2,3) # 6
f(1,2,3,4) # 10
“Splatting” is when values contained in an iterable collection are split into individual arguments of a function call:
x = (3, 4, 5)
f(1,2,x...) # 15
# also possible:
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
f(x...) # 15
Julia functions can be piped (chained) together:
1:10 |> sum |> sqrt # 7.416198487095663 (first summed, then square root)
Inbuilt functions ending with !
mutate their input variables, and this
convention should be adhered to when writing own functions.
Compare, for example:
A = [1 2; 3 4]
sum(A) # gives 10
sum!([1 1], A) # mutates A into 1x2 Matrix with elements 4, 6
Working with files
Obtain a file handle to start reading from file, and then close it:
f = open("myfile.txt")
# work with file...
The recommended way to work with files is to use a do-block. At the end of the do-block the file will be closed automatically:
open("myfile.txt") do f
# read from file
lines = readlines(f)
Writing to a file:
open("myfile.txt", "w") do f
write(f, "another line")
Some useful functions to work with files:
Function |
What it does |
Show current directory |
Change directory |
Return list of current directory |
Create directory |
Add current dir to filename |
Join two paths |
Check if path is a directory |
Split path into tuple of dirname and filename |
Return home directory |
Exception handling
Exceptions are thrown when an unexpected condition has occurred:
DomainError with -1.0:
sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
[1] throw_complex_domainerror(::Symbol, ::Float64) at ./math.jl:33
[2] sqrt at ./math.jl:573 [inlined]
[3] sqrt(::Int64) at ./math.jl:599
[4] top-level scope at In[130]:1
[5] include_string(::Function, ::Module, ::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1091
Exceptions can be handled with a try/catch block:
catch e
println("caught the error: $e")
caught the error: DomainError(-1.0, "sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).")
Exceptions can be created explicitly with throw:
function negexp(x)
if x>=0
return exp(-x)
throw(DomainError(x, "argument must be non-negative"))
The @assert
macro can be used to throw an AssertionError if a condition does not hold:
@assert iseven(3) "3 is an odd number!"
# ERROR: AssertionError: 3 is an odd number!
The scope of a variable is the region of code within which a variable is visible. Certain constructs introduce scope blocks:
Modules introduce a global scope that is separate from the global scopes of other modules.
There is no all-encompassing global scope.
Functions and macros define hard local scopes.
for, while and try blocks and structs define soft local scopes.
When x = 123
occurs in a local scope, the following rules apply:
Existing local: If x is already a local variable, then the existing local
is assigned.Hard scope: If
is not already a local variable, a new local namedx
is created in the same scope.Soft scope: If
is not already a local variable, its behavior depends on whether global variablex
is defined:if global
is undefined, a new local namedx
is created.if global
is defined, the assignment is considered ambiguous.
x = 123 # global
# hard scope
function greet()
x = "hello" # new local
greet() # gives "hello"
println(x) # gives 123
function greet2()
global x = "hello"
println(x) # gives "hello" (global x redefined)
# soft scope
x = 123
for i in 1:3
x = i
# returns 3
x = 123
for i in 1:3
local x = i
# returns 123
Further details can be found at HERE.
Style conventions
Names of variables are in lower case.
Word separation can be indicated by underscores (_), but use of underscores is discouraged unless the name would be hard to read otherwise.
Names of Types and Modules begin with a capital letter and word separation is shown with upper camel case instead of underscores.
Names of functions and macros are in lower case, without underscores.
Functions that write to their arguments have names that end in
. These are sometimes called “mutating” or “in-place” functions because they are intended to produce changes in their arguments after the function is called, not just return a value.
Practice yourself
Was anything unclear or covered too fast in the walkthrough above? Revisit it, read the material, play around yourself and ask questions in the shared workshop document!
Row vs column-major ordering?
Based on the output of the following loop:
A = [1 2; 3 4]
# visit each index of A efficiently
for i in eachindex(A)
println("i = $i, A[i] = $(A[i])")
can you tell whether Julia is row or column-major ordered? (i.e., whether arrays are stacked one row or one column at a time in memory)
This code produces the following output:
# i = 1, A[i] = 1
# i = 2, A[i] = 3
# i = 3, A[i] = 2
# i = 4, A[i] = 4
which shows that Julia loops over columns since it’s a column-major language!
Reading files
Write a function which opens and reads a file and returns the number of words in it. Here are example codes for this task in other languages which you can translate:
def count_word_occurrence_in_file(file_name, word):
Counts how often word appears in file file_name.
Example: if file contains "one two one two three four"
and word is "one", then this function returns 2
count = 0
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
count += words.count(word)
return count
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
/* Counts how often word appears in file fname.
* Example: if file contains "one two one two three four"
* and word is "one", then this function returns 2
int count_word_occurrence_in_file(std::string fname, std::string word) {
std::ifstream fh(fname);
std::string text((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fh)),
auto word_count = 0lu; // will be used for indexing and therefore it has to be *long unsigned* int for the safe conversion to 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>::size_type'.
auto count = 0;
for (const auto ch : text) {
if (ch == word[word_count]) ++word_count;
if (word[word_count] == '\0') {
word_count = 0;
return count;
#' Counts how often a given word appears in a file.
#' @param file_name The name of the file to search in.
#' @param word The word to search for in the file.
#' @return The number of times the word appeared in the file.
count_word_occurrence_in_file <- function(file_name, word) {
count <- 0
for (line in readLines(file_name)) {
words <- strsplit(line, ' ')[[1]]
count <- count + sum(words == word)
count_word_occurrence_in_file(file_name::String, word::String)
Counts how often word appears in file file_name.
Example: if file contains "one two one two three four"
And word is "one", then this function returns 2
function count_word_occurrence_in_file(file_name::String, word::String)
open(file_name, "r") do file
lines = readlines(file)
return count(word, join(lines))
Write a program that prints the integers from 1 to 100 (inclusive), except that:
for multiples of three, print “Fizz” instead of the number
for multiples of five, print “Buzz” instead of the number
for multiples of both three and five, print “FizzBuzz” instead of the number
If you prefer translating a FizzBuzz code from your favorite language to Julia, you can find it on Rosetta Code.
for i in 1:100
if i % 15 == 0
elseif i % 3 == 0
elseif i % 5 == 0
On the Rosetta Code page for FizzBuzz you find several other Julia versions.