OpenACC: Analysis

Steps in porting code to GPUs

  • The three key steps in porting to high performance accelerated code:

    1. Analyze/Identify parallelism

    2. Express data movement and parallelism

    3. Optimize data movement and loop performance

    4. Go back to 1!

  • Analyze your code to determine most likely places needing parallelization or optimization.

  • Parallelize your code by starting with the most time consuming parts and check for correctness.

  • Optimize your code to improve observed speed-up from parallelization.

  • One should generally start the process at the top with the analyze step. For complex applications, it’s useful to have a profiling tool available to learn where your application is spending its execution time and to focus your efforts there. Since our example code is quite a bit simpler than a full application, we’ll skip profiling the code and simply analyze the code by reading it

Compiler diagnostics

  • Compiler diagnostics is usually the first thing to check when starting the OpenACC work

    • It can tell you what operations were actually performed

    • Data copies that were made

    • If and how the loops were parallelized

  • The diagnostics is very compiler dependent

    • Compiler flags

    • Level and formatting of information

  • Diagnostics is controlled by compiler flag -Minfo=option

  • Useful options:

    • accel – operations related to the accelerator

    • all – print all compiler output

    • intensity – print loop computational intensity info

Work sharing construct: loop

  • Define a loop to be parallelized
    • C/C++: #pragma acc loop [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc loop [clauses]

    • Must be followed by a C/C++ or Fortran loop construct.

    • Combined constructs with parallel and kernels
      • #pragma acc kernels loop / !$acc kernels loop

      • #pragma acc parallel loop / !$acc parallel loop

  • Similar in functionality to OpenMP for/do construct

  • Loop index variables are private variables by default

Example: Adding two vectors


$ pgcc -g -O3 -acc -Minfo=acc sum_parallel.c -o sum

   21, Generating copy(vecA[:],vecB[:],vecC[:]) [if not already present]
   23, Generating Tesla code
       25, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */

$ pgcc -g -O3 -acc -Minfo=accel sum_kernels.c -o sum

   21, Generating copy(vecA[:],vecB[:],vecC[:]) [if not already present]
   23, Loop is parallelizable
       Generating Tesla code
       23, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */

Example: PGI_ACC_TIME=1

 $ cat slurm-13186502.out  #output of sum_parallel.c

 Accelerator Kernel Timing data
 main  NVIDIA  devicenum=0
   time(us): 451
   21: data region reached 2 times
       21: data copyin transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=245 max=100 min=71 avg=81
       29: data copyout transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=206 max=72 min=67 avg=68
   23: compute region reached 1 time
       23: kernel launched 1 time
           grid: [800]  block: [128]
           elapsed time(us): total=41 max=41 min=41 avg=41
  Reduction sum: 1.2020569031119108

$ cat slurm-13186514.out

Accelerator Kernel Timing data
 main  NVIDIA  devicenum=0
   time(us): 453
   21: data region reached 2 times
       21: data copyin transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=247 max=100 min=72 avg=82
       26: data copyout transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=206 max=73 min=66 avg=68
   23: compute region reached 1 time
       23: kernel launched 1 time
           grid: [800]  block: [128]
           elapsed time(us): total=40 max=40 min=40 avg=40
Reduction sum: 1.2020569031119108

NVIDIA nvprof

  • NVIDIA nvprof provides a simple interface to collect on a target without using the GUI. (new NSight system)

    • GPU profiling capabilities: High-level usage statistics, Timeline collection, Analysis metrics

    • basic CPU sampling

The Himeno stencil benchmark

Solving Poisson’s equation for incompressible fluid by the Jacobi iteration method.



$ srun -n 1 nvprof --cpu-profiling on --cpu-profiling-mode top-down ./himeno.x
======== CPU profiling result (top down):
Time(%)      Time  Name
85.74%    18.16s  jacobi
 7.46%     1.58s  initmt
 0.94%     200ms  | ???
 6.75%     1.43s  __c_mcopy4_sky
 0.05%      10ms  __c_mcopy4


  • Profiling is essential for optimization

  • NVPROF and NVVP for NVIDIA platform