Introduction to Analysator

Why we teach this lesson

Here we introduce the use of Analysator python tools for plotting and accessing .vlsv data.

The Analysator tool package contains .vlsv file accessing routines, helper routines, data post-processing libraries, and a handful of useful plotting scripts. The Analysator files and routines are designed to act as a starting point for more involved python post-processing of Vlasiator data, not as an end point, and as such, can and should be extended by the end-user.

Intended learning outcomes

You shall learn how to open a .vlsv file in Analysator, how to view file contents, and how to perform plotting of Vlasiator spatial data in 2D and 3D. You will practice accessing Vlasov grid, FSgrid, and ionospheric grid data. You will learn about some of the most useful Analysator plotting options.


Preparing exercises

Clone the Analysator git repository onto the computer where you intend to use it. Vlasiator .vlsv output files can be quite large, but at the same time you should have access to a graphical interface on the machine.

For cloning, you can use the SSH or the HTTP method.

cd $HOME
git clone
git clone

Next, you should set your PYTHONPATH variable to include your Analysator install directory. One way is to add this line to your startup script: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/analysator

Analysator on LUMI with jupyterhub

For this introductory course, we will be using analysator in an interactive manner through the web interface at

Log in and select a Jupyter session (not Jupyter for courses). Verify that you have the correct project selected (project_465000693) and the interactive partition. You may want to select more than just 1 CPU in order to have enough memory to open large files. In settings, select “advanced” and type the following into the window “Script to start”:

module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles/
module load pytorch/2.1
export PTNOLATEX=1

N.B. Remember to include the semicolon at the end of the last line! Next, launch the Jupyter session. Once your job has queued and launched, you can launch the Jupyter session and verify operation by importing Analysator. Type the command in the window and execute with shift+Enter.

[1]: import pytools as pt
Using LaTeX formatting
Using backend module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline
Using matplotlib version 3.8.1


Analysator required packages on other systems

Analysator should work mostly equally well on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x. However, versions prior to Python 3.8 no longer receive security support and are thus not recommended. Use of iPython, jupyter, or a similar interface is recommended for ease of use.

Analysator only requires a small selection of python libraries, namely matplotlib, scipy>1.7 and numpy. On modern systems, these should be pre-installed. Some legacy sections of Analysator also use MayaVi2 but those are no longer updated or supported.

To verify the availability of required libraries, it is suggested to try importing Analysator in python:

In [1]: import pytools as pt
Using LaTeX formatting
Using backend module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline
Using matplotlib version 3.8.1

In [2]:

Other practical aspects

A TeX Live installation (or similar) is recommended for formatting of plotting text. If one is not available on the target system, output can be forced to use TeX-like markup supported directly by matplotlib. This is achieved by setting the system variable export PTNOLATEX=1. This will negatively impact output of e.g. bolded text, but is required on e.g. the LUMI web interface.

On systems without an x-windowing system such as compute nodes on a cluster (or if using it is prohibitively slow due to e.g. network weather), Analysator can be set to ignore X-windowing and use a non-interactive frontend by setting the system variable export PTNONINTERACTIVE=1. In this case, outputs are generated into .png files and should be transferred to another system for viewing. This is the suggested approach when using a batch job to generate several images/frames in order to e.g. build a movie.

If necessary, the matplotlib frontend can be declared manually with a system variable, for example, `export PTBACKEND=Qt5Agg`

The default directory for image file output for some Analysator plotting tools is $HOME/Plots. This setting can be altered with the system variable export PTOUTPUTDIR=/target/directory/.

Analysator function options

The formalism of providing Analysator plotting functions with arguments is similar to matlab or IDL, utilizing keywords. Many keywords have a default value of e.g. None, which the code checks against.

Interactive help

Most Analysator functions and classes contain up-to-date help, which is accessable in the python interpreter:


Interactive plots

On some systems you can activate interactive backends in Jupyter notebooks by issuing the command %matplotlib ipympl or %matplotlib notebook before importing pytools. This is not supported on the LUMI web interface.

Reading data

Access to Vlasiator output .vlsv files is handled through the Vlsvreader class. There are a number of useful plotting routines which do not require editing the data directly, but for any in-depth scripting, direct access routines are likely necessary.


Open a file for access by creating a VlsvReader object.


Listing available variables

Within python, you can list available variables as a concise list, or as a list of all available data reducers and operators:


Reading in vlasov grid (MPIgrid) variables

In older Vlasiator versions (before 5.0, simulation identifier second letter A through F) most variables are saved on the MPIgrid and there is no identifying naming convention. Since version 5.0, with simulation version identifier letters starting from G, vlasov grid variables are prepended with vg_. Note that for per-population variables, this is placed after the population name.

Variables are read and returned as numpy arrays. MPIgrid (Vlasov grid) cell scalar variables are returned as a simple 1-dimensional array. Vectors, tensors and so on have additional dimensions tacked on. Note that the ordering of CellIDs (and thus, the corresponding order of proton number densities and all other MPIgrid variables) will vary between files. The list of MPIgrid CellIDs and the corresponding proton number densities can be found with

cellids = f.read_variable('cellid')
rho = f.read_variable('proton/vg_rho')

In order to use the read data, it needs to be sorted and rearranged to correspond with the spatial grid structure. If the grid is 2-D and AMR was not used, this is relatively straightforward. Select the coordinate sizes to match the simulation domain.

[xsize, ysize, zsize] = f.get_spatial_mesh_size()
rho_shaped = rho[cellids.argsort()].reshape([ysize,xsize])

For vector data, use

bvol = f.read_variable('vg_b_vol')
bvol_shaped = bvol[cellids.argsort()].reshape([ysize,xsize,3])

Reading in vlasov grid (MPIgrid) AMR variables

Since the AMR mesh is not refined in blocks but rather as an octree-mesh, the cells from which the refined mesh consists of does not directly translate to a 2D array. Re-sampling the input data is a somewhat involved process, and the interested reader can peruse the contents of e.g. the pyPlots/ file for a working example.

Reading in field solver grid (FSgrid) variables

Since Vlasiator version 5.0, field solver grid (FSgrid) variables can be output and are prepended with fg_. FSgrid variables are returned as a numpy array, pre-sorted by the reading routine, with dimensions matching the spatial dimensions and, if applicable, vector size. For example, reading volumetric B-fields might yield an array of shape (1024, 736, 736, 3). There is a separate routine for reading FSgrid variables, but the standard read_variable() routine will redirect to the FSgrid routine if an FSgrid variable is requested.

fg_b = f.read_fsgrid_variable('fg_b')

Please note that FSgrid variables do not support reading via CellID. Transforming CellIDs to coordinates and to FSgrid file indices is possible via functions provided by pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader but are outside the scope of this introductory tutorial.

Reading variables with metadata

Since Vlasiator 5.0, metadata is included for stored variables. The function read_variable_info returns an object with the following fields: data (as per the read_variable or read_fsgrid_variable call), name, units, latex (LaTeX-formatted name), latexunits (LaTeX-formatted unit)

vg_b_vol_with_info = f.read_variable_info('vg_b_vol')

Reading spatial cut-throughs

Reading a spatial profile through the simulation can be achieved with the cut_through() method. This supports only Vlasov grid data, not FSgrid data. AMR support is not yet included. Select the starting and final positions and read the line profile with


here f is the .vlsv file used for reading, pos1 and pos2 are XYZ coordinates (in metres) and the returned structure contains the relevant cellIDs (cut[0]) and position along the cut (cut[1], in metres). You can read the actual cut data with


Plot the data with

ax.plot(cut[1].data/Re, variable)

Instead of reading all cells along a cut, there exists an alternative function which proceeds primarily along the cut in the dominant cartesian direction and returns one cellID per row/column.

cut = pt.calculations.cut_through_step(f, pos1, pos2)

Writing Data with VlsvWriter

From time to time, one may wish to perform more involved operations on the grid, and re-use them later. VlsvWriter can be used to save derived data on SpatialGrid. It operates by copying the grid metadata and data layout from an existing file at initialization, and can thereafter be used to store the results of more involved processing.

f = pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader(input_file)
# Initialize, copy only the SpatialGrid mesh
writer = pt.vlsvfile.VlsvWriter(f, output_file, copy_meshes=['SpatialGrid'])
# Copy some list of variables as a baseline. varlist accepts datareducer variables as well.

# Do some heavy lifting that you don't want to repeat each time:
orthogonality = lengthy_calculation_for_orthogonality(f)
# Take care that this variable is compatible with the SpatialGrid variables,
# and that is has the same memory layout as CellIDs!

# Wrap the result with metadata
varinfo = pt.calculations.VariableInfo(orthogonality,

# Write the result to SpatialGrid with the output_file writer
writer.write_variable_info(varinfo, 'SpatialGrid', 1,)

Interesting questions you might get

Q: Why are the output formats so convoluted?

A: They are optimized for run-time performance, so that each MPI task can simply pour its data into one contiguous region on-disk via MPI writes.

A2: Evolution over time leads to interesting design choices.

Typical pitfalls

  • Read Vlasov grid data and forget the order the cells based on CELLIDS

  • Read FSGrid data and accidentally order that also according to CELLIDS