How to configure Vlasiator for performance

Why we teach this lesson

Vlasiator requires a lot of resources to run, but thankfully it scales pretty well (super-linearly, even!). Good scaling requires, however, understanding of the system in use, and knowing how to profile and optimize the HPC environment from balancing threads vs tasks to parallel I/O. Here we introduce built-in Vlasiator profiling tools, rules-of-thumb for setting up the Slurm batch jobs, LUSTRE striping and ROMIO flags relevant to LUMI.

Intended learning outcomes

The user understands how to run Vlasiator, how to scale it and the options to affect scaling properties and can benchmark scaling.


Tue afternoon.

Preparing exercises

Scaling exercise: few configurations to set up. Template file is decent, template jobscripts exist.

Running Vlasiator

The recipe for a Vlasiator run. We use a benchmarking run for this exercise.

  1. Folder to run the simulation. Use scratch for Lustre, our training project scratch is in /scratch/project_465000693/ - make yourself a folder there with your username for your use.

  2. vlasiator executable.

  • These store versioning information, including git hashes and possible diffs. Probably a good idea to copy the executable to your run folder!

  1. A Vlasiator configuration file. We will inspect our scaling test config soon, copy it from /scratch/project_465000693/example_runs/scaling/baseline/Flowthrough_amr.cfg

  2. Auxiliary input files for Vlasiator.

  • In this case, grab also the sw1.dat file from the above folder. This one defines inflow plasma parameters.

  • NRLMSIS.dat is another possibility, for an ionospheric profile for magnetospheric runs with an ionosphere.

  1. A Slurm job script, for defining and requesting the HPC environment. Grab from the above folder.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=PEPSC-demo-debug
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --mem=0
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --time=0:30:00
#SBATCH --account=project_465000693
##SBATCH --hint=multithread
#SBATCH --exclusive # enforced on >=standard partitions, not on small
##SBATCH --dependency=singleton # useful for restarting


#export OMP_PLACES=cores
#export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread

echo "We use "${TASKS_PER_NODE}" tasks per node"


ulimit -c unlimited
export PHIPROF_PRINTS=detailed
umask 007

module --force purge
module load LUMI/22.08
module load cpeGNU
module load craype-x86-milan
module load papi
module load Boost
module load Eigen

module list


squeue --job $SLURM_JOB_ID -l

sleep 5

srun ./vlasiator --version

sleep 5

srun ./vlasiator --run_config Flowthrough_amr.cfg \
        #--restart.filename $( ls restart/restart*vlsv | tail -n 1 )

The Vlasiator Configuration file

The configuration file uses the Boost program_options library. You can extract all available options by running ./vlasiator --help. There’s plenty, so you may want to pipe that into a text file… but we have done that for you, see the Vlasiator cfg reference!

Let’s inspect the benchmark case config, here:

# The root options describe toplevel solver properties and populations
ParticlePopulations = proton

project = Flowthrough
propagate_field = 1
propagate_vlasov_acceleration = 1
propagate_vlasov_translation = 1
dynamic_timestep = 1

# <population>_properties, multiple populations are supported!
mass = 1
mass_units = PROTON
charge = 1

# Adaptive Mesh Refinement - new development!
max_spatial_level = 2             # Maximum number of refinements
max_allowed_spatial_level = 2     # *Currently* allowed number of refinements
                                  # - can be increased after restarts, gradually!
adapt_refinement = 1

# tuning parameters
use_alpha1 = 1
alpha1_coarsen_threshold = 0.1
alpha1_refine_threshold = 0.4
use_alpha2 = 1
alpha2_refine_threshold = 1

# Cadence and safeties
refine_on_restart = 0
refine_cadence = 4            # refinement cadence is in units of load balances
refine_after = 50.0           # First adapt after 50s from start of run
refine_radius = 7320e6        # We do not want to refine outer boundary cells

# Spatial grid parameters - coarsest level grid.
x_length = 48
y_length = 12
z_length = 12
x_min = -16e7
x_max = 16e7
y_min = -4e7
y_max = 4e7
z_min = -4e7
z_max = 4e7
t_max = 400.0
dt = 2.0

# <population>_vspace - velocity grid definitions per population
vx_min = -1.92e6
vx_max = +1.92e6
vy_min = -1.92e6
vy_max = +1.92e6
vz_min = -1.92e6
vz_max = +1.92e6
# vi_length are in units of block width (4, so far)
# - these define 64x64x64 velocity-space cells over +-1.92e6 m/s.
# -> dv = 61.250 km/s for this case
vx_length = 16
vy_length = 16
vz_length = 16

diagnostic_write_interval = 1
write_initial_state = 0

# Reduced data writeouts
system_write_t_interval = 10.0
system_write_file_name = bulk

# These set up strides for saving VDF data in the reduced data readouts
system_write_distribution_stride = 0
system_write_distribution_xline_stride = 0
system_write_distribution_yline_stride = 0
system_write_distribution_zline_stride = 0

# Reduced data outputs
output = populations_vg_rho
output = populations_vg_v
output = populations_vg_ptensor
output = fg_e
output = fg_b
output = vg_boundarytype
output = vg_boundarylayer
output = vg_rank
output = vg_b_vol_derivatives
output = vg_amr_alpha
output = vg_amr_jperb
output = vg_loadbalance_weight
output = populations_vg_blocks
diagnostic = populations_vg_blocks

# Declare boundary conditions
periodic_x = no
periodic_y = yes
periodic_z = yes
boundary = Outflow
boundary = Maxwellian

precedence = 3

# NB population-specific boundary conditions!
face = x+
#face = y-
#face = y+
#face = z-
#face = z+

precedence = 4
face = x-

dynamic = 0
# select the sw1.dat file for inflow Maxwellian parameters
file_x- = sw1.dat

minValue = 1.0e-15

# Project settings
Bx = 1.0e-9
By = 1.0e-9
Bz = 1.0e-9

# Population-specific project settings - initial condition
T = 1.0e5
rho  = 1.0e6
VX0 = 1e5
VY0 = 0
VZ0 = 0

# algorithm = RIB
algorithm = RCB
optionKey = RCB_RECTILINEAR_BLOCKS # Recommended to use with RCB
optionValue = 1
rebalanceInterval = 5 # in timesteps

# Safety bailouts (stores restart for potential recovery)
velocity_space_wall_block_margin = 0

Checking the configuration file

In the source code we have a script tools/ that helps you checking that every option in your config file is sane. As of February 2024 needs a slight modification to run on LUMI, remove “mpirun” from the quotes in the first line and just leave a space “ “. If you have to use a specific launcher to run the binary in your system, insert that instead. Run with ` ./ ./vlasiator ./<your cfg file> ` and it prints - a list of options you could have used but are not explicitly in your cfg file - a list of output variables you could have listed but are not using - a list of invalid options in your cfg file (fix/remove those!) - a list of invalid output variables in your cfg file (fix/remove those too!)

Performance monitoring

Logfile.txt can be used for basic monitoring.

phiprof is the default, lightweight performance tool used in Vlasiator. These timers track time spent in pre-defined code sections, with nested levels.

                                                        All timers. Set of identical timers has 461 processes with up to 16 threads each.
 |                                                                             | Threads |                         Time (s)                          | Calls  |               Workunit-rate               |
 | Id  | Lvl | Grp | Label                                                     | Avg     | Avg       | %         |  Max time,rank  |  Min time,rank  | Avg    | Total     | Per process | Unit            |
 | 1   | 1   |     | main                                                      | 1       | 8447      | 100       | 8447      | 29  | 8446      | 352 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 2   | 2   |     |   Initialization                                          | 1       | 56.34     | 0.667     | 56.35     | 240 | 56.31     | 486 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 3   | 3   |     |     Read parameters                                       | 1       | 0.09863   | 0.1751    | 0.1109    | 272 | 0.06298   | 486 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 4   | 3   |     |     open logFile & diagnostic                             | 1       | 8.322e-05 | 0.0001477 | 0.005583  | 0   | 3.35e-05  | 299 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 5   | 3   |     |     Init project                                          | 1       | 1.566e-05 | 2.78e-05  | 0.0001138 | 101 | 1.223e-06 | 491 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 6   | 3   |     |     Init fieldsolver grids                                | 1       | 0.02803   | 0.04976   | 0.03005   | 187 | 0.02409   | 0   | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 7   | 3   |     |     Init grids                                            | 1       | 56.05     | 99.49     | 56.07     | 419 | 56.03     | 63  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 8   | 4   |     |       Refine spatial cells                                | 1       | 13.26     | 23.66     | 13.8      | 509 | 13.04     | 269 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 9   | 5   |     |         Override refines                                  | 1       | 3.119     | 23.52     | 3.513     | 0   | 0.01176   | 225 | 2      |           |             |                 |
 | 10  | 5   |     |         Induce refines                                    | 1       | 1.417     | 10.69     | 1.419     | 80  | 1.416     | 326 | 2      |           |             |                 |
 | 11  | 5   |     |         Override unrefines                                | 1       | 0.002455  | 0.01851   | 0.003982  | 259 | 0.0004373 | 80  | 2      |           |             |                 |
 | 12  | 5   |     |         Map Refinement Level to FsGrid                    | 1       | 0.002119  | 0.01598   | 0.005737  | 283 | 0.00164   | 436 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 8.722     | 65.76     | 11.61     | 225 | 8.221     | 409 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 13  | 4   |     |       Initial load-balancing                              | 1       | 3.444     | 6.145     | 4.54      | 265 | 2.344     | 368 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 14  | 4   |     |       Set initial state                                   | 1       | 38.26     | 68.25     | 39.11     | 8   | 37.5      | 61  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 15  | 5   |     |         Set spatial cell coordinates                      | 1       | 0.00045   | 0.001176  | 0.0008721 | 91  | 0.0001717 | 480 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 16  | 5   |     |         Initialize system boundary conditions             | 1       | 0.08176   | 0.2137    | 0.1041    | 8   | 0.07811   | 133 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 17  | 6   |     |           ionosphere-sphericalFibonacci                   | 1       | 0.01461   | 17.87     | 0.01762   | 431 | 0.0142    | 11  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 18  | 6   |     |           ionosphere-subdivideElement                     | 1       | 0.01286   | 15.73     | 0.01678   | 239 | 0.01116   | 316 | 12758  |           |             |                 |
 | 19  | 6   |     |           ionosphere-readAtmosphericModelFile             | 1       | 0.002412  | 2.95      | 0.02269   | 8   | 0.002031  | 288 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.05188   | 63.45     | 0.05909   | 442 | 0.0505    | 67  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 20  | 5   |     |         Classify cells (sys boundary conditions)          | 1       | 0.4128    | 1.079     | 1.44      | 17  | 0.142     | 2   | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 21  | 5   |     |         Read restart                                      | 1       | 14.5      | 37.91     | 14.51     | 48  | 14.5      | 339 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 22  | 6   |     |           readGrid                                        | 1       | 14.5      | 99.99     | 14.51     | 56  | 14.5      | 339 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 23  | 7   |     |             readScalars                                   | 1       | 0.02776   | 0.1914    | 0.03241   | 56  | 0.02425   | 339 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 24  | 7   |     |             readDatalayout                                | 1       | 6.164     | 42.5      | 6.165     | 268 | 6.164     | 320 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 25  | 7   |     |             readCellParameters                            | 1       | 1.334     | 9.197     | 1.334     | 320 | 1.333     | 268 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 26  | 7   |     |             readBlockData                                 | 1       | 5.964     | 41.12     | 6.419     | 384 | 5.861     | 9   | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 27  | 7   |     |             updateMpiGridNeighbors                        | 1       | 0.4356    | 3.004     | 0.5568    | 17  | 0.01425   | 416 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 28  | 7   |     |             readFsGrid                                    | 1       | 0.4992    | 3.442     | 0.9608    | 188 | 0.4594    | 385 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 29  | 8   |     |               updateGhostCells                            | 1       | 0.01472   | 2.949     | 0.04934   | 469 | 0.00222   | 7   | 2      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 8   |     |               Other                                       | 1       | 0.4845    | 97.05     | 0.9564    | 188 | 0.4167    | 470 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 30  | 7   |     |             readIonosphere                                | 1       | 0.07711   | 0.5317    | 0.07732   | 48  | 0.0764    | 398 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.001704  | 0.01175   | 0.01768   | 489 | 0.001147  | 48  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.001097  | 0.007561  | 0.004076  | 48  | 0.0005522 | 365 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 31  | 5   |     |         Check boundary refinement                         | 1       | 0.0007237 | 0.001892  | 0.007383  | 422 | 2.734e-05 | 274 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 32  | 5   |     |         Apply system boundary conditions state            | 1       | 0.0007087 | 0.001853  | 0.02225   | 388 | 1.001e-06 | 440 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 33  | 5   | D   |         Balancing load                                    | 1       | 6.279     | 16.41     | 6.762     | 451 | 5.144     | 467 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 34  | 6   |     |           deallocate boundary data                        | 1       | 0.001852  | 0.02949   | 0.00632   | 385 | 0.0006113 | 225 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 35  | 6   |     |           dccrg.initialize_balance_load                   | 1       | 0.544     | 8.664     | 0.5548    | 114 | 0.519     | 452 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 36  | 6   |     |           Data transfers                                  | 1       | 0.4398    | 7.005     | 0.82      | 8   | 0.04192   | 54  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 37  | 7   |     |             Preparing receives                            | 1       | 0.05701   | 12.96     | 0.169     | 448 | 6.501e-07 | 511 | 1643   | 1.329e+07 | 2.883e+04   | Spatial cells/s |
 | 38  | 7   |     |             transfer_all_data                             | 1       | 0.2809    | 63.87     | 0.6845    | 8   | 0.01069   | 454 | 5      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.1019    | 23.17     | 0.5186    | 242 | 0.005889  | 220 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 39  | 6   |     |           dccrg.finish_balance_load                       | 1       | 1.458     | 23.22     | 4.899     | 19  | 0.4524    | 10  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 40  | 6   |     |           compute_amr_transfer_flags                      | 1       | 0.006867  | 0.1094    | 0.07725   | 419 | 0.001871  | 38  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 41  | 6   |     |           update block lists                              | 1       | 2.087     | 33.25     | 4.207     | 346 | 0.09587   | 407 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 42  | 7   | E   |             Velocity block list update                    | 1       | 1.967     | 94.25     | 4.054     | 271 | 0.02872   | 231 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 43  | 7   |     |             Preparing receives                            | 1       | 0.1198    | 5.742     | 0.2648    | 29  | 0.03104   | 441 | 1      | 1.547e+07 | 3.355e+04   | SpatialCells/s  |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.0001002 | 0.0048    | 0.004895  | 448 | 9.859e-06 | 253 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 44  | 6   |     |           update sysboundaries                            | 1       | 0.002269  | 0.03614   | 0.03475   | 187 | 7.975e-05 | 258 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 45  | 7   |     |             updateSysBoundariesAfterLoadBalance           | 1       | 0.002259  | 99.57     | 0.03474   | 187 | 7.706e-05 | 258 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 9.825e-06 | 0.433     | 0.0007654 | 424 | 1.844e-06 | 173 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 46  | 6   |     |           Init solvers                                    | 1       | 5.478e-06 | 8.725e-05 | 0.000501  | 424 | 1.503e-06 | 186 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 47  | 6   |     |           set face neighbor ranks                         | 1       | 0.0251    | 0.3997    | 0.08548   | 69  | 0.008767  | 372 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 48  | 6   |     |           GetSeedIdsAndBuildPencils                       | 1       | 0.04302   | 0.6851    | 0.4       | 451 | 0.0137    | 372 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 49  | 7   |     |             getSeedIds                                    | 1       | 0.007916  | 18.4      | 0.05184   | 451 | 0.002307  | 292 | 3      |           |             |                 |
 | 50  | 7   |     |             buildPencils                                  | 1       | 0.03479   | 80.88     | 0.3432    | 451 | 0.01127   | 372 | 3      |           |             |                 |
 | 51  | 8   |     |               check_ghost_cells                           | 1       | 0.001349  | 3.878     | 0.2473    | 451 | 8.518e-05 | 51  | 3      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 8   |     |               Other                                       | 1       | 0.03344   | 96.12     | 0.1216    | 425 | 0.01118   | 372 | 3      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.0003073 | 0.7143    | 0.004975  | 451 | 5.954e-05 | 323 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.67      | 26.6      | 4.312     | 335 | 0.01161   | 235 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 52  | 5   | E   |         Fetch Neighbour data                              | 1       | 0.1985    | 0.5189    | 1.346     | 467 | 0.008552  | 419 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 53  | 5   |     |         setProjectBField                                  | 1       | 15.92     | 41.63     | 16.22     | 390 | 15.56     | 452 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 54  | 5   |     |         Init moments                                      | 1       | 0.1236    | 0.3231    | 0.1522    | 422 | 0.1015    | 110 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 55  | 5   |     |         Finish fsgrid setup                               | 1       | 0.2395    | 0.6261    | 0.275     | 289 | 0.2013    | 69  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 56  | 6   |     |           AMR Filtering-Triangle-3D                       | 1       | 0.1186    | 49.51     | 0.1751    | 353 | 0.06054   | 0   | 2      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.1209    | 50.49     | 0.1792    | 456 | 0.06876   | 89  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.4901    | 1.281     | 1.414     | 435 | 0.006689  | 291 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 4   |     |       Other                                               | 1       | 1.089     | 1.943     | 2.09      | 207 | 0.7609    | 506 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 57  | 3   |     |     Init DROs                                             | 1       | 0.0004287 | 0.0007609 | 0.007283  | 448 | 0.000176  | 274 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 58  | 3   |     |     getFieldsFromFsGrid                                   | 1       | 0.06079   | 0.1079    | 0.0892    | 63  | 0.03098   | 224 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 59  | 3   |     |     ionosphere-updateIonosphereCommunicator               | 1       | 0.0208    | 0.03692   | 0.04898   | 85  | 0.001027  | 284 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 60  | 3   |     |     fieldtracing-ionosphere-fsgridCoupling                | 1       | 0.07022   | 0.1246    | 0.07346   | 64  | 0.04959   | 476 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 61  | 3   |     |     ionosphere-initSolver                                 | 1       | 0.004485  | 0.007961  | 0.01555   | 425 | 0.00365   | 294 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 3   |     |     Other                                                 | 1       | 0.003553  | 0.006306  | 0.02718   | 495 | 5.835e-05 | 128 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 62  | 2   |     |   report-memory-consumption                               | 1       | 0.05788   | 0.0006852 | 0.08273   | 0   | 0.04845   | 407 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 63  | 2   |     |   Simulation                                              | 1       | 8390      | 99.33     | 8391      | 29  | 8390      | 352 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 64  | 3   |     |     IO                                                    | 1       | 152.3     | 1.815     | 200.5     | 95  | 126.1     | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 65  | 4   |     |       checkExternalCommands                               | 1       | 0.003633  | 0.002385  | 1.571     | 0   | 0.0001467 | 334 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 66  | 4   |     |       logfile-io                                          | 1       | 0.03492   | 0.02293   | 0.2181    | 0   | 0.02167   | 68  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 67  | 4   |     |       Bailout-allreduce                                   | 1       | 33.55     | 22.03     | 81.67     | 95  | 8.082     | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 68  | 4   |     |       compute-is-restart-written-and-extra-LB             | 1       | 0.01469   | 0.009645  | 0.01983   | 496 | 0.01111   | 78  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 169 | 4   |     |       diagnostic-io                                       | 1       | 0.5115    | 0.3358    | 6.001     | 352 | 0.01028   | 329 | 76     |           |             |                 |
 | 196 | 4   |     |       Calculate volume gradients                          | 1       | 0.3295    | 0.2163    | 0.8119    | 95  | 0.09899   | 491 | 10     | 4.973e+07 | 1.079e+05   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 197 | 5   | E   |         Start comm                                        | 1       | 0.2989    | 90.71     | 0.7672    | 95  | 0.07832   | 491 | 10     | 5.482e+07 | 1.189e+05   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 198 | 5   |     |         Compute cells                                     | 1       | 0.03055   | 9.271     | 0.09107   | 371 | 0.01067   | 192 | 10     | 5.364e+08 | 1.163e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 4.922e-05 | 0.01494   | 0.0006382 | 254 | 2.93e-05  | 334 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 199 | 4   |     |       fieldtracing-ionosphere-openclosedTracing           | 1       | 1.076     | 0.7062    | 1.416     | 235 | 0.9152    | 19  | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 200 | 4   |     |       fieldtracing-fullAndFluxTracing                     | 1       | 72.3      | 47.47     | 72.33     | 247 | 72.29     | 323 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 201 | 5   |     |         initialization-loop                               | 1       | 0.9673    | 1.338     | 1.02      | 247 | 0.9424    | 445 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 202 | 5   |     |         loop                                              | 1       | 67.91     | 93.93     | 67.97     | 0   | 67.86     | 107 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 203 | 6   |     |           MPI-loop                                        | 16      | 183.1     | 269.6     | 231.2     | 429 | 108.1     | 285 | 500    |           |             |                 |
 | 204 | 5   |     |         final-loop                                        | 1       | 0.3835    | 0.5304    | 0.4107    | 247 | 0.3736    | 323 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 3.041     | 4.206     | 3.077     | 107 | 2.968     | 0   | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 205 | 4   |     |       write-system                                        | 1       | 18.68     | 12.26     | 18.89     | 360 | 18.32     | 9   | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 206 | 5   | EA  |         Barrier-entering-writegrid                        | 1       | 0.4146    | 2.22      | 0.6223    | 360 | 0.0607    | 9   | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 207 | 5   |     |         writeGrid-reduced                                 | 1       | 18.26     | 97.77     | 18.26     | 304 | 18.24     | 239 | 10     | 0.5316    | 0.001153    | GB/s            |
 | 208 | 6   |     |           open                                            | 1       | 0.7832    | 4.289     | 0.8339    | 464 | 0.715     | 421 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 209 | 6   |     |           metadataIO                                      | 1       | 2.243     | 12.28     | 2.244     | 128 | 2.201     | 473 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 210 | 6   |     |           velocityspaceIO                                 | 1       | 0.1373    | 0.7521    | 0.1374    | 8   | 0.1373    | 494 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 211 | 6   |     |           reduceddataIO                                   | 1       | 15.06     | 82.45     | 15.06     | 505 | 15.05     | 64  | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 212 | 7   |     |             writeDataReducer                              | 1       | 15.05     | 99.99     | 15.05     | 509 | 15.05     | 3   | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 358 | 7   | EA  |             Barrier                                       | 1       | 0.000446  | 0.002963  | 0.0005074 | 1   | 0.0002238 | 476 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.0009875 | 0.006559  | 0.00157   | 473 | 0.0002494 | 400 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 359 | 6   |     |           close                                           | 1       | 0.03292   | 0.1803    | 0.03422   | 358 | 0.02962   | 456 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.00834   | 0.04567   | 0.0748    | 416 | 0.0003039 | 167 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.00232   | 0.01242   | 0.03255   | 376 | 0.0003313 | 321 | 10     |           |             |                 |
 | 360 | 4   |     |       write-restart                                       | 1       | 25.43     | 16.69     | 25.52     | 29  | 25.31     | 95  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 361 | 5   | EA  |         BarrierEnteringWriteRestart                       | 1       | 0.0008407 | 0.003306  | 0.001098  | 6   | 1.548e-05 | 471 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 362 | 5   |     |         writeRestart                                      | 1       | 25.42     | 99.99     | 25.52     | 29  | 25.31     | 95  | 1      | 10.42     | 0.0226      | GB/s            |
 | 363 | 6   |     |           DeallocateRemoteBlocks                          | 1       | 0.0256    | 0.1007    | 0.05758   | 29  | 0.0102    | 489 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 364 | 6   |     |           open                                            | 1       | 0.04866   | 0.1914    | 0.04887   | 0   | 0.0477    | 424 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 365 | 6   |     |           metadataIO                                      | 1       | 2.969     | 11.68     | 2.969     | 262 | 2.969     | 7   | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 366 | 6   |     |           reduceddataIO                                   | 1       | 10.58     | 41.63     | 10.58     | 0   | 10.57     | 105 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 433 | 6   |     |           velocityspaceIO                                 | 1       | 11.29     | 44.39     | 11.29     | 143 | 11.27     | 175 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 434 | 6   |     |           close                                           | 1       | 0.182     | 0.7159    | 0.1822    | 0   | 0.1632    | 7   | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 435 | 6   |     |           updateRemoteBlocks                              | 1       | 0.1936    | 0.7617    | 0.2922    | 29  | 0.08067   | 95  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 436 | 7   | E   |             Velocity block list update                    | 1       | 0.07758   | 40.06     | 0.1156    | 313 | 0.04427   | 97  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 437 | 7   |     |             Preparing receives                            | 1       | 0.116     | 59.92     | 0.2124    | 29  | 0.03089   | 95  | 1      | 1.601e+07 | 3.473e+04   | SpatialCells/s  |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 3.954e-05 | 0.02042   | 0.008907  | 94  | 1.009e-05 | 153 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.1344    | 0.5287    | 0.1609    | 97  | 0.1022    | 29  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.002589  | 0.01018   | 0.03064   | 195 | 6.623e-05 | 355 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 4   |     |       Other                                               | 1       | 0.3924    | 0.2576    | 0.7548    | 9   | 0.1819    | 360 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 69  | 3   |     |     Propagate                                             | 1       | 8068      | 96.15     | 8094      | 29  | 8019      | 95  | 759    | 5.439e+09 | 1.18e+07    | Cells/s         |
 | 70  | 4   |     |       Spatial-space                                       | 1       | 4172      | 51.71     | 4180      | 307 | 4164      | 110 | 759    | 1.052e+10 | 2.282e+07   | Cells/s         |
 | 71  | 5   |     |         semilag-trans                                     | 1       | 4172      | 100       | 4180      | 307 | 4164      | 110 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 72  | 6   |     |           compute_cell_lists                              | 1       | 0.1408    | 0.003375  | 0.6254    | 371 | 0.0462    | 258 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 73  | 6   |     |           translate proton                                | 1       | 4127      | 98.93     | 4127      | 309 | 4127      | 371 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 74  | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-z                           | 1       | 1.021     | 0.02475   | 1.122     | 309 | 0.5356    | 371 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 75  | 7   | E   |             transfer-stencil-data-z                       | 1       | 286.7     | 6.948     | 408.4     | 27  | 97.35     | 69  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 76  | 7   |     |             compute-mapping-z                             | 1       | 357.6     | 8.664     | 673.1     | 140 | 207.3     | 186 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 77  | 8   |     |               setup                                       | 1       | 9.725     | 2.72      | 27.76     | 494 | 4.79      | 372 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 78  | 9   |     |                 buildBlockList                            | 1       | 4.477     | 46.03     | 14.49     | 113 | 1.243     | 148 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 79  | 9   |     |                 computeSpatialTargetCellsForPencils       | 1       | 5.018     | 51.59     | 18.2      | 494 | 1.425     | 162 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 9   |     |                 Other                                     | 1       | 0.2311    | 2.376     | 0.7481    | 441 | 0.09204   | 433 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 80  | 8   |     |               mapping                                     | 16      | 217.2     | 60.74     | 412.5     | 201 | 106.5     | 187 | 91523  |           |             |                 |
 | 81  | 8   |     |               store                                       | 16      | 109.3     | 30.57     | 207.2     | 140 | 47.21     | 217 | 91523  |           |             |                 |
 |     | 8   |     |               Other                                       | 1       | 21.37     | 5.975     | 75.72     | 69  | 4.764     | 332 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 82  | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-update_remote-z             | 1       | 398       | 9.644     | 668.9     | 187 | 115.7     | 201 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 83  | 7   | E   |             update_remote-z                               | 1       | 388.4     | 9.41      | 397.6     | 27  | 380.2     | 69  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 84  | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-x                           | 1       | 9.746     | 0.2361    | 17.89     | 69  | 0.5317    | 27  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 85  | 7   | E   |             transfer-stencil-data-x                       | 1       | 277.6     | 6.726     | 368       | 368 | 69.34     | 187 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 86  | 7   |     |             compute-mapping-x                             | 1       | 356       | 8.627     | 747.7     | 337 | 202.1     | 186 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 87  | 8   |     |               setup                                       | 1       | 12.76     | 3.585     | 46.76     | 113 | 5.537     | 190 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 88  | 9   |     |                 buildBlockList                            | 1       | 7.574     | 59.34     | 25.34     | 113 | 2.459     | 148 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 89  | 9   |     |                 computeSpatialTargetCellsForPencils       | 1       | 4.935     | 38.66     | 22.7      | 252 | 1.359     | 355 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 9   |     |                 Other                                     | 1       | 0.2551    | 1.999     | 0.7575    | 441 | 0.1093    | 437 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 90  | 8   |     |               mapping                                     | 16      | 219.3     | 61.61     | 487.5     | 337 | 130.3     | 187 | 91798  |           |             |                 |
 | 91  | 8   |     |               store                                       | 16      | 103.9     | 29.18     | 201.5     | 337 | 47.16     | 186 | 91798  |           |             |                 |
 |     | 8   |     |               Other                                       | 1       | 20.03     | 5.626     | 73.57     | 422 | 4.528     | 221 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 92  | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-update_remote-x             | 1       | 443       | 10.73     | 735.9     | 187 | 1.142     | 337 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 93  | 7   | E   |             update_remote-x                               | 1       | 340.7     | 8.255     | 346.4     | 126 | 334.5     | 187 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 94  | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-y                           | 1       | 6.601     | 0.16      | 12.8      | 187 | 0.8621    | 126 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 95  | 7   | E   |             transfer-stencil-data-y                       | 1       | 275.6     | 6.678     | 363.1     | 290 | 54.37     | 187 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 96  | 7   |     |             compute-mapping-y                             | 1       | 347.6     | 8.423     | 569.8     | 281 | 165.9     | 329 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 97  | 8   |     |               setup                                       | 1       | 14.53     | 4.18      | 36.49     | 113 | 7.491     | 319 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 98  | 9   |     |                 buildBlockList                            | 1       | 9.368     | 64.48     | 20.45     | 113 | 2.522     | 148 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 99  | 9   |     |                 computeSpatialTargetCellsForPencils       | 1       | 4.917     | 33.84     | 20.54     | 252 | 1.438     | 184 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 9   |     |                 Other                                     | 1       | 0.244     | 1.679     | 0.7736    | 398 | 0.1029    | 155 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 100 | 8   |     |               mapping                                     | 16      | 209.3     | 60.22     | 373       | 281 | 105       | 187 | 91156  |           |             |                 |
 | 101 | 8   |     |               store                                       | 16      | 103       | 29.63     | 179.7     | 113 | 38.33     | 329 | 91156  |           |             |                 |
 |     | 8   |     |               Other                                       | 1       | 20.76     | 5.972     | 86.9      | 69  | 4.44      | 326 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 102 | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-pre-update_remote-y             | 1       | 294.6     | 7.138     | 619.4     | 187 | 13.89     | 281 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 103 | 7   | E   |             update_remote-y                               | 1       | 335.3     | 8.124     | 343.7     | 11  | 327.9     | 324 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 104 | 7   | BE  |             barrier-trans-post-trans                      | 1       | 8.532     | 0.2067    | 15.89     | 324 | 0.11      | 11  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.06994   | 0.001695  | 0.1841    | 489 | 0.04843   | 385 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 105 | 6   |     |           compute-moments-n                               | 1       | 44.68     | 1.071     | 52.86     | 307 | 36.79     | 110 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.02026   | 0.0004856 | 0.07562   | 371 | 0.009199  | 323 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.008274  | 0.0001983 | 0.0533    | 492 | 0.002867  | 162 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 106 | 4   |     |       Update system boundaries (Vlasov post-translation)  | 1       | 205.7     | 2.55      | 239.2     | 29  | 150.9     | 95  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 107 | 5   | E   |         Velocity block list update                        | 1       | 109.3     | 53.14     | 145.2     | 173 | 49.15     | 253 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 108 | 5   |     |         Preparing receives                                | 1       | 49.77     | 24.2      | 138.5     | 252 | 8.072     | 187 | 1518   | 6.556e+07 | 1.422e+05   | SpatialCells/s  |
 | 109 | 5   | E   |         Start comm of cell and block data                 | 1       | 4.594     | 2.233     | 38.41     | 316 | 0.4894    | 298 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 110 | 5   |     |         Compute process inner cells                       | 1       | 2.093     | 1.018     | 28.05     | 253 | 0.03307   | 220 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 111 | 6   |     |           compute-moments-n                               | 1       | 0.5362    | 25.62     | 8.324     | 253 | 0.003975  | 204 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.557     | 74.38     | 20.44     | 405 | 0.02823   | 220 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 112 | 5   | EG  |         Wait for receives                                 | 1       | 32.31     | 15.71     | 103.7     | 369 | 0.5165    | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 113 | 5   |     |         Compute process boundary cells                    | 1       | 1.428     | 0.6943    | 14.68     | 253 | 0.04366   | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 114 | 6   |     |           compute-moments-n                               | 1       | 0.3696    | 25.88     | 4.468     | 253 | 0.003528  | 7   | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.058     | 74.12     | 10.21     | 253 | 0.0394    | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 6.195     | 3.012     | 16.34     | 38  | 1.249     | 373 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 115 | 4   |     |       Compute interp moments                              | 1       | 0.3852    | 0.004775  | 1.547     | 328 | 0.1292    | 84  | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 116 | 4   |     |       Propagate Fields                                    | 1       | 2338      | 28.98     | 2387      | 235 | 2300      | 29  | 759    | 5.319e+05 | 1154        | SpatialCells/s  |
 | 117 | 5   |     |         fsgrid-coupling-in                                | 1       | 149.1     | 6.376     | 199.3     | 95  | 117.1     | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 118 | 6   |     |           AMR Filtering-Triangle-3D                       | 1       | 79.18     | 53.11     | 106.6     | 95  | 57.38     | 284 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 69.9      | 46.89     | 122.7     | 352 | 33.39     | 243 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 119 | 5   |     |         Propagate magnetic field                          | 1       | 333.8     | 14.28     | 579       | 416 | 194.1     | 219 | 21252  | 2.857e+09 | 6.198e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 120 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 43.73     | 13.1      | 68.27     | 0   | 41.85     | 400 | 21252  | 2.181e+10 | 4.731e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 121 | 6   | E   |           MPI                                             | 1       | 180.9     | 54.2      | 316.3     | 457 | 118.7     | 31  | 42504  |           |             |                 |
 | 122 | 6   |     |           Compute system boundary cells                   | 1       | 109       | 32.67     | 394.2     | 416 | 4.367     | 99  | 63756  | 1.749e+10 | 3.794e+07   | /s              |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.1105    | 0.0331    | 0.1611    | 150 | 0.08503   | 28  | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 123 | 5   |     |         Calculate face derivatives                        | 1       | 240.1     | 10.27     | 374       | 345 | 134.6     | 63  | 21252  | 3.971e+09 | 8.615e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 124 | 6   | E   |           MPI                                             | 1       | 162.8     | 67.81     | 281.3     | 353 | 72.67     | 319 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 125 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 77.25     | 32.17     | 94.67     | 337 | 51.95     | 59  | 21252  | 1.234e+10 | 2.678e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.05519   | 0.02299   | 0.09542   | 209 | 0.03441   | 451 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 126 | 5   |     |         Calculate GradPe term                             | 1       | 16.23     | 0.6942    | 27.52     | 283 | 10.33     | 327 | 1518   | 4.197e+09 | 9.104e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 127 | 6   | E   |           MPI                                             | 1       | 15.05     | 92.76     | 26.17     | 283 | 9.326     | 327 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 128 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 1.171     | 7.214     | 1.465     | 300 | 0.8719    | 5   | 1518   | 5.818e+10 | 1.262e+08   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.004606  | 0.02838   | 0.006637  | 244 | 0.003104  | 384 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 129 | 5   |     |         Calculate Hall term                               | 1       | 663       | 28.36     | 845.5     | 274 | 486.1     | 63  | 21252  | 1.438e+09 | 3.12e+06    | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 130 | 6   | E   |           MPI                                             | 1       | 173.8     | 26.21     | 316.8     | 274 | 95        | 127 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 131 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 489.1     | 73.78     | 529.6     | 418 | 383.2     | 455 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.0765    | 0.01154   | 0.1332    | 213 | 0.04423   | 384 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 132 | 5   |     |         Calculate upwinded electric field                 | 1       | 784.3     | 33.55     | 1072      | 508 | 648.5     | 72  | 21252  | 1.216e+09 | 2.637e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 133 | 6   | E   |           MPI                                             | 1       | 439.7     | 56.06     | 806.6     | 508 | 271.5     | 72  | 42504  |           |             |                 |
 | 134 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 344.5     | 43.92     | 396.3     | 339 | 239.1     | 7   | 21252  | 2.768e+09 | 6.005e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.1828    | 0.02331   | 0.2597    | 174 | 0.1262    | 384 | 21252  |           |             |                 |
 | 135 | 5   |     |         FS subcycle stuff                                 | 1       | 82.19     | 3.516     | 178.6     | 63  | 32.71     | 347 | 10626  |           |             |                 |
 | 136 | 6   |     |           MPI_Allreduce                                   | 1       | 80.68     | 98.16     | 177.1     | 63  | 31.16     | 347 | 9867   |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.515     | 1.844     | 1.661     | 377 | 1.287     | 44  | 10626  |           |             |                 |
 | 137 | 5   |     |         Calculate volume averaged fields                  | 1       | 1.224     | 0.05237   | 1.469     | 436 | 0.9462    | 5   | 759    | 2.782e+10 | 6.034e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 138 | 5   |     |         Calculate volume derivatives                      | 1       | 7.981     | 0.3414    | 10.1      | 438 | 5.108     | 7   | 759    | 4.267e+09 | 9.256e+06   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 139 | 6   | E   |           Start comm                                      | 1       | 7.188     | 90.06     | 9.251     | 438 | 4.523     | 7   | 759    | 4.738e+09 | 1.028e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 140 | 6   |     |           Compute cells                                   | 1       | 0.7908    | 9.909     | 0.9636    | 154 | 0.5727    | 63  | 759    | 4.307e+10 | 9.342e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 0.002362  | 0.02959   | 0.01186   | 110 | 0.001497  | 505 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 141 | 5   |     |         Calculate curvature                               | 1       | 4.991     | 0.2135    | 7.732     | 127 | 4.105     | 27  | 759    | 6.824e+09 | 1.48e+07    | Spatial Cells/s |
 | 142 | 6   | E   |           Start comm                                      | 1       | 3.773     | 75.6      | 6.749     | 127 | 2.927     | 27  | 759    | 9.027e+09 | 1.958e+07   | Spatial Cells/s |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.218     | 24.4      | 1.414     | 366 | 0.8458    | 0   | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 143 | 5   |     |         getFieldsFromFsGrid                               | 1       | 49.23     | 2.106     | 63.17     | 284 | 31.06     | 88  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 5.849     | 0.2502    | 11.48     | 119 | 3.534     | 210 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 144 | 4   |     |       Velocity-space                                      | 1       | 893.8     | 11.08     | 928.5     | 7   | 830.9     | 397 | 759    | 4.91e+10  | 1.065e+08   | Cells/s         |
 | 145 | 5   |     |         semilag-acc                                       | 1       | 852.6     | 95.4      | 892.9     | 7   | 795.9     | 397 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 146 | 6   |     |           Compute _V moments                              | 1       | 22.43     | 2.63      | 24.92     | 140 | 19.45     | 38  | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 147 | 6   |     |           cell-semilag-acc                                | 16      | 470.6     | 55.19     | 558.6     | 242 | 395.8     | 10  | 158608 |           |             |                 |
 | 148 | 7   |     |             compute-transform                             | 16      | 0.2146    | 0.04561   | 1.066     | 499 | 0.06968   | 372 | 158608 |           |             |                 |
 | 149 | 7   |     |             compute-intersections                         | 16      | 0.07004   | 0.01488   | 0.3508    | 400 | 0.02048   | 258 | 158608 |           |             |                 |
 | 150 | 7   |     |             compute-mapping                               | 16      | 470.1     | 99.9      | 558.1     | 242 | 395.5     | 10  | 158608 |           |             |                 |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 16      | 0.1851    | 0.03933   | 1.155     | 308 | 0.051     | 192 | 158608 |           |             |                 |
 | 151 | 6   | C   |           re-adjust blocks                                | 1       | 321.6     | 37.71     | 408.2     | 10  | 215.3     | 484 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 152 | 7   |     |             Compute with_content_list                     | 1       | 39.93     | 12.42     | 65.07     | 307 | 27.81     | 333 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 153 | 7   | E   |             Transfer with_content_list                    | 1       | 134.5     | 41.83     | 233.7     | 10  | 31.66     | 97  | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 154 | 7   |     |             Adjusting blocks                              | 1       | 85.3      | 26.53     | 106.9     | 292 | 65.34     | 398 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 155 | 7   | E   |             Velocity block list update                    | 1       | 41.97     | 13.05     | 70.57     | 302 | 16.17     | 332 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 156 | 7   |     |             Preparing receives                            | 1       | 19.81     | 6.161     | 48.75     | 243 | 3.158     | 187 | 759    | 7.112e+07 | 1.543e+05   | SpatialCells/s  |
 |     | 7   |     |             Other                                         | 1       | 0.01958   | 0.006089  | 0.03275   | 135 | 0.01447   | 253 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 38.09     | 4.467     | 56.59     | 88  | 22.79     | 284 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 157 | 5   |     |         Compute _V moments                                | 1       | 41.07     | 4.595     | 52.77     | 47  | 23.02     | 68  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.063     | 0.007049  | 0.1671    | 328 | 0.02175   | 124 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 158 | 4   |     |       Update system boundaries (Vlasov post-acceleration) | 1       | 214.2     | 2.655     | 261.9     | 397 | 182.1     | 179 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 159 | 5   | E   |         Velocity block list update                        | 1       | 109.9     | 51.31     | 158.7     | 69  | 50.82     | 240 | 1518   |           |             |                 |
 | 160 | 5   |     |         Preparing receives                                | 1       | 47.05     | 21.97     | 132.6     | 252 | 7.282     | 187 | 1518   | 6.935e+07 | 1.504e+05   | SpatialCells/s  |
 | 161 | 5   | E   |         Start comm of cell and block data                 | 1       | 4.782     | 2.233     | 36.23     | 316 | 0.4917    | 298 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 162 | 5   |     |         Compute process inner cells                       | 1       | 2.086     | 0.9741    | 27.95     | 253 | 0.03692   | 124 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 163 | 6   |     |           Compute _V moments                              | 1       | 0.5466    | 26.2      | 8.406     | 253 | 0.004     | 204 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.54      | 73.8      | 20.01     | 307 | 0.03212   | 124 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 164 | 5   | EG  |         Wait for receives                                 | 1       | 32.29     | 15.08     | 100.9     | 369 | 0.8707    | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 165 | 5   |     |         Compute process boundary cells                    | 1       | 1.429     | 0.667     | 14.67     | 253 | 0.04702   | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 166 | 6   |     |           Compute _V moments                              | 1       | 0.3795    | 26.57     | 4.489     | 253 | 0.003492  | 7   | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.049     | 73.43     | 10.19     | 253 | 0.04324   | 29  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 16.63     | 7.766     | 54.55     | 398 | 0.9602    | 7   | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 170 | 4   |     |       fieldtracing-ionosphere-fsgridCoupling              | 1       | 2.399     | 0.02973   | 3.617     | 88  | 1.359     | 284 | 49     |           |             |                 |
 | 171 | 4   |     |       ionosphere-mapDownMagnetosphere                     | 1       | 0.6545    | 0.008113  | 0.6979    | 421 | 0.6445    | 398 | 49     |           |             |                 |
 | 172 | 4   |     |       ionosphere-calculateConductivityTensor              | 1       | 0.1307    | 0.00162   | 0.1341    | 234 | 0.13      | 96  | 49     |           |             |                 |
 | 173 | 4   |     |       ionosphere-solve                                    | 1       | 240.4     | 2.98      | 250.5     | 416 | 236.1     | 58  | 49     |           |             |                 |
 | 174 | 5   |     |         ionosphere-initSolver                             | 1       | 0.2439    | 0.1014    | 0.2703    | 427 | 0.2394    | 228 | 49     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 240.2     | 99.9      | 250.3     | 416 | 235.9     | 58  | 49     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 4   |     |       Other                                               | 1       | 0.02644   | 0.0003277 | 0.105     | 374 | 0.01267   | 309 | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 167 | 3   |     |     Project endTimeStep                                   | 1       | 0.0009495 | 1.132e-05 | 0.002589  | 371 | 0.0006758 | 17  | 759    |           |             |                 |
 | 168 | 3   |     |     compute-timestep                                      | 1       | 29.74     | 0.3545    | 29.84     | 94  | 29.39     | 371 | 758    |           |             |                 |
 | 175 | 3   | D   |     Balancing load                                        | 1       | 124.4     | 1.483     | 137.3     | 498 | 104.1     | 51  | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 176 | 4   |     |       deallocate boundary data                            | 1       | 0.9602    | 0.7719    | 1.997     | 28  | 0.4402    | 187 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 177 | 4   |     |       dccrg.initialize_balance_load                       | 1       | 3.131     | 2.517     | 3.744     | 395 | 2.197     | 28  | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 178 | 4   |     |       Data transfers                                      | 1       | 13.69     | 11.01     | 16.1      | 141 | 11.93     | 474 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 179 | 5   |     |         Preparing receives                                | 1       | 0.2315    | 1.691     | 2.429     | 195 | 0.02703   | 68  | 5440   | 1.082e+07 | 2.348e+04   | Spatial cells/s |
 | 180 | 5   |     |         transfer_all_data                                 | 1       | 5.931     | 43.32     | 10.13     | 440 | 2.845     | 411 | 190    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 7.527     | 54.98     | 10.53     | 248 | 3.963     | 202 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 181 | 4   |     |       dccrg.finish_balance_load                           | 1       | 30.99     | 24.91     | 77.35     | 371 | 14.49     | 271 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 182 | 4   |     |       compute_amr_transfer_flags                          | 1       | 0.08713   | 0.07004   | 0.3571    | 371 | 0.01466   | 124 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 183 | 4   |     |       update block lists                                  | 1       | 44.49     | 35.76     | 80.37     | 30  | 14.63     | 371 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 184 | 5   | E   |         Velocity block list update                        | 1       | 41.15     | 92.5      | 76.77     | 30  | 10.89     | 278 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 185 | 5   |     |         Preparing receives                                | 1       | 3.334     | 7.495     | 6.418     | 29  | 1.116     | 187 | 38     | 2.116e+07 | 4.589e+04   | SpatialCells/s  |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.0003724 | 0.0008372 | 0.005403  | 364 | 0.0002562 | 162 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 186 | 4   |     |       update sysboundaries                                | 1       | 0.07129   | 0.05731   | 0.8916    | 371 | 0.0038    | 309 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 187 | 5   |     |         updateSysBoundariesAfterLoadBalance               | 1       | 0.07104   | 99.64     | 0.8914    | 371 | 0.003696  | 309 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.0002579 | 0.3617    | 0.02458   | 247 | 9.585e-05 | 338 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 188 | 4   |     |       Init solvers                                        | 1       | 2.258e-05 | 1.815e-05 | 0.0002023 | 285 | 1.138e-05 | 187 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 189 | 4   |     |       set face neighbor ranks                             | 1       | 0.9661    | 0.7766    | 3.083     | 69  | 0.3416    | 274 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 190 | 4   |     |       GetSeedIdsAndBuildPencils                           | 1       | 1.562     | 1.256     | 4.632     | 75  | 0.5381    | 192 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 191 | 5   |     |         getSeedIds                                        | 1       | 0.2891    | 18.5      | 0.9359    | 247 | 0.09034   | 274 | 114    |           |             |                 |
 | 192 | 5   |     |         buildPencils                                      | 1       | 1.262     | 80.8      | 3.842     | 75  | 0.4409    | 192 | 114    |           |             |                 |
 | 193 | 6   |     |           check_ghost_cells                               | 1       | 0.008167  | 0.647     | 0.1068    | 14  | 0.001828  | 452 | 114    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 6   |     |           Other                                           | 1       | 1.254     | 99.35     | 3.832     | 75  | 0.4389    | 192 | 114    |           |             |                 |
 |     | 5   |     |         Other                                             | 1       | 0.01092   | 0.6987    | 0.05609   | 371 | 0.002525  | 128 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 4   |     |       Other                                               | 1       | 28.45     | 22.87     | 54.78     | 177 | 1.772     | 352 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 194 | 3   |     |     Shrink_to_fit                                         | 1       | 0.006649  | 7.925e-05 | 0.01907   | 395 | 0.003076  | 298 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 | 195 | 3   |     |     ionosphere-updateIonosphereCommunicator               | 1       | 16.12     | 0.1922    | 36.39     | 51  | 3.218     | 498 | 38     |           |             |                 |
 |     | 3   |     |     Other                                                 | 1       | 0.1116    | 0.00133   | 0.4158    | 371 | 0.04017   | 309 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 | 438 | 2   |     |   Finalization                                            | 1       | 0.0001897 | 2.246e-06 | 0.01933   | 9   | 1.181e-05 | 208 | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 2   |     |   Other                                                   | 1       | 1.658e-05 | 1.963e-07 | 0.0006017 | 181 | 8.618e-06 | 50  | 1      |           |             |                 |
 |     | 1   |     | Other                                                     | 1       | 0.08239   | 0.0009754 | 0.1725    | 352 | 0.002773  | 466 | 0      |           |             |                 |

The tau profiler can also be used to hook into phiprof timers.

PAPI can be used for memory use monitoring, and it is recommended to be used - monitoring the high water marks of memory use is well worth the trouble.

Lustre striping

Please refer to LUMI docs for details.

Striping refers to spreading a file across several storage targets, and it is used to have better performance for parallel writes for large files.

Rules of thumb:

  • Number tasks should be divisible by the number of stripes.

  • Do not use more stripes than there are OSTs (for example, we use 20/32).

  • Do not stripe small files: have one folder for restart files, and another for (each class of) bulk files.

  • One stripe per ~5 GB of file size is what we have used for bulk files

lfs getstripe <path> and lfs setstripe --count <n> <path> are the relevant commands.


  1. Create a prototype run folder

  2. Create a folder restart/

  3. Given an estimate of 1TB per restart file, set the striping of the restart/ folder to a suitable values. #. lfs setstripe --count <n> <path> #. lfs setstripe --stripe-size 16777216 <path>

  4. Create a folder bulks/

  5. Given an estimate of 20GB per bulk file, set the striping of bulks/ to a suitable value.

  6. Check the stripe counts for both folders with lfs getstripe.

Next: how to communicate these to Vlasiator!

I/O config flags

Example from current large production run (5.5 TB restart files currently):

diagnostic_write_interval = 10
write_initial_state = 0
restart_walltime_interval = 28400
restart_write_path = restart
number_of_restarts = 6 # = 8h / 28800s, change if modifying time limit or restart interval
vlsv_buffer_size = 0
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = cb_buffer_size
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = 16777216
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = striping_unit
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = 16777216
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = romio_cb_write
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = disable
restart_read_mpiio_hint_key = romio_ds_read
restart_read_mpiio_hint_value = disable
restart_read_mpiio_hint_key = romio_cb_read
restart_read_mpiio_hint_value = disable
write_restart_stripe_factor = 20

Let’s check these in a bit more detail.

These set up restart file storing intervals and the path where to write, see next section:

restart_walltime_interval = 28400
restart_write_path = restart
number_of_restarts = 6 # = 8h / 28800s, change if modifying time limit or restart interval

These are hints for collective MPI I/O, in key-value pairs.

restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = cb_buffer_size
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = 16777216
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = striping_unit
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = 16777216
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key = romio_cb_write
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value = disable
restart_read_mpiio_hint_key = romio_ds_read
restart_read_mpiio_hint_value = disable
restart_read_mpiio_hint_key = romio_cb_read
restart_read_mpiio_hint_value = disable

Notably, we are using here 16 MB buffers and a matching stripe unit. These give decent 90s writes for 5.5 TB restart files from 500 nodes on LUMI.

The following informs Vlasiator of the restart file striping on Lustre (see below):

write_restart_stripe_factor = 20


Vlasiator runs usually take a while to complete, and everything might not go as planned - node or interconnect failures come to mind. It is also easy to encounter edge cases where the plasma VDFs “hit the walls” of their velocity space, so prototyping and iteration of run configurations will come up. It is also good to keep track of the performance, memory consumption and accrued costs over the simulation run.

Writing restarts

We write restart files at given wall-clock time intervals, given in the config file, as already seen above:

restart_walltime_interval = 28400
restart_write_path = restart
number_of_restarts = 6 # = 8h / 28800s, change if modifying time limit or restart interval

Here we write a restart file each (a bit less than) 8 hours, to have a good coverage over a 48h slot. The last restart will be written at 47 hours 20 minutes, after which the run will finalize. This allows for a bit of a margin wrt. file system hiccups when writing - in case the file system is clogged at the time of the last write and it takes 30min to go through, we prefer to sacrifice a bit of the slot time for safety.


This is rather simple! To continue running from the last restart, one issues the --restart.filename program option at launch, either via the command line or by editing the config. Here, a snippet that finds and uses the last written restart file in the directory ./restart/:

srun ./vlasiator --run_config Flowthrough_amr.cfg \
        --restart.filename $( ls restart/restart*vlsv | tail -n 1 )

When restarting, you can change config file and job script parameters, to e.g. introduce new/forgotten output variables, updated binary, or additional nodes - as the run progresses, the kinetic VDFs will usually take up much more resources than the initial ones.

Restarted runs will append to an existing logfile. Even if you do multiple restarts from the same savestate.

External commands

One can signal Vlasiator during run-time via files in the run directory. For example, creating a STOP file by touch STOP will signal the run to dump a restart and quit gracefully. The filename is appended with a timestamp. Other commands are available:

  • SAVE

    Dump a new restart file.

  • STOP

    Stop the run with a restart write.

  • KILL

    Stop the run without a restart write.

  • DOLB

    Force a load balance refresh - if walltime per timestep has grown unexpectedly, this might help.

  • DOMR

    Force a mesh re-refinement.


Today we will look at running small-ish simulations and scaling tests. We’ll start by performing few runs to fill in a scaling test spreadsheet and draw some conclusions from those runs. There are few heavier prototypes for overnight runs or heavier testing, and we will get to know tools for inspecting the Vlasiator outputs tomorrow.

Scaling test

Getting to know the basic run setup.

We are going to be running a Flowthrough test to look a bit at weak scaling. Find the configuration file and the job script from /scratch/project_465000693/example_runs/scaling/baseline/Flowthrough_amr.cfg.

The test is a tube, with initial solar wind plasma flowing along the X direction. The inflow boundary injects faster, more dense solar wind into the domain, and the Y and Z directions are periodic. Dynamic AMR is applied to the simulation, tracking the interface between fast and slow flows.

To calculate weak scaling, we will expand the Y and Z dimensions of the domain with some factors, with a matching increase in cores. To inspect task-thread balance, we move from having many tasks with few cores per task to few tasks with many cores per task - but keep the number of cores constant!

Pick a line or two for yourselves and modify your config and job script accordingly. The shared sheet has some predetermined values, but feel free to experiment further (and add lines with notes).

To begin with, we inspect the logfile.txt produced by the simulation run - at the end of a successful run, the file will show you total wall-clock runtime and some other counters - mark up these for the exercise results! The logfile is handy for surface-level checks, but for in-depth analysis of performance one should consult the phiprof outputs.

Prototype: Magnetosphere3D/Ionosphere3D

Advanced playthings

These prototypes can be played with - Magnetosphere3D configuration is included in the Vlasiator master under samples/. The sample magnetosphere is a good example of inner boundary instabilities at low resolutions - inner boundary VDFs hit the walls after ~60s of simulation time.

Ionosphere3D is freshly adapted version of the above to use an ionospheric inner boundary, and is somewhat more stable (with a highest-resolution region used for the inner boundary).

Note that these are “cheap” to run, expected O(100k) CPUh cost for a ~fully-developed system at around 1000s. If you wish to run these or use altered parameters, please feel free, but it may be a good idea to team up! Expect to use 16 nodes, so it would be hard to guarantee slots for everyone. You may also pick up the Ionosphere3D example run restart and keep running from there.

Prototype: Mercury5D

Audience request

This is a prototype 2D/5D equatorial Mercury run, with a foreshock. Example run can be picked up for restarting. These runs have proved to be somewhat tricky, and proper treatment of Mercury will require some code extensions (and the coders to do that coding!). What would be required can be discussed in breakout session.

Find this run from: /pfs/lustrep2/scratch/project_465000693/example_runs/Mercury5D

Other practical aspects

The rest of the day we get to play with running Vlasiator! Feel free to scatter, discuss, and join the online workshopping rooms, see HackMD for specifics.

Interesting questions you might get

Typical pitfalls