Vlasiator config reference

These can be viewed by running ./vlasiator --help.

Command line arguments

Usage: main [options (options given on the command line override options given everywhere else)], where options are::
 --help                                                                       print this help message
 --version                                                                    print version information
 --global_config arg                                                          read options from the global configuration file arg (relative to the current
                                                                              working directory). Options given in this file are overridden by options given
                                                                              in the user's and run's configuration files and by options given in environment
                                                                              variables (prefixed with MAIN_) and the command line
 --user_config arg                                                            read options from the user's configuration file arg (relative to the current
                                                                              working directory). Options given in this file override options given in the
                                                                              global configuration file. Options given in this file are overridden by options
                                                                              given in the run's configuration file and by options given in environment
                                                                              variables (prefixed with MAIN_) and the command line
 --run_config arg                                                             read options from the run's configuration file arg (relative to the current
                                                                              working directory). Options given in this file override options given in the
                                                                              user's and global configuration files. Options given in this override options
                                                                              given in the user's and global configuration files. Options given in this file
                                                                              are overridden by options given in environment variables (prefixed with MAIN_)
                                                                              and the command line

Configuration file options

propagate_field                                                            Propagate magnetic field during the simulation
propagate_vlasov_acceleration                                              Propagate distribution functions during the simulation in velocity space. Iffalse, it is propagated with zero length timesteps.
propagate_vlasov_translation                                               Propagate distribution functions during the simulation in ordinary space. Iffalse, it is propagated with zero length timesteps.
dynamic_timestep                                                           If true,  timestep is set based on  CFL limits (default on)
hallMinimumRho                                                             Minimum rho value used for the Hall and electron pressure gradient terms in theLorentz force and in the field solver. Default is very low and has no effect inpractice.
project                                                                    Specify the name of the project to use. Supported to date (20150610): AlfvenDiffusion Dispersion Distributions Firehose Flowthrough Fluctuations Harris KHBLarmor Magnetosphere Multipeak Riemann1 Shock Shocktest Template test_fptestHall test_trans VelocityBox verificationLarmor
ParticlePopulations                                                        Name of the simulated particle populations (string)

diagnostic_write_interval                                                  Write diagnostic output every arg time steps
system_write_t_interval                                                    Save the simulation every arg simulated seconds. Negative values disable writes.[Define for all groups.]
system_write_file_name                                                     Save the simulation to this file name series. [Define for all groups.]
system_write_path                                                          Save this series in this location. Default is ./ [Define for all groups ornone.]
system_write_distribution_stride                                           Every this many cells write out their velocity space. 0 is none. [Define for allgroups.]
system_write_distribution_xline_stride                                     Every this many lines of cells along the x direction write out their velocityspace. 0 is none. [Define for all groups.]
system_write_distribution_yline_stride                                     Every this many lines of cells along the y direction write out their velocityspace. 0 is none. [Define for all groups.]
system_write_distribution_zline_stride                                     Every this many lines of cells along the z direction write out their velocityspace. 0 is none. [Define for all groups.]
system_write_distribution_shell_radius                                     At cells intersecting spheres with those radii centred at the origin write outtheir velocity space. 0 is none.
system_write_distribution_shell_stride                                     Every this many cells for those on selected shells write out their velocityspace. 0 is none.
system_write_fsgrid_variables                                              If 0 don't write fsgrid DROs, if 1 do write them.
system_write_mpiio_hint_key                                                MPI-IO hint key passed to the non-restart IO. Has to be matched byio.system_write_mpiio_hint_value.
system_write_mpiio_hint_value                                              MPI-IO hint value passed to the non-restart IO. Has to be matched byio.system_write_mpiio_hint_key.
restart_write_mpiio_hint_key                                               MPI-IO hint key passed to the restart IO. Has to be matched byio.restart_write_mpiio_hint_value.
restart_write_mpiio_hint_value                                             MPI-IO hint value passed to the restart IO. Has to be matched byio.restart_write_mpiio_hint_key.
restart_read_mpiio_hint_key                                                MPI-IO hint key passed to the restart IO. Has to be matched byio.restart_read_mpiio_hint_value.
restart_read_mpiio_hint_value                                              MPI-IO hint value passed to the restart IO. Has to be matched byio.restart_read_mpiio_hint_key.
write_initial_state                                                        Write initial state, not even the 0.5 dt propagation is done. Do not use forrestarting.
write_full_bgb_data                                                        Write a dedicated file containing all BGB components and first derivatives, thenexit.
restart_walltime_interval                                                  Save the complete simulation in given walltime intervals. Negative valuesdisable writes.
number_of_restarts                                                         Exit the simulation after certain number of walltime-based restarts.
vlsv_buffer_size                                                           Buffer size passed to VLSV writer (bytes, up to uint64_t), default 0 as this issensible on sisu
write_restart_stripe_factor                                                Stripe factor for restart and initial grid writing. Default 0 to inherit.
write_system_stripe_factor                                                 Stripe factor for bulk file writing. Default 0 to inherit.
write_as_float                                                             If true, write in floats instead of doubles
restart_write_path                                                         Path to the location where restart files should be written. Defaults to thelocal directory, also if the specified destination is not writeable.
system_write_all_data_reducers                                             If 0 don't write all DROs, if 1 do write them.
diagnostic_write_all_data_reducers                                         Write all available diagnostic reducers

write_as_float                                                             If true, write restart fields in floats instead of doubles
filename                                                                   Restart from this vlsv file. No restart if empty file.
overrideReadFsGridDecompositionX                                           Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid stored in a restart file.
overrideReadFsGridDecompositionY                                           Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid stored in a restart file.
overrideReadFsGridDecompositionZ                                           Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid stored in a restart file.

geometry                                                                   Simulation geometry XY4D,XZ4D,XY5D,XZ5D,XYZ6D
x_min                                                                      Minimum value of the x-coordinate.
x_max                                                                      Minimum value of the x-coordinate.
y_min                                                                      Minimum value of the y-coordinate.
y_max                                                                      Minimum value of the y-coordinate.
z_min                                                                      Minimum value of the z-coordinate.
z_max                                                                      Minimum value of the z-coordinate.
x_length                                                                   Number of cells in x-direction in initial grid.
y_length                                                                   Number of cells in y-direction in initial grid.
z_length                                                                   Number of cells in z-direction in initial grid.
dt                                                                         Initial timestep in seconds.
t_max                                                                      Maximum simulation time, in seconds. If timestep_max limit is hit first thistime will never be reached
timestep_max                                                               Max. value for timesteps. If t_max limit is hit first, this step will never bereached

maxWaveVelocity                                                            Maximum wave velocity allowed in the fastest velocity determination in m/s,default unlimited
maxSubcycles                                                               Maximum allowed field solver subcycles
resistivity                                                                Resistivity for the eta*J term in Ohm's law.
diffusiveEterms                                                            Enable diffusive terms in the computation of E
ohmHallTerm                                                                Enable/choose spatial order of the Hall term in Ohm's law. 0: off, 1: 1stspatial order, 2: 2nd spatial order
ohmGradPeTerm                                                              Enable/choose spatial order of the electron pressure gradient term in Ohm's law.0: off, 1: 1st spatial order.
electronTemperature                                                        Upstream electron temperature to be used for the electron pressure gradient term(K).
electronDensity                                                            Upstream electron density to be used for the electron pressure gradient term(m^-3).
electronPTindex                                                            Polytropic index for electron pressure gradient term. 0 is isobaric, 1 isisothermal, 1.667 is adiabatic electrons,
maxCFL                                                                     The maximum CFL limit for field propagation. Used to set timestep ifdynamic_timestep is true.
minCFL                                                                     The minimum CFL limit for field propagation. Used to set timestep ifdynamic_timestep is true.
manualFsGridDecompositionX                                                 Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid.
manualFsGridDecompositionY                                                 Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid.
manualFsGridDecompositionZ                                                 Manual FsGridDecomposition for field solver grid.

maxSlAccelerationRotation                                                  Maximum rotation angle (degrees) allowed by the Semi-Lagrangian solver (Use >25values with care)
maxSlAccelerationSubcycles                                                 Maximum number of subcycles for acceleration
maxCFL                                                                     The maximum CFL limit for vlasov propagation in ordinary space. Used to settimestep if dynamic_timestep is true.
minCFL                                                                     The minimum CFL limit for vlasov propagation in ordinary space. Used to settimestep if dynamic_timestep is true.
accelerateMaxwellianBoundaries                                             Propagate maxwellian boundary cell contents in velocity space. Default false.

algorithm                                                                  Load balancing algorithm to be used
tolerance                                                                  Load imbalance tolerance
rebalanceInterval                                                          Load rebalance interval (steps)
optionKey                                                                  Zoltan option key. Has to be matched by loadBalance.optionValue.
optionValue                                                                Zoltan option value. Has to be matched by loadBalance.optionKey.

output                                                                     List of data reduction operators (DROs) to add to the grid file output.  Eachvariable to be added has to be on a new line output = XXX. Names are caseinsensitive.  Available (20230628): fg_b fg_b_background fg_b_perturbedfg_b_background_vol fg_derivs_b_background fg_e vg_rhom vg_rhoqpopulations_vg_rho fg_rhom fg_rhoq vg_v fg_v populations_vg_vpopulations_vg_moments_thermal populations_vg_moments_nonthermalpopulations_vg_effectivesparsitythreshold populations_vg_rho_loss_adjustpopulations_vg_energydensity populations_vg_precipitationdifferentialfluxpopulations_vg_heatflux populations_vg_nonmaxwellianity vg_maxdt_accelerationvg_maxdt_translation populations_vg_maxdt_accelerationpopulations_vg_maxdt_translation fg_maxdt_fieldsolver vg_rank fg_rankfg_amr_level vg_loadbalance_weight vg_boundarytype fg_boundarytypevg_boundarylayer fg_boundarylayer populations_vg_blocks vg_f_savedpopulations_vg_acceleration_subcycles vg_e_vol fg_e_vol fg_e_hall vg_e_gradpefg_b_vol vg_b_vol vg_b_background_vol vg_b_perturbed_vol vg_pressure fg_pressurepopulations_vg_ptensor vg_b_vol_derivatives fg_derivs ig_fac ig_latitude ig_chi0ig_cellarea ig_upmappedarea ig_sigmap ig_sigmah ig_sigmaparallel ig_rhonig_electrontemp ig_solverinternals ig_upmappednodecoords ig_upmappedbig_openclosed ig_potential ig_precipitation ig_deltaphi ig_inplanecurrent ig_big_e vg_drift vg_ionospherecoupling vg_connection vg_fluxrope fg_curvaturevg_amr_drho vg_amr_du vg_amr_dpsq vg_amr_dbsq vg_amr_db vg_amr_alphavg_amr_reflevel vg_amr_jperb vg_amr_translate_comm vg_gridcoordinatesfg_gridcoordinates
diagnostic                                                                 List of data reduction operators (DROs) to add to the diagnostic runtime output.Each variable to be added has to be on a new line diagnostic = XXX. Names arecase insensitive. Available (20221221): populations_vg_blocks vg_rhompopulations_vg_rho_loss_adjust vg_loadbalance_weight vg_maxdt_accelerationvg_maxdt_translation fg_maxdt_fieldsolver populations_vg_maxdt_accelerationpopulations_vg_maxdt_translation populations_vg_maxdistributionfunctionpopulations_vg_mindistributionfunction

output                                                                     List of deprecated names for data reduction operators (DROs). Names are caseinsensitive. Available (20190521): B BackgroundB fg_BackgroundB PerturbedBfg_PerturbedB E Rhom Rhoq populations_Rho V populations_Vpopulations_moments_Backstream populations_moments_NonBackstreampopulations_moments_thermal populations_moments_nonthermal populations_minvaluepopulations_EffectiveSparsityThreshold populations_RhoLossAdjustpopulations_rho_loss_adjustpopulations_EnergyDensitypopulations_PrecipitationFlux populations_precipitationdifferentialfluxLBweightvg_lbweight vg_loadbalanceweight MaxVdt MaxRdt populations_MaxVdtpopulations_MaxRdt populations_maxdt_acceleration populations_maxdt_translationMaxFieldsdt fg_maxfieldsdtMPIrank FsGridRank FsGridBoundaryType BoundaryTypeFsGridBoundaryLayer BoundaryLayer populations_Blocks fSavedvg_fsavedpopulations_accSubcycles populations_acceleration_subcyclesVolE vg_VolEEvol E_vol fg_VolE fg_Evol HallE fg_HallE GradPeE e_gradpe VolB vg_VolB fg_VolBB_vol Bvol vg_Bvol fg_volB fg_Bvol BackgroundVolB PerturbedVolB Pressurevg_Pressure fg_Pressure populations_PTensor BVOLderivs b_vol_derivs
diagnostic                                                                 List of deprecated data reduction operators (DROs) to add to the diagnosticruntime output. Names are case insensitive. Available (20201111): rhompopulations_rholossadjust populations_rho_loss_adjust populations_blockslbweight loadbalance_weight vg_lbweight vg_loadbalanceweight maxvdtmaxdt_acceleration maxrdt maxdt_translation populations_maxvdtpopulations_maxrdt populations_maxdt_acceleration populations_maxdt_translationpopulations_maxdistributionfunction populations_mindistributionfunctionmaxfieldsdt maxdt_fieldsolver fg_maxfieldsdt

write_restart                                                              If 1, write a restart file on bailout. Gets reset when sending a STOP (1) or aKILL (0).
min_dt                                                                     Minimum time step below which bailout occurs (s).
max_memory                                                                 Maximum amount of memory used per node (in GiB) over which bailout occurs.
velocity_space_wall_block_margin                                           Distance from the velocity space limits in blocks, if the distribution functionreaches that distance from the wall we bail out to avoid hitting the wall.

vel_refinement_criterion                                                   Name of the velocity refinement criterion
max_velocity_level                                                         Maximum velocity mesh refinement level
refine_limit                                                               If the refinement criterion function returns a larger value than this, block isrefined
coarsen_limit                                                              If the refinement criterion function returns a smaller value than this, blockcan be coarsened

max_spatial_level                                                          Maximum absolute spatial mesh refinement level
max_allowed_spatial_level                                                  Maximum currently allowed spatial mesh refinement level
should_refine                                                              If false, do not refine Vlasov grid regardless of max spatial level
adapt_refinement                                                           If true, re-refine vlasov grid every refine_cadence balance
refine_on_restart                                                          If true, re-refine vlasov grid on restart. DEPRECATED, consider using the DOMRcommand
force_refinement                                                           If true, refine/unrefine the vlasov grid to match the config on restart
should_filter                                                              If true, filter vlasov grid with boxcar filter on restart
use_alpha1                                                                 Use the maximum of dimensionless gradients alpha_1 as a refinement index
alpha1_refine_threshold                                                    Determines the minimum value of alpha_1 to refine cells
alpha1_coarsen_threshold                                                   Determines the maximum value of alpha_1 to unrefine cells, default half of therefine threshold
use_alpha2                                                                 Use J/B_perp as a refinement index
alpha2_refine_threshold                                                    Determines the minimum value of alpha_2 to refine cells
alpha2_coarsen_threshold                                                   Determines the maximum value of alpha_2 to unrefine cells, default half of therefine threshold
refine_cadence                                                             Refine every nth load balance
refine_after                                                               Start refinement after this many simulation seconds
refine_radius                                                              Maximum distance from Earth to refine
alpha1_drho_weight                                                         Multiplier for delta rho in alpha calculation
alpha1_du_weight                                                           Multiplier for delta U in alpha calculation
alpha1_dpsq_weight                                                         Multiplier for delta p squared in alpha calculation
alpha1_dbsq_weight                                                         Multiplier for delta B squared in alpha calculation
alpha1_db_weight                                                           Multiplier for delta B in alpha calculation
number_of_boxes                                                            How many boxes to be refined, that number of centers and sizes have to then bedefined as well.
box_half_width_x                                                           Half width in x of the box that is refined
box_half_width_y                                                           Half width in y of the box that is refined
box_half_width_z                                                           Half width in z of the box that is refined
box_center_x                                                               x coordinate of the center of the box that is refined
box_center_y                                                               y coordinate of the center of the box that is refined
box_center_z                                                               z coordinate of the center of the box that is refined
box_max_level                                                              max refinement level of the box that is refined
transShortPencils                                                          if true, use one-cell pencils
filterpasses                                                               AMR filter passes for each individual refinement level

fieldLineTracer                                                            Field line tracing method to use for coupling ionosphere and magnetosphere(options are: Euler, BS)
tracer_max_allowed_error                                                   Maximum allowed error for the adaptive field line tracers
tracer_max_attempts                                                        Maximum allowed attempts for the adaptive field line tracers
tracer_min_dx                                                              Minimum allowed field line tracer step length for the adaptive field linetracers (m)
fullbox_and_fluxrope_max_absolute_distance_to_trace                        Maximum absolute distance in m to trace along the field line before ending.Defaults to the sum of the simulation box edge lengths LX+LY+LZ if set <= 0.
fullbox_max_incomplete_cells                                               Maximum fraction of cells left incomplete when stopping tracing loop for fullbox tracing. Defaults to zero to process all, will be slow at scale! Bothfluxrope_max_incomplete_cells and fullbox_max_incomplete_cells will be achieved.
fluxrope_max_incomplete_cells                                              Maximum fraction of cells left incomplete when stopping loop for flux ropetracing. Defaults to zero to process all, will be slow at scale! Bothfluxrope_max_incomplete_cells and fullbox_max_incomplete_cells will be achieved.
use_reconstruction_cache                                                   Use the cache to store reconstruction coefficients. (0: don't, 1: use)
fluxrope_max_curvature_radii_to_trace                                      Maximum number of seedpoint curvature radii to trace forward and backward fromeach DCCRG cell to find flux ropes
fluxrope_max_curvature_radii_extent                                        Maximum extent in seedpoint curvature radii from the seed a field line isallowed to extend to be counted as a flux rope

charge                                                                     Particle charge, in units of elementary charges (int)
mass_units                                                                 Units in which particle mass is given, either 'PROTON' or 'ELECTRON' (string)
mass                                                                       Particle mass in given units (float)

minValue                                                                   Minimum value of distribution function in any cell of a velocity block for theblock to be considered to have contents
blockAddWidthV                                                             Number of layers of blocks that are kept in velocity space around the blockswith content
conserve_mass                                                              If true, then mass is conserved by scaling the dist. func. in the remainingblocks
dynamicAlgorithm                                                           Type of algorithm used for calculating the dynamic minValue; 0 = none, 1 =linear algorithm based on rho, 2 = linear algorithm based on Blocks, (Examplelinear algorithm: y = kx+b, where dynamicMinValue1=k*dynamicBulkValue1 + b, anddynamicMinValue2 = k*dynamicBulkValue2 + b
dynamicMinValue1                                                           The minimum value for the dynamic minValue
dynamicMinValue2                                                           The maximum value (value 2) for the dynamic minValue
dynamicBulkValue1                                                          Minimum value for the dynamic algorithm range, so for example ifdynamicAlgorithm=1 then for sparse.dynamicBulkValue1 = 1e3,sparse.dynamicBulkValue2=1e5, we apply the algorithm to cells for which1e3<cell.rho<1e5
dynamicBulkValue2                                                          Maximum value for the dynamic algorithm range, so for example ifdynamicAlgorithm=1 then for sparse.dynamicBulkValue1 = 1e3,sparse.dynamicBulkValue2=1e5, we apply the algorithm to cells for which1e3<cell.rho<1e5

vx_min                                                                     Minimum value for velocity mesh vx-coordinates.
vx_max                                                                     Maximum value for velocity mesh vx-coordinates.
vy_min                                                                     Minimum value for velocity mesh vy-coordinates.
vy_max                                                                     Maximum value for velocity mesh vx-coordinates.
vz_min                                                                     Minimum value for velocity mesh vz-coordinates.
vz_max                                                                     Maximum value for velocity mesh vx-coordinates.
vx_length                                                                  Initial number of velocity blocks in vx-direction.
vy_length                                                                  Initial number of velocity blocks in vy-direction.
vz_length                                                                  Initial number of velocity blocks in vz-direction.
max_refinement_level                                                       Maximum allowed mesh refinement level.

vx                                                                         Center coordinate for the maxwellian distribution. Used for calculating thesuprathermal moments.
vy                                                                         Center coordinate for the maxwellian distribution. Used for calculating thesuprathermal moments.
vz                                                                         Center coordinate for the maxwellian distribution. Used for calculating thesuprathermal moments.
radius                                                                     Radius of the maxwellian distribution. Used for calculating the suprathermalmoments. If set to 0 (default), the thermal/suprathermal DROs are skipped.

nChannels                                                                  Number of energy channels for precipitation differential flux evaluation
emin                                                                       Lowest energy channel (in eV) for precipitation differential flux evaluation
emax                                                                       Highest energy channel (in eV) for precipitation differential flux evaluation
lossConeAngle                                                              Fixed loss cone opening angle (in deg) for precipitation differential fluxevaluation

limit1                                                                     Lower limit of second bin for energy density, given in units of solar wind ramenergy.
limit2                                                                     Lower limit of third bin for energy density, given in units of solar wind ramenergy.
solarwindspeed                                                             Incoming solar wind velocity magnitude in m/s. Used for calculating energydensities.
solarwindenergy                                                            Incoming solar wind ram energy in eV. Used for calculating energy densities.

boundary                                                                   List of boundary condition (BC) types to be used. Each boundary condition to beused has to be on a new line boundary = YYY. Available options are: Outflow,Ionosphere, Copysphere, Maxwellian.
periodic_x                                                                 Set the grid periodicity in x-direction. 'yes'(default)/'no'.
periodic_y                                                                 Set the grid periodicity in y-direction. 'yes'(default)/'no'.
periodic_z                                                                 Set the grid periodicity in z-direction. 'yes'(default)/'no'.

centerX                                                                    X coordinate of ionosphere center (m)
centerY                                                                    Y coordinate of ionosphere center (m)
centerZ                                                                    Z coordinate of ionosphere center (m)
radius                                                                     Radius of the inner simulation boundary (unit is assumed to be R_E if value <1000, otherwise m).
innerRadius                                                                Radius of the ionosphere model (m).
geometry                                                                   Select the geometry of the ionosphere, 0: inf-norm (diamond), 1: 1-norm(square), 2: 2-norm (circle, DEFAULT), 3: 2-norm cylinder aligned with y-axis,use with polar plane/line dipole.
precedence                                                                 Precedence value of the ionosphere system boundary condition (integer), thehigher the stronger.
reapplyUponRestart                                                         If 0 (default), keep going with the state existing in the restart file. If 1,calls again applyInitialState. Can be used to change boundary conditionbehaviour during a run.
baseShape                                                                  Select the seed mesh geometry for the spherical ionosphere grid. Options are:sphericalFibonacci, tetrahedron, icosahedron.
conductivityModel                                                          Select ionosphere conductivity tensor construction model. Options are: 0=GUMICSstyle (Vertical B, only SigmaH and SigmaP), 1=Ridley et al 2004 (1000 mholongitudinal conductivity), 2=Koskinen 2011 full conductivity tensor.
ridleyParallelConductivity                                                 Constant parallel conductivity value. 1000 mho is given without justification byRidley et al 2004.
fibonacciNodeNum                                                           Number of nodes in the spherical fibonacci mesh.
refineMinLatitude                                                          Refine the grid polewards of the given latitude. Multiple of these lines can begiven for successive refinement, paired up with refineMaxLatitude lines.
refineMaxLatitude                                                          Refine the grid equatorwards of the given latitude. Multiple of these lines canbe given for successive refinement, paired up with refineMinLatitude lines.
atmosphericModelFile                                                       Filename to read the MSIS atmosphere data from (default: NRLMSIS.dat)
recombAlpha                                                                Ionospheric recombination parameter (m^3/s)
ionizationModel                                                            Ionospheric electron production rate model. Options are: Rees1963, Rees1989,SergienkoIvanov (default).
innerBoundaryVDFmode                                                       Inner boundary VDF construction method. Options ar: FixedMoments,AverageMoments, AverageAllMoments, CopyAndLosscone, ForceL2EXB.
F10_7                                                                      Solar 10.7 cm radio flux (sfu = 10^{-22} W/m^2)
backgroundIonisation                                                       Background ionoisation due to cosmic rays (mho)
solverMaxIterations                                                        Maximum number of iterations for the conjugate gradient solver
solverRelativeL2ConvergenceThreshold                                       Convergence threshold for the relative L2 metric
solverMaxFailureCount                                                      Maximum number of iterations allowed to diverge before restarting the ionospheresolver
solverMaxErrorGrowthFactor                                                 Maximum allowed factor of growth with respect to the minimum error beforerestarting the ionosphere solver
solverGaugeFixing                                                          Gauge fixing method of the ionosphere solver. Options are: pole, integral,equator
shieldingLatitude                                                          Latitude below which the potential is set to zero in the equator gauge fixingscheme (degree)
solverPreconditioning                                                      Use preconditioning for the solver? (0/1)
solverUseMinimumResidualVariant                                            Use minimum residual variant
solverToggleMinimumResidualVariant                                         Toggle use of minimum residual variant at every solver restart
earthAngularVelocity                                                       Angular velocity of inner boundary convection, in rad/s
plasmapauseL                                                               L-shell at which the plasmapause resides (for corotation)
downmapRadius                                                              Radius from which FACs are coupled down into the ionosphere. Units are assumedto be RE if value < 1000, otherwise m. If -1: use inner boundary cells.
unmappedNodeRho                                                            Electron density of ionosphere nodes that do not connect to the magnetospheredomain.
unmappedNodeTe                                                             Electron temperature of ionosphere nodes that do not connect to themagnetosphere domain.
couplingTimescale                                                          Magnetosphere->Ionosphere coupling timescale (seconds, 0=immediate coupling
couplingInterval                                                           Time interval at which the ionosphere is solved (seconds)

rho                                                                        Number density of the ionosphere (m^-3)
T                                                                          Temperature of the ionosphere (K)
VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity of ionospheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity of ionospheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocity of ionospheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)

centerX                                                                    X coordinate of copysphere center (m)
centerY                                                                    Y coordinate of copysphere center (m)
centerZ                                                                    Z coordinate of copysphere center (m)
radius                                                                     Radius of copysphere (m).
geometry                                                                   Select the geometry of the copysphere, 0: inf-norm (diamond), 1: 1-norm(square), 2: 2-norm (circle, DEFAULT), 3: 2-norm cylinder aligned with y-axis,use with polar plane/line dipole.
precedence                                                                 Precedence value of the copysphere system boundary condition (integer), thehigher the stronger.
reapplyUponRestart                                                         If 0 (default), keep going with the state existing in the restart file. If 1,calls again applyInitialState. Can be used to change boundary conditionbehaviour during a run.
zeroPerB                                                                   If 0 (default), normal copysphere behaviour of magnetic field at inner boundary.If 1, keep magnetic field static at the inner boundary

rho                                                                        Number density of the copysphere (m^-3)
T                                                                          Temperature of the copysphere (K)
VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity of copyspheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity of copyspheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocity of copyspheric distribution function in X direction (m/s)
fluffiness                                                                 Inertia of boundary smoothing when copying neighbour's moments and velocitydistributions (0=completely constant boundaries, 1=neighbours are interpolatedimmediately).

faceNoFields                                                               List of faces on which no field outflow boundary conditions are to be applied([xyz][+-]).
precedence                                                                 Precedence value of the outflow system boundary condition (integer), the higherthe stronger.
reapplyUponRestart                                                         If 0 (default), keep going with the state existing in the restart file. If 1,calls again applyInitialState. Can be used to change boundary conditionbehaviour during a run.

reapplyFaceUponRestart                                                     List of faces on which outflow boundary conditions are to be reapplied uponrestart ([xyz][+-]).
face                                                                       List of faces on which outflow boundary conditions are to be applied([xyz][+-]).
vlasovScheme_face_x+                                                       Scheme to use on the face x+ (Copy, Limit, None)
vlasovScheme_face_x-                                                       Scheme to use on the face x- (Copy, Limit, None)
vlasovScheme_face_y+                                                       Scheme to use on the face y+ (Copy, Limit, None)
vlasovScheme_face_y-                                                       Scheme to use on the face y- (Copy, Limit, None)
vlasovScheme_face_z+                                                       Scheme to use on the face z+ (Copy, Limit, None)
vlasovScheme_face_z-                                                       Scheme to use on the face z- (Copy, Limit, None)
quench                                                                     Factor by which to quench the inflowing parts of the velocity distributionfunction.

face                                                                       List of faces on which set Maxwellian boundary conditions are to be applied([xyz][+-]).
precedence                                                                 Precedence value of the set Maxwellian boundary condition (integer), the higherthe stronger.
reapplyUponRestart                                                         If 0 (default), keep going with the state existing in the restart file. If 1,calls again applyInitialState. Can be used to change boundary conditionbehaviour during a run.
t_interval                                                                 Time interval in seconds for applying the varying inflow condition.

file_x+                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face x+. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
file_x-                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face x-. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
file_y+                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face y+. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
file_y-                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face y-. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
file_z+                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face z+. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
file_z-                                                                    Input files for the set Maxwellian inflow parameters on face z-. Data format perline: time (s) density (p/m^3) Temperature (K) Vx Vy Vz (m/s) Bx By Bz (T).
dynamic                                                                    Boolean value, is the set Maxwellian inflow dynamic in time or not.

B0                                                                         Guiding field value (T)
Bx_guiding                                                                 Guiding field x component
By_guiding                                                                 Guiding field y component
Bz_guiding                                                                 Guiding field z component
Wavelength                                                                 Wavelength (m)
A_mag                                                                      Amplitude of the magnetic perturbation

rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
A_vel                                                                      Amplitude of the velocity perturbation

B0                                                                         Background field value (T)

rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
Scale_x                                                                    Scale length in x (m)
Scale_y                                                                    Scale length in y (m)

B0                                                                         Guide magnetic field strength (T)
magXPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along x (T)
magYPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along y (T)
magZPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along z (T)
maxwCutoff                                                                 Cutoff for the maxwellian distribution
angleXY                                                                    Orientation of the guide magnetic field with respect to the x-axis in x-y plane(rad)
angleXZ                                                                    Orientation of the guide magnetic field with respect to the x-axis in x-z plane(rad)

VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity (m/s)
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity (m/s)
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocity (m/s)
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
densityPertRelAmp                                                          Relative amplitude of the density perturbation
velocityPertAbsAmp                                                         Absolute amplitude of the velocity perturbation

rho1                                                                       Number density, first peak (m^-3)
rho2                                                                       Number density, second peak (m^-3)
Tx1                                                                        Temperature, first peak (K)
Tx2                                                                        Temperature, second peak (K)
Ty1                                                                        Temperature, first peak (K)
Ty2                                                                        Temperature, second peak (K)
Tz1                                                                        Temperature, first peak (K)
Tz2                                                                        Temperature, second peak (K)
Vx1                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, first peak (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, second peak (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, first peak (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, second peak (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, first peak (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, second peak (m/s)
Bx                                                                         Magnetic field x component (T)
By                                                                         Magnetic field y component (T)
Bz                                                                         Magnetic field z component (T)
dBx                                                                        Magnetic field x component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
dBy                                                                        Magnetic field y component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
dBz                                                                        Magnetic field z component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
magXPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along x (T)
magYPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along y (T)
magZPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along z (T)
rho1PertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the density perturbation, first peak
rho2PertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the density perturbation, second peak
lambda                                                                     B cosine perturbation wavelength (m)

Bx                                                                         Magnetic field x component (T)
By                                                                         Magnetic field y component (T)
Bz                                                                         Magnetic field z component (T)
lambda                                                                     Initial perturbation wavelength (m)
amp                                                                        Initial perturbation amplitude (m)

rho1                                                                       Number density, first peak (m^-3)
rho2                                                                       Number density, second peak (m^-3)
Tx1                                                                        Temperature x, first peak (K)
Tx2                                                                        Temperature x, second peak (K)
Ty1                                                                        Temperature y, first peak (K)
Ty2                                                                        Temperature y, second peak (K)
Tz1                                                                        Temperature z, first peak (K)
Tz2                                                                        Temperature z, second peak (K)
Vx1                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, first peak (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, second peak (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, first peak (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, second peak (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, first peak (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, second peak (m/s)

emptyBox                                                                   Is the simulation domain empty initially?
densityModel                                                               Plasma density model, 'Maxwellian' or 'SheetMaxwellian'
densityWidth                                                               Width of signal around origin
Bx                                                                         Magnetic field x component (T)
By                                                                         Magnetic field y component (T)
Bz                                                                         Magnetic field z component (T)

rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
rhoBase                                                                    Background number density (m^-3)
T                                                                          Temperature (K)
VX0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in x-direction
VY0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in y-direction
VZ0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in z-direction

BX0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BY0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BZ0                                                                        Background field value (T)
magXPertAbsAmp                                                             Amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along x
magYPertAbsAmp                                                             Amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along y
magZPertAbsAmp                                                             Amplitude of the magnetic perturbation along z

rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
densityPertRelAmp                                                          Amplitude factor of the density perturbation
velocityPertAbsAmp                                                         Amplitude of the velocity perturbation
maxwCutoff                                                                 Cutoff for the maxwellian distribution

Scale_size                                                                 Harris sheet scale size (m)
BX0                                                                        Magnetic field at infinity (T)
BY0                                                                        Magnetic field at infinity (T)
BZ0                                                                        Magnetic field at infinity (T)

Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
rho                                                                        Number density at infinity (m^-3)

rho1                                                                       Number density, this->TOP state (m^-3)
rho2                                                                       Number density, this->BOTTOM state (m^-3)
T1                                                                         Temperature, this->TOP state (K)
T2                                                                         Temperature, this->BOTTOM state (K)
Vx1                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, this->TOP state (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, this->BOTTOM state (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, this->TOP state (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, this->BOTTOM state (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, this->TOP state (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, this->BOTTOM state (m/s)
Bx1                                                                        Magnetic field x component, this->TOP state (T)
Bx2                                                                        Magnetic field x component, this->BOTTOM state (T)
By1                                                                        Magnetic field y component, this->TOP state (T)
By2                                                                        Magnetic field y component, this->BOTTOM state (T)
Bz1                                                                        Magnetic field z component, this->TOP state (T)
Bz2                                                                        Magnetic field z component, this->BOTTOM state (T)
lambda                                                                     Initial perturbation wavelength (m)
amp                                                                        Initial perturbation amplitude (m)
offset                                                                     Boundaries offset from 0 (m)
transitionWidth                                                            Width of tanh transition for all changing values

BX0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BY0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BZ0                                                                        Background field value (T)
VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity in x
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity in y
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocuty in z
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
maxwCutoff                                                                 Cutoff for the maxwellian distribution
Scale_x                                                                    Scale length in x (m)
Scale_y                                                                    Scale length in y (m)

constBgBX                                                                  Constant flat Bx component in the whole simulation box. Default is none.
constBgBY                                                                  Constant flat By component in the whole simulation box. Default is none.
constBgBZ                                                                  Constant flat Bz component in the whole simulation box. Default is none.
noDipoleInSW                                                               If set to 1, the dipole magnetic field is not set in the solar wind inflowcells. Default 0.
dipoleScalingFactor                                                        Scales the field strength of the magnetic dipole compared to Earths.
dipoleType                                                                 0: Normal 3D dipole, 1: line-dipole for 2D polar simulations, 2: line-dipolewith mirror, 3: 3D dipole with mirror
dipoleMirrorLocationX                                                      x-coordinate of dipole Mirror
refine_L4radius                                                            Radius of L3-refined sphere or cap
refine_L4nosexmin                                                          Low x-value of nose L3-refined box
refine_L3radius                                                            Radius of L3-refined sphere or cap
refine_L3nosexmin                                                          Low x-value of nose L3-refined box
refine_L3tailheight                                                        Height in +-z of tail L3-refined box
refine_L3tailwidth                                                         Width in +-y of tail L3-refined box
refine_L3tailxmin                                                          Low x-value of tail L3-refined box
refine_L3tailxmax                                                          High x-value of tail L3-refined box
refine_L2radius                                                            Radius of L2-refined sphere
refine_L2tailthick                                                         Thickness of L2-refined tail region
refine_L1radius                                                            Radius of L1-refined sphere
refine_L1tailthick                                                         Thickness of L1-refined tail region
dipoleTiltPhi                                                              Magnitude of dipole tilt, in degrees
dipoleTiltTheta                                                            Direction of dipole tilt from Sun-Earth-line, in degrees
dipoleXFull                                                                X-coordinate up to which dipole is at full strength, in metres
dipoleXZero                                                                X-coordinate after which dipole is at zero strength, in metres
dipoleInflowBX                                                             Inflow magnetic field Bx component to which the vector potential dipoleconverges. Default is none.
dipoleInflowBY                                                             Inflow magnetic field By component to which the vector potential dipoleconverges. Default is none.
dipoleInflowBZ                                                             Inflow magnetic field Bz component to which the vector potential dipoleconverges. Default is none.
zeroOutDerivativesX                                                        Zero Out Perpendicular components
zeroOutDerivativesY                                                        Zero Out Perpendicular components
zeroOutDerivativesZ                                                        Zero Out Perpendicular components

rho                                                                        Tail region number density (m^-3)
T                                                                          Temperature (K)
VX0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in x-direction
VY0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in y-direction
VZ0                                                                        Initial bulk velocity in z-direction
taperInnerRadius                                                           Inner radius of the zone with a density tapering from the ionospheric value tothe background (m)
taperOuterRadius                                                           Outer radius of the zone with a density tapering from the ionospheric value tothe background (m)

Bx                                                                         Magnetic field x component (T)
By                                                                         Magnetic field y component (T)
Bz                                                                         Magnetic field z component (T)
dBx                                                                        Magnetic field x component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
dBy                                                                        Magnetic field y component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
dBz                                                                        Magnetic field z component cosine perturbation amplitude (T)
magXPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along x (T)
magYPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along y (T)
magZPertAbsAmp                                                             Absolute amplitude of the random magnetic perturbation along z (T)
lambda                                                                     B cosine perturbation wavelength (m)
densityModel                                                               Which spatial density model is used?

n                                                                          Number of peaks to create
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Tx                                                                         Temperature (K)
Ty                                                                         Temperature
Tz                                                                         Temperature
Vx                                                                         Bulk velocity x component (m/s)
Vy                                                                         Bulk velocity y component (m/s)
Vz                                                                         Bulk velocity z component (m/s)
rhoPertAbsAmp                                                              Absolute amplitude of the density perturbation

rho                                                                        Number density in full 6 dimensions (m^-6 s^3)
Vx1                                                                        Box min x (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Box max x (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Box min y (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Box max y (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Box min z (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Box max z (m/s)
Bx                                                                         Magnetic field x component (T)
By                                                                         Magnetic field y component (T)
Bz                                                                         Magnetic field z component (T)

rho1                                                                       Number density, left state (m^-3)
rho2                                                                       Number density, right state (m^-3)
T1                                                                         Temperature, left state (K)
T2                                                                         Temperature, right state (K)
Vx1                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, left state (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, right state (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, left state (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, right state (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, left state (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, right state (m/s)
Bx1                                                                        Magnetic field x component, left state (T)
Bx2                                                                        Magnetic field x component, right state (T)
By1                                                                        Magnetic field y component, left state (T)
By2                                                                        Magnetic field y component, right state (T)
Bz1                                                                        Magnetic field z component, left state (T)
Bz2                                                                        Magnetic field z component, right state (T)

BX0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BY0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BZ0                                                                        Background field value (T)
EX0                                                                        Background electric field
VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity in x
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity in y
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocuty in z
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
magPertAmp                                                                 Amplitude of the magnetic perturbation
densityPertAmp                                                             Amplitude factor of the density perturbation
velocityPertAmp                                                            Amplitude of the velocity perturbation
maxwCutoff                                                                 Cutoff for the maxwellian distribution
Scale_x                                                                    Scale length in x (m)
Scale_y                                                                    Scale length in y (m)
Sharp_Y                                                                    Sharpness of tannh

BX0u                                                                       Upstream mag. field value (T)
BY0u                                                                       Upstream mag. field value (T)
BZ0u                                                                       Upstream mag. field value (T)
BX0d                                                                       Downstream mag. field value (T)
BY0d                                                                       Downstream mag. field value (T)
BZ0d                                                                       Downstream mag. field value (T)
Width                                                                      Shock Width (m)
AMR_L1width                                                                L1 AMR region width (m)
AMR_L2width                                                                L2 AMR region width (m)
AMR_L3width                                                                L3 AMR region width (m)
AMR_L4width                                                                L4 AMR region width (m)

VX0u                                                                       Upstream Bulk velocity in x
VY0u                                                                       Upstream Bulk velocity in y
VZ0u                                                                       Upstream Bulk velocuty in z
rhou                                                                       Upstream Number density (m^-3)
Temperatureu                                                               Upstream Temperature (K)
VX0d                                                                       Downstream Bulk velocity in x
VY0d                                                                       Downstream Bulk velocity in y
VZ0d                                                                       Downstream Bulk velocuty in z
rhod                                                                       Downstream Number density (m^-3)
Temperatured                                                               Downstream Temperature (K)
maxwCutoff                                                                 Cutoff for the maxwellian distribution

param                                                                      This is my project's parameter. Default is 0.0

V0                                                                         Velocity magnitude (m/s)
B0                                                                         Magnetic field value in the non-zero patch (T)
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
angle                                                                      Orientation of the propagation expressed in pi/4
Bdirection                                                                 Direction of the magnetic field (0:x, 1:y, 2:z, 3:all)
shear                                                                      Add a shear (if false, V=0.5 everywhere).

BX0                                                                        Magnetic field x (T)
BY0                                                                        Magnetic field y (T)
BZ0                                                                        Magnetic field z (T)
VX0                                                                        velocity x (m/s)
VY0                                                                        velocity y (m/s)
VZ0                                                                        velocity z (m/s)
Temperature                                                                Temperature (K)
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)

cellPosition                                                               Position of the centre of the cells initiated (same used in velocity and space).
peakValue                                                                  Value of the distribution function

BX0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BY0                                                                        Background field value (T)
BZ0                                                                        Background field value (T)
VX0                                                                        Bulk velocity in x
VY0                                                                        Bulk velocity in y
VZ0                                                                        Bulk velocity in z
X0                                                                         Initial Position
Y0                                                                         Initial Position
Z0                                                                         Initial Position
rho                                                                        Number density (m^-3)

rho1                                                                       Number density, left state (m^-3)
rho2                                                                       Number density, right state (m^-3)
T1                                                                         Temperature, left state (K)
T2                                                                         Temperature, right state (K)
Vx1                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, left state (m/s)
Vx2                                                                        Bulk velocity x component, right state (m/s)
Vy1                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, left state (m/s)
Vy2                                                                        Bulk velocity y component, right state (m/s)
Vz1                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, left state (m/s)
Vz2                                                                        Bulk velocity z component, right state (m/s)
Bx1                                                                        Magnetic field x component, left state (T)
Bx2                                                                        Magnetic field x component, right state (T)
By1                                                                        Magnetic field y component, left state (T)
By2                                                                        Magnetic field y component, right state (T)
Bz1                                                                        Magnetic field z component, left state (T)
Bz2                                                                        Magnetic field z component, right state (T)

seed                                                                       Seed for the RNG