

  • Learn what approaches exist to parallelize applications

  • Showcase Dask

Instructor note

  • 5 min teaching/demo

Different ways to do parallelization

  • Data parallelization:

    • split an array / data into chunks

    • do computation in separate processes / threads

    • combine it

    • Libraries: mpi4py, dask, cython, numba, cupy, pythran

  • Task parallelization:

    • construct a task or a function

    • feed different sets input data

    • collect the results in a queue and write it

    • Libraries:

      • Standard library: multiprocessing, threading, queue, asyncio, concurrent.futures

      • Third party: trio, dask, ray

Irrespective of the approach, one common consideration is that a parallelized part of the code should be free from race-conditions.

In this episode we will showcase parallelizing using Dask.


Dask is composed of two parts:

  • Dynamic task scheduling optimized for computation. Similar to other workflow management systems, but optimized for interactive computational workloads.

  • “Big Data” collections like parallel arrays, dataframes, and lists that extend common interfaces like NumPy, Pandas, or Python iterators to larger-than-memory or distributed environments. These parallel collections run on top of dynamic task schedulers.


High level collections are used to generate task graphs which can be executed by schedulers on a single machine or a cluster. From the Dask documentation

Dask distributed and dashboard

Dask has a plugin package known as distributed which brings in the capability to tap into a variety of computing setups: ranging from local machines to HPC/Supercomputers and Kubernetes clusters. It also has an integrated web application called dashboard to monitor the application.

Dask Bag

A Dask bag enables processing data that can be represented as a sequence of arbitrary inputs (“messy data”), like in a Python list. Dask Bags are often used to for preprocessing log files, JSON records, or other user defined Python objects.

We will content ourselves with implementing a dask version of the word-count problem, specifically the step where we count words in a text.

Demo: Dask version of word-count

First navigate to the word-count-hpda directory. The serial version (wrapped in multiple functions in the source/ code) looks like this:

filename = './data/concat.txt'
DELIMITERS = ". , ; : ? $ @ ^ < > # % ` ! * - = ( ) [ ] { } / \" '".split()

with open(filename, "r") as input_fd:
    lines =

counts = {}
for line in lines:
    for purge in DELIMITERS:
        line = line.replace(purge, " ")
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        word = word.lower().strip()
        if word in counts:
            counts[word] += 1
            counts[word] = 1    

sorted_counts = sorted(
    key=lambda key_value: key_value[1],


A very compact dask.bag version of this code is as follows:

import dask.bag as db

filename = './data/concat.txt'
DELIMITERS = ". , ; : ? $ @ ^ < > # % ` ! * - = ( ) [ ] { } / \" '".split()

text = db.read_text(filename, blocksize='1MiB')
sorted_counts = (
    .filter(lambda word: word not in DELIMITERS)


The last two steps of the pipeline could also have been done with a Dask dataframe (which is the Dask equivalent of a Pandas dataframe):

text = db.read_text(filename, blocksize='1MiB')
filtered = (
    .filter(lambda word: word not in DELIMITERS)
ddf = filtered.to_dataframe(columns=['words'])


Try adding the following snippet and visualize the run in a dashboard

from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client()  # start distributed scheduler locally.

When to use Dask

There is no benefit from using Dask on small datasets. But imagine we were analysing a very large text file (all tweets in a year? a genome?). Dask provides both parallelisation and the ability to utilize RAM on multiple machines.