Tutorial - Variational Quantum Algorithms
Exercise 1: Max 4-Cut
Problem Definition
The Max 4-Cut problem is defined on a graph \( G = (V, E) \), with a corresponding problem Hamiltonian given by:
where \( w_e \) represents the weight of edge \( e \in E\), and \( H_e \) is the Hamiltonian associated with that edge.
Generic Graph Problem
In this exercise, the class GraphProblem
from the qaoa.problems
module is used to define the problem. The class requires two inputs:
A networkx graph \(G\),
The number of qubits per vertex/node.
The GraphProblem
class includes a method to create a quantum circuit for implementing the phase separating Hamiltonian \(e^{-i\theta H_P}\).
Specific problem implementation
However, GraphProblem
relies on an abstract method, create_edge_circuit
, which must be implemented to define the phase separating Hamiltonian \( H_e \) for an edge.
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from qaoa.problems import GraphProblem
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import PhaseGate
class Max4Cut(GraphProblem):
def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph ) -> None:
N_qubits_per_node = 2
super().__init__(G, N_qubits_per_node)
# each color is associated with a bitstring combination
self.colors = {
"color1": ["00"],
"color2": ["01"],
"color3": ["10"],
"color4": ["11"],
# Create a dictionary to map each index to its corresponding set
self.bitstring_to_color = {}
for key, indices in self.colors.items():
for index in indices:
self.bitstring_to_color[index] = key
def create_edge_circuit(self, theta):
qc = QuantumCircuit(2 * self.N_qubits_per_node)
" ---------------------"
" implement the circuit"
" ---------------------"
return qc
def create_edge_circuit_fixed_node(self, theta):
Show the circuit for one edge
test = Max4Cut(nx.Graph([(0, 1, {"weight": 1.0})]))
Graph contains nodes with one or zero edges. These can be removed to reduce the size of the problem.

Graph instance
Let’s start by defining a Graph with 10 nodes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a graph with 8 nodes
G = nx.Graph()
# Add nodes
# Add edges (example connections)
edges = [
(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 5),
(3, 6), (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7,3), (3,5)
# Draw the graph
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, pos = nx.circular_layout(G))

Problem instance
Now we can instantiate a Max4Cut problem with the graph and create and draw the resulting circuit for the phase separating Hamiltonian. Observe that there is one circuit per edge in the graph.
max4cut = Max4Cut(G)

QAOA instance
We create a QAOA instance using
as initial state we use the \(\ket{+}\) state,
as mixing operator the \(X\)-mixer, and
as phase separation operator our newly created max4cut instance.
from qaoa import QAOA
from qaoa.initialstates import Plus
from qaoa.mixers import X
from qiskit_algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA
settings = {"maxiter": 100, "tol": 1e-3, "rhobeg": 0.1}
optimizer = [COBYLA, settings.copy()]
qaoa_k4 = QAOA(initialstate=Plus(), problem=max4cut, mixer=X(), optimizer=optimizer)
Sample the cost landscape and plot it.
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def plot_E(qaoa_instance, fig=None):
angles = qaoa_instance.landscape_p1_angles
dgamma = (qaoa_instance.gamma_grid[1]-qaoa_instance.gamma_grid[0])/2
dbeta = (qaoa_instance.gamma_grid[1]-qaoa_instance.gamma_grid[0])/2
extent = [
return __plot_landscape(qaoa_instance.exp_landscape(), extent, fig=fig)
def __plot_landscape(A, extent, fig):
if not fig:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), dpi=80, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k")
_ = plt.xlabel(r"$\gamma$")
_ = plt.ylabel(r"$\beta$")
ax = fig.gca()
_ = plt.title("Expectation value")
im = ax.imshow(A, interpolation="nearest", origin="lower", extent=extent)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
_ = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
qaoa_k4.sample_cost_landscape( angles={"gamma": [0, np.pi, 20], "beta": [0, np.pi, 20]} )
2024-12-02 13:36:14 [info ] Calculating energy landscape for depth p=1... file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
2024-12-02 13:36:15 [info ] Executing sample_cost_landscape file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
2024-12-02 13:36:15 [info ] parameters: 2 file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
2024-12-02 13:36:15 [info ] Done execute file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
2024-12-02 13:36:22 [info ] Done measurement file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
2024-12-02 13:36:22 [info ] Calculating Energy landscape done file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape

Use a local optimizer to find the optimum for \(p=1\). We converge quickly to the local optimum.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
gamma = []
beta = []
angles = qaoa_k4.optimization_results[1].angles
for i in range(len(angles)):
plt.plot(gamma, beta, "x-k")
plt.plot(gamma[0], beta[0], "wo")
plt.plot(gamma[-1], beta[-1], "or")
plot_E(qaoa_k4, fig=fig)
2024-12-02 13:36:23 [info ] cost(depth 1 = -10.727539062500002 file=qaoa.qaoa func=optimize

Run QAOA up to depth \(p=5\). We can see how the approximation ratio increases with \(p\).
maxdepth = 5
p = np.arange(1, len(np.array(qaoa_k4.get_Exp())) + 1)
plt.plot(p, -np.array(qaoa_k4.get_Exp()) / maxval, marker="x")
plt.ylabel("Approx. ratio")
plt.title("QAOA Max 4-Cut")
plt.ylim([0, 1])
2024-12-02 13:36:25 [info ] cost(depth 2 = -11.204101562499991 file=qaoa.qaoa func=optimize
2024-12-02 13:36:29 [info ] cost(depth 3 = -11.468749999999988 file=qaoa.qaoa func=optimize
2024-12-02 13:36:34 [info ] cost(depth 4 = -11.54296875 file=qaoa.qaoa func=optimize
2024-12-02 13:36:39 [info ] cost(depth 5 = -11.604492187500007 file=qaoa.qaoa func=optimize

Exercise 2: Max 3-Cut using the full Hilbert space
Find the circuit with pen and paper
Given \(\operatorname{clr}^3_{< 3}\) we now want to devide the states into the following sets (containing power of two states),
set one consist of \(\ket{1011}, \ket{1110}\), and
set two consists of \(\ket{0000}, \ket{0101}, \ket{1010}, \ket{1111}, \).
Apply Theorem 1 from [1] and work out what the circuit for an edge should look like, using pen and paper.
Are there any gates that cancel?
Specific problem implementation
class Max3CutFullH(GraphProblem):
def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph ) -> None:
N_qubits_per_node = 2
super().__init__(G, N_qubits_per_node)
self.colors = {
"color1": ["00"],
"color2": ["01"],
"color3": ["10", "11"],
# Create a dictionary to map each index to its corresponding set
self.bitstring_to_color = {}
for key, indices in self.colors.items():
for index in indices:
self.bitstring_to_color[index] = key
def create_edge_circuit(self, theta):
qc = QuantumCircuit(2 * self.N_qubits_per_node)
" ---------------------"
" implement the circuit"
" ---------------------"
return qc
def create_edge_circuit_fixed_node(self, theta):
test = Max3CutFullH(nx.Graph([(0, 1, {"weight": 1.0})]))
Graph contains nodes with one or zero edges. These can be removed to reduce the size of the problem.

qaoa_k3_fullH = QAOA(initialstate=Plus(), problem=Max3CutFullH(G), mixer=X(), optimizer=optimizer)
qaoa_k3_fullH.optimize(depth=1, angles={"gamma": [0, np.pi, 20], "beta": [0, np.pi, 20]} )
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
gamma = []
beta = []
angles = qaoa_k3_fullH.optimization_results[1].angles
for i in range(len(angles)):
plt.plot(gamma, beta, "x-k")
plt.plot(gamma[0], beta[0], "wo")
plt.plot(gamma[-1], beta[-1], "or")
plot_E(qaoa_k3_fullH, fig=fig)
2024-12-02 13:36:39 [info ] Calculating energy landscape for depth p=1... file=qaoa.qaoa func=sample_cost_landscape
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[18], line 1
----> 1 qaoa_k3_fullH.optimize(depth=1, angles={"gamma": [0, np.pi, 20], "beta": [0, np.pi/2, 10]} )
3 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
4 gamma = []
File c:\Users\rubenb\OneDrive - SINTEF\Desktop\test_qas\.venv\Lib\site-packages\qaoa\qaoa.py:451, in QAOA.optimize(self, depth, angles)
449 if self.current_depth == 0:
450 if self.Exp_sampled_p1 is None:
--> 451 self.sample_cost_landscape(angles=angles)
452 ind_Emin = np.unravel_index(
453 np.argmin(self.Exp_sampled_p1, axis=None), self.Exp_sampled_p1.shape
454 )
455 angles0 = np.array(
456 (self.gamma_grid[ind_Emin[1]], self.beta_grid[ind_Emin[0]])
457 )
File c:\Users\rubenb\OneDrive - SINTEF\Desktop\test_qas\.venv\Lib\site-packages\qaoa\qaoa.py:352, in QAOA.sample_cost_landscape(self, angles)
350 logger.info("Done measurement")
351 else:
--> 352 self.createParameterizedCircuit(depth)
353 gamma = [None] * angles["beta"][2] * angles["gamma"][2]
354 beta = [None] * angles["beta"][2] * angles["gamma"][2]
File c:\Users\rubenb\OneDrive - SINTEF\Desktop\test_qas\.venv\Lib\site-packages\qaoa\qaoa.py:248, in QAOA.createParameterizedCircuit(self, depth)
245 for d in range(depth):
246 self.gamma_params[d] = Parameter("gamma_" + str(d))
247 tmp_circuit = self.problem.circuit.assign_parameters(
--> 248 {self.problem.circuit.parameters[0]: self.gamma_params[d]},
249 inplace=False,
250 )
251 self.parameterized_circuit.compose(tmp_circuit, inplace=True)
253 if self.usebarrier:
File c:\Users\rubenb\OneDrive - SINTEF\Desktop\test_qas\.venv\Lib\site-packages\qiskit\circuit\parametertable.py:241, in ParameterView.__getitem__(self, index)
239 def __getitem__(self, index):
240 """Get items."""
--> 241 return self.data[index]
IndexError: list index out of range
maxdepth = 5
p = np.arange(1, len(np.array(qaoa_k3_fullH.get_Exp())) + 1)
plt.plot(p, -np.array(qaoa_k3_fullH.get_Exp()) / maxval, marker="x")
plt.ylabel("Approx. ratio")
plt.title("QAOA Max 3-Cut using the full Hilber space")
plt.ylim([0, 1])
Exercise 3: Max 3-Cut using subspaces
Show that the Grover mixer is valid using pen and paper
Create circuit for Grover mixer
Using the package qaoa
create a Grover mixer for \(\ket{ltk3} = \frac{\ket{00} + \ket{01} + \ket{11}}{\sqrt{3}}\). For this we import the following:
from qaoa.initialstates import LessThanK
ltk3 = LessThanK(3)
Create a circuit for \(\ket{ltk3}^{\otimes 3}\). For this we can use the Tensor class.
from qaoa.initialstates import Tensor
numNodes = 3
phi0 = Tensor(ltk3, numNodes)
create the Grover mixer for \(\ket{ltk3}^{\otimes 3}\)
from qaoa.mixers import Grover
grover =
" ---------------------"
" define the Grover mixer"
" ---------------------"
Numerically test that the Grover mixer is valid
Show that we have a valid mixer by plotting the overlap \(\bra{z_1} U_M(\beta) \ket{z_2}\) depending on \(\beta\):
Pick two feasible computational basis states \(\ket{z_1} \neq \ket{z_2}\) and see that the overlap is nonzero for some values of \(\beta\)
Pick a feasible and an infeasible state, and show that the overlap is always zero
Let’s start by importing the necessary things, before we can do some plots.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from tqdm import tqdm
from qiskit_aer import Aer
from qiskit import (
overlap = []
betavalues = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,50)
for beta in tqdm(betavalues):
q = QuantumRegister(numNodes*2)
c = ClassicalRegister(numNodes*2)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
" ---------------------"
" implement a circuit for <z_1|"
" ---------------------"
circuit.append(grover.circuit, q)
circuit.measure(q, c)
circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
# Assign float values to the parameters
parameters = list(circuit.parameters)
parameter_values = [beta]
bound_circuit = circuit.assign_parameters(dict(zip(parameters, parameter_values)))
# Run the job
job = backend.run(bound_circuit, shots=shots)
counts = job.result().get_counts()
" ---------------------"
" choose string for |z_2>"
" ---------------------"
# bound_circuit.draw('mpl')
pl.plot(betavalues, overlap)
Problem class
class Max3Cut(GraphProblem):
def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph ) -> None:
N_qubits_per_node = 2
super().__init__(G, N_qubits_per_node)
# each color is associated with a bitstring combination
self.colors = {
"color1": ["00"],
"color2": ["01"],
"color3": ["10"],
# Create a dictionary to map each index to its corresponding set
self.bitstring_to_color = {}
for key, indices in self.colors.items():
for index in indices:
self.bitstring_to_color[index] = key
def create_edge_circuit(self, theta):
qc = QuantumCircuit(2 * self.N_qubits_per_node)
qc.cx(0, 2)
qc.cx(1, 3)
qc.x([2, 3])
phase_gate = PhaseGate(-theta).control(1)
qc.append(phase_gate, [2, 3])
qc.x([2, 3])
qc.cx(1, 3)
qc.cx(0, 2)
return qc
def create_edge_circuit_fixed_node(self, theta):
# we will not use this function, so we can skip it
Initial state class
To run QAOA we need to implement the InitialState
class that creates a Tensor of \(\ket{ltk3}\) state, which can be done just as above
from qaoa.initialstates import InitialState
class Max3CutInitialState(InitialState):
def create_circuit(self) -> None:
numQubitsPerNode = 2
self.num_V = int(self.N_qubits/numQubitsPerNode)
tg =
" ---------------------"
" define the initial state"
" ---------------------"
self.circuit = tg.circuit
Mixer class
We also need to implement the Mixer
class that creates a Tensor of Grover mixer, which can be done just as above
from qaoa.mixers import Mixer
class Max3CutGrover(Mixer):
def create_circuit(self) -> None:
numQubitsPerNode = 2
self.num_V = int(self.N_qubits/numQubitsPerNode)
gm =
" ---------------------"
" define the Box Grover mixer"
" ---------------------"
self.circuit = gm.circuit
create an instance of QAOA and plot the resulting landscape
qaoa_k3_subH = QAOA(
qaoa_k3_subH.optimize(depth=1, angles={"gamma": [0, 2*np.pi, 20], "beta": [0, 2*np.pi, 20]} )
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
gamma = []
beta = []
angles = qaoa_k3_subH.optimization_results[1].angles
for i in range(len(angles)):
plt.plot(gamma, beta, "x-k")
plt.plot(gamma[0], beta[0], "wo")
plt.plot(gamma[-1], beta[-1], "or")
plot_E(qaoa_k3_subH, fig=fig)
Comparison for MAX 3-CUT
Compare the convergence for the method using the full Hilbert space and the subspace encoding up to d
maxdepth = 5
p = np.arange(1, len(np.array(qaoa_k3_subH.get_Exp())) + 1)
plt.plot(p, -np.array(qaoa_k3_fullH.get_Exp()) / maxval, marker="x", label="full H")
plt.plot(p, -np.array(qaoa_k3_subH.get_Exp()) / maxval, marker="x", label="sub H")
plt.ylabel("Approx. ratio")
plt.title("QAOA Max 3-Cut comparison")
plt.ylim([0, 1])
For more info you can look into the following reference.
[1] Fuchs, Franz G., Ruben P. Bassa, and Frida Lien. “Encodings of the weighted MAX k-CUT on qubit systems.” Preprint arXiv 2024. arXiv:2411.08594
[2] Fuchs, Franz G., Ruben P. Bassa. “LX-mixers for QAOA: Optimal mixers restricted to subspaces and the stabilizer formalism.” Quantum 8 (2024): 1535. 10.22331/q-2024-11-25-1535
[3] Bärtschi, Andreas, and Stephan Eidenbenz. “Grover mixers for QAOA: Shifting complexity from mixer design to state preparation.” In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), pp. 72-82. IEEE, 2020. 10.1109/QCE49297.2020.00020