Connecting to a HPC resource

If using SSH keys, once the keys are created and uploaded on the PDC interface, entering the cluster is as simple as:

$ ssh -Y <username>

Which should get you into the PDC supercomputer. The -Y flag is used to be able to open graphical windows on the supercomputer, e.g. to visualise images. This will work only if you have a running local X server (if you are on Linux/WSL, you most likely do). Alternatively, you may choose to use Kerberos as an authentication method. To do that, you first need to ask for a Kerberos ticket:

$ kinit -f <username>@NADA.PDC.KTH.SE

After that, the SSH command looks like the following:

$ ssh -o GSSAPIAuthentication=yes -Y <username>

More information about Kerberos can be found at this address.


Let us check on which node we ended up. The name of the machine can be checked with the hostname command:

$ hostname

We can get a sense of the size of Dardel by using the sinfo command:

$ sinfo -s
gpu          up 1-00:00:00        49/9/4/62 nid[002792-002853]
main         up 1-00:00:00  604/256/112/972 nid[001012-001531,001756-001816,001818-001819,001821-001896,001898-002007,002009-002023,002552-002567,002588-002759]
scania       up 4-00:00:00    22/187/15/224 nid[001532-001755]
scania-hf    up 4-00:00:00          0/3/1/4 nid[000011-000014]
memory       up 7-00:00:00        34/8/0/42 nid[000101-000118,001772-001779,002552-002567]
shared       up 7-00:00:00        27/5/0/32 nid[001000-001011,002568-002587]
long         up 7-00:00:00        76/4/0/80 nid[001800-001819,002588-002647]
eggnog       up 7-00:00:00          4/0/0/4 nid[002536-002539]
supernova    up 14-00:00:0         5/6/5/16 nid[001817,001820,001897,002008,002540-002551]

E.g. the main partition has 972 nodes, each containing 128 cores.

A general sense of the amount of work load can be gained with the squeue command, which shows all the jobs (running, queued):

$ squeue