Move between folders, ls, transferring to/from local storage

Upon logging in, you should be in your “home” folder, as reported by the prompt:


where login1 is the name of the host (in this case, the login node) and ~ represents the home folder. The full path of this directory can be printed using the pwd command (print working directory):

$ pwd

The contents of a directory can be listed with the ls command:

$ ls
Private  Public  spack-user

The cd (change directory) command can be used to navigate the filesystem.

Moving files/folders from/to the cluster can be achieved via the scp command to be run locally (i.e. not on the cluster):

$ scp [-r] /path/to/local/source

The optional -r flag is used to indicate recursive copying of whole folders and their contents.


In this workshop, our working folder will be in /cfs/klemming/projects/supr/testingsharedbus/. You can create your own folder:

$ cd /cfs/klemming/projects/supr/bustestingshared
$ mkdir my_name

We can now clone the repository containing the material for the workshop:

$ cd my_name
$ git clone
$ cd supercomputing4ai_demo