More examples and topics

If you want further examples or prefer to select ones depending on your topic of interest, have a look at

There are many more topics available, not covered by the present hands-on examples. By comparing with the adjusted examples in this workshop, it is possible to modify the above material for running on Tetralith and other clusters.

Note that the hands-on sessions in this workshop are not suitable for heavier computational jobs, though it’s fine for testing and looking into running different types of VASP calculations.

Select material for study

You might start from a system of your choice and perform a similar analysis as for the examples presented in this workshop and at the VASP wiki. An idea might be to search for the material at the Crystallography Open Database and transform the .cif file to POSCAR, using cif2cell

cif2cell filename.cif -p vasp

In the produced POSCAR file, it’s useful to add the species in a new 6th line below the lattice vectors (the correct ordering is printed in the top line), so that it can readily be used for visualization with e.g. VESTA.

Trying out different tools

There are many useful tools which are available for VASP, e.g. for post-processing or setting up structures. Depending on your interest, you can select some of the ones described in the section on useful tools, also see the last presentation, “Utilities & Summary”.


There is a VASP GPU OpenACC build for the workshop which can be used. Below is an example job script for running on a single GPU (since each Booster node got 32 cores and 4 GPUs, we select 8 cores with each GPU)

#SBATCH -p boost_usr_prod
#SBATCH --qos=boost_qos_dbg
#SBATCH --time 00:15:00
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --job-name=vaspjob

module use /leonardo_scratch/fast/EUHPC_TD02_030/vasp_ws2024/modules
module load VASP/6.4.3-gpu1
module load nvhpc/23.11   
module load fftw/3.3.10--openmpi--4.1.6--nvhpc--23.11  
module load hdf5/1.14.3--openmpi--4.1.6--nvhpc--23.11
module load netlib-scalapack/2.2.0--openmpi--4.1.6--nvhpc--23.11

srun -n 1 vasp_std

To run on more GPUs, adjust #SBATCH -n, #SBATCH --gres=gpu and srun -n. A quick comparison for a GaAsBi 512 atoms supercell test, 1 GPU finishes ca. 6 jobs for the time of a 1 node CPU (32 cores) job.

  • In particular, adjust NSIM for GPU calculations

Testing / efficiency exercises

For the workshop, smaller problem cases can be selected due to limited time and compute resources for the hands-on part. The principles are similar considering regular jobs.

  • Investigate the scaling behaviour for a case, e.g. run on 32, 16, 8 and 4 cores. Check the timing of the iterative steps

    grep LOOP OUTCAR

notice LOOP+, compare with the total wall time for a job. Any difference (if so, what’s the origin)? How does bands/core look like for the different runs? Any “OOM” issues (out of memory)? What happens when there are fewer bands than cores?

  • LEONARDO: compare between CPU and GPU calculations