Useful tools

Some of the tools are also described in the examples. For an easy overview, a description is collected on this page. There are many more tools which can be used, a selection is shown in the 4th and last presentation, “Utilities & Summary”.

In general, Tetralith is well suitable for post-processing directly on the login node, or using work nodes for more heavy processing, via the ThinLinc virtual desktop.

On LEONARDO, test to use py4vasp together with jupyter-lab via port forwarding to your local computer, alternatively produce static images. Gnuplot and vaspkit can also be used to produce images. It is also possible to install many of the tools on a local computer for post-processing of the output, e.g. VESTA is usually easy to install.

System-specific instructions

Select instructions for the system you are using:

Instructions for use on the NAISS cluster Tetralith (NSC)

Command line

Basic experience with common Unix/Linux commands such as

ls, cd, cp, mv, mkdir, rm

it is also very useful to handle

grep, less, cat

Can quickly look into their manual in a terminal, e.g. by typing

man grep

Text editors

There are many text editors which can be used directly in a terminal, such as vi, emacs and nano. In a virtual desktop environment several more are available, e.g. gedit on Tetralith via ThinLinc. Pick the one you prefer. There are lot of guides available online.

A very brief guide to vi (vim)

vi filename   # open the file "filename"
i             # switch to interactive mode, used for typing, close with `esc`
`esc`         # needed to close interactive mode
:w            # save
:wq           # save and quit
:q!           # quit without saving
r             # replace character
x             # delete character
u             # undo
G             # go to end of file
gg            # go to beginning of file
.             # repeat last command
dd            # delete one line
yy            # copy (yank) line
p             # put line which was copied

a number X before a command will repeat it X times. On Tetralith/LEONARDO arrow keys can be used to move around in the file.


tmux can be useful for running several terminal sessions e.g. within one login if connecting via ssh. There are many guides available online. A very brief outline below:

tmux             # start
tmux ls          # list sessions
tmux attach      # reactivate
ctrl b c         # create new window
ctrl b n         # step between windows
ctrl b d         # deactivate


gnupot is a common tool for plotting data and is readily available on most systems. It’s also possible to directly save a plot to an image.

It is available in the path on both clusters (if a specific version is needed, it can be searched after with “module avail gnuplot”).



will give a gnuplot prompt in the terminal gnuplot>. To directly plot to a png image e.g.

set term png
set output "image.png"

you can also get a quick ASCII sketch of a plot in the terminal by setting

set term dumb

before a plot command.


In general, Python can be very useful both for smaller basic analysis scripts and in the form of more involved software such as e.g. ASE and py4vasp (see below).

It’s a good idea to keep different programs separate (unless they’re meant to be used together), such that their dependencies aren’t mixed in a common environment, e.g. as packages installed in a user home account under .local. A typical issue is that different software can be sensitive to exact versions of dependencies. Therefore, one can look into creating Python virtual environments and/or using conda or its drop-in replacement mamba, to keep environments separate. For Tetralith, check the following pages for handling Python and conda/mamba.


p4vasp is an open source visualization tool for VASP, with a wide range of functions (e.g. plotting DOS, bandstructure, energy and force convergence, structure relaxation). At this time it’s official webpage seems to be down.

p4vasp is installed on Tetralith

module load p4vasp/0.3.30-nsc1
p4v &


py4vasp is a python interface which extracts data from a VASP calculation, using the HDF5 .h5 output file (meaning that VASP needs to be compiled with HDF5 support). It can be used e.g. to quickly plot density of states, bandstructure and energy convergence. It’s optimized for use together with jupyter-lab and jupyter-notebook, but can also output image files directly.

After starting a Python kernel which includes py4vasp via jupyter, in the notebook one first loads py4vasp and thereafter sets where to find the finished VASP calculation of interest

import py4vasp
mycalc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path("/path/to/your/calculation/folder/here")

alternatively, one can provide the direct path to the VASP .h5 output file

mycalc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_file("/path/to/your/file/vaspout.h5")

or go to the folder in the notebook via

cd /path/to/your/calculation/folder/here
mycalc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(".")

Here below a few examples are shown. For a much more detailed description, refer to the py4vasp page and also see some example of tutorials using py4vasp from the VASP developers.

Examples for plotting density of states (DOS)

mycalc.dos.plot()              # plot total DOS
mycalc.dos.plot("s,p,d")       # plot s, p and d orbitals
mycalc.dos.plot("3(s)"))       # plot s orbital of atom 3 in POSCAR
mycalc.dos.plot("s(Na, Cl")    # plot s orbital for Na and Cl  
mycalc.dos.plot("down(1:3)")   # plot spin-down for atoms 1 to 3 in POSCAR combined

Plotting the bandstructure

Showing the POSCAR structure in 3D


Plotting the energy convergence[:].plot()       # plot the full energy range[5].plot()       # plot at step 5[1:10].plot()    # plot between steps 1 and 10

py4vasp is available via a module

module load py4vasp/0.7.4-hpc1

by loading it also python, ASE, numpy, jupyter and many other packages become available. See all with “pip list”. See below for how to directly write an image file. See the last section for starting jupyter-lab, from which py4vasp can be run in the browser.

Note that py4vasp can also be used directly in a python script, writing output to an image file instead of a plot via jupyter.

For example, a script “”

import py4vasp
mycalc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(".")

activate a Python environment including py4vasp, and run with


this will output a DOS image “dos.png”.

Another example for a band structure plot “”

import py4vasp
mycalc = py4vasp.Calculation.from_path(".")

this will give a band-structure image “band.png”.


The Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) is a set of tools and Python modules for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing and analyzing atomistic simulations. It can be used together with VASP and many other programs.

In this workshop it’s used to help compute the equation of state in some of the examples.

To use ASE, load its module together with a suitable Python installation e.g.

module load ASE/3.21.0-nsc1
module load Python/3.10.4-env-nsc1-gcc-2022a-eb

Also note that ASE is directly available from the py4vasp module:

module load py4vasp/0.7.4-hpc1


vaspkit is a tool for both pre- and post-processing of VASP calculations for a wide range of material properties. Here, we apply the free to use version of it.



cif2cell is a tool for generating input structures (e.g. POSCAR) for electronic structure codes (e.g. VASP) starting from a CIF file.

For example, it can be very useful if you start from an experimental structure reported in the Crystallograpohy Open Database which uses the CIF format. If you have a different structure format which can be converted to CIF, you can use cif2cell to produce POSCAR as a second step.

It is available as a module

module load cif2cell/2.1.0-hpc1

Its options can be found by

cif2cell --help

A quick example, read a name.cif structure file and output to POSCAR

cif2cell name.cif -p vasp


VESTA is a 3D visualization program for structural models, volumetric data such as electron/nuclear densities, and crystal morphologies.

It’s available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Free of charge for non-commercial users.

It is available as a module

module load vesta/3.4.4-nsc1
vesta &

Jupyter-notebook and jupyter-lab

In brief, jupyter-notebook is a web-based interactive document which can be shared. For example, it can be used to run Python. Jupyter-lab is an extensive interface which includes jupyter-notebook.

The main page is in this link. Also see documentation.

The jupyter-lab and notebook are included together with the py4vasp module

module load py4vasp/0.7.4-hpc1

It can be started directly on the login node via ThinLinc by typing


and it will open in a browser. This is fine for regular plots etc. For heavier processing, instead start it in an interactive job session on a work node, for example

interactive -A naiss2024-22-241 -t 01:00:00 -n 4
jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=NODENAME

if the session runs on e.g. node n58, set --ip=n58. From the output, start Firefox and copy & paste the corresponding link.

Jupyter is also typically available within the Python env installations on Tetralith. A different possibility is to install it using conda/mamba or a Python virtual environment, see the NSC Python page for more details.