Creating and running tests with CTest


  • How can we handle the testing stage of our project with CMake?


  • Learn how to produce test executables with CMake.

  • Learn how to run your tests through CTest.

Testing is an essential activity in the development cycle. A well-designed test suite will help you detect bugs and can also facilitate the onboarding of new developers.


CTest is part of the CMake suite of programs. It is a test runner. You can handle your test suite definition, execution, and reporting through it.

In this episode, we will look into how to use CTest to define and run our tests.

Adding tests to your project

In CMake and CTest, a test is any command returning an exit code. It does not really matter how the command is issued or what is run: it can be a C++ executable or a Python script. As long as the execution returns a zero or non-zero exit code, CMake will be able to classify the test as succeeded or failed, respectively.

There are two steps to perform to integrate your CMake build system with the CTest tool:

  1. Call the enable_testing command. This takes no arguments.

  2. Add tests with the add_test command.

Exercise 6: Running the tests through a shell script

Any command can be used to run tests. In this exercise, we will extend the previous CMake code to test the main executable within a shell script. The scaffold project is in the content/code/day-1/06_bash-ctest folder.

  1. Find the appropriate bash executable to run with. You should use the find_program command of CMake.


    The BASH_EXECUTABLE variable will be the shell program.

  2. Add another invocation to add_test that will be equivalent to running:

    $ ./ sum_up


    • Use the absolute location of

    • You can use the generator expression syntax to give the location of the executable: $<TARGET_FILE:sum_up>.

  3. Build the project and run CTest.

A working solution is in the solution subfolder.

Exercise 7: Running the tests through a Python script

It is much more common nowadays to use Python, rather than shell scripts. In this exercise, we will add two more tests to our project. These new tests will run the main executable through a Python script. The scaffold project is in the content/code/day-1/07_python-ctest folder.

  1. Find the Python interpreter to run You should use the find_package command of CMake:

    find_package(Python REQUIRED)

    The interpreter will be available in the Python_EXECUTABLE variable.

  2. Add another invocation to add_test that will be equivalent to running:

    $ python --executable sum_up


    • Use the absolute location of

    • You can use the generator expression syntax to give the location of the executable: $<TARGET_FILE:sum_up>.

  3. The script accepts a --short command-line option. Add another test that uses this option in the command.

  4. Build the project and run CTest.

A working solution is in the solution subfolder.

The CTest command-line interface

Test properties: labels, timeout, and cost

When you use add_test, you give a unique name to each test. As we have seen, you can use these names to filter which tests to run in the suite. This can be extremely valuable when the test suite is large and you really only need to run few of the many tests. However, the naming mechanism does not allow to easily group tests. We could in principle add a suffix to all tests in a given group and then filter them with an appropriate regex, but what if we had multiple groups to which tests could belong. This is a very common situation in practice! Fortunately, we can set properties on tests and labels are among the available properties.

Exercise 8: Set labels on tests

We will run some tests using Python and we want to group them into two categories:

  • quick for tests with a very short execution time.

  • long for benchmarking tests with a longer execution time.

The scaffold project is in the content/code/day-1/08_ctest-labels folder.

  1. Find the Python interpreter:

    find_package(Python REQUIRED)

    The interpreter will be available in the Python_EXECUTABLE variable.

  2. Enable testing.

  3. Add the six tests in the test folder. Give each of them a unique name.

  4. Use set_tests_properties to set labels for the tests:

    •,, and should be in the quick group.

    •,, and should be in the long group.

  5. Check that everything works as expected

A working solution is in the solution subfolder.

Among the many properties that can be set on tests, we would like to highlight the following:

  • WILL_FAIL. CTest will mark tests as passed when the corresponding command returns with a non-zero exit code. Use this property to test for expected failures.

  • COST. The first time you run your tests, CTest will save the run time of each. In this way, subsequent runs of the test suite will start by executing the longest running tests first. You can influence this behavior by declaring up front the “cost” of each test.

  • TIMEOUT. Some tests might run for a long time: you can set an explicit timeout if you want to be more or less tolerant of variations in execution time.

Exercises 9, 10, 11: More properties!

Let’s play around with the properties we have just introduced.

The scaffold project is in the content/code/day-1/09_ctest-will-fail folder.

  1. Create a project with no language.

  2. Find the Python interpreter.

  3. Enable testing.

  4. Add a test running the script.

Try to run the tests and observe what happens. Now set the WILL_FAIL property to true and observe what changes when running the tests.

A working solution is in the solution subfolder.

For a complete list of properties that can be set on tests search for “Properties on Tests” in the output of:

$ cmake --help-properties

or visit the CMake documentation online.


  • Any custom command can be defined as a test in CMake.

  • Tests can be run through CTest.