

  • Optimize the most expensive function from the word-count-hpda project’s wordcount.py script.

  • Show how changes to algorithm influences the performance.

  • Introduce a few Python accelerators: cython, numba, pythran

  • Mention the library transonic

Instructor note

  • 15 min teaching/demo

  • No type-along intended

Targeting the most expensive function

In the previous episode by profiling, we found out that update_word_counts consumes around half of the CPU wall time and is called repeatedly. Here is a snippet from profiling output.

         53473208 function calls in 8.410 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
  1233410    4.151    0.000    7.204    0.000 source/wordcount.py:41(update_word_counts)

Option 1: changing the algorithm

If we look at the output from the line profiler, we can see that the following two lines are the most time-consuming.

def update_word_counts(line, counts):
    Given a string, parse the string and update a dictionary of word
    counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS are
    removed before the string is parsed. The function is case-insensitive
    and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    for purge in DELIMITERS:
        line = line.replace(purge, " ")
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        word = word.lower().strip()
        if word in counts:
            counts[word] += 1
            counts[word] = 1


Instead of a for loop and a str.replace we could use a single regular expression substitution. This change would look like this

import re
# WARNING: there is a bug in the regular expression below!
DELIMITERS = re.compile(r"""[\.,;:?$@^<>#%`!\*-=\(\)\[\]\{\}/\\\\"']""")

def update_word_counts(line, counts):
    Given a string, parse the string and update a dictionary of word
    counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS are
    removed before the string is parsed. The function is case-insensitive
    and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    line = DELIMITERS.sub(" ", line)
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        word = word.lower().strip()
        if word in counts:
            counts[word] += 1
            counts[word] = 1

If we run our benchmark with the original code (v0.py) and the regex version (v0_1.py), we get

$ time python v0.py data/concat.txt processed_data/concat.dat

real    0m2,934s
user    0m2,733s
sys     0m0,191s
$ time python v0_1.py data/concat.txt processed_data/concat.dat

real    0m2,472s
user    0m2,320s
sys     0m0,147s


  • There is a marginal gain of ~0.5 s which amounts to a 16% performance boost.

  • Such changes are less maintainable, but sometime necessary.

Option 2: using an accelerator


The following are the few well-known accelerators for Python-Numpy applications.



Implemented in





Ahead of time



All of Python, Numpy, and C

Generic and can also interface C,C++


Ahead of time



Most Python and Numpy features

Escapes GIL always, can optimize vectorized code without loops. Can parallelize using OpenMP.


Just in time



Most Python and Numpy features

Specializes in Numeric codes. Has GPU support, can parallelize


Just in time


Function or Expression

Most Python and Numpy features

Drop-in alternative for Numpy. Designed for creating ML libraries


Pre-compiled / JIT

Cython / C / C++

Function or Expression

Numpy and Scipy

Drop-in alternative for Numpy. Supports CUDA and ROCm GPUs


One complication with optimizing update_word_counts is that it is an impure function. In other words, it has some side-effects since it:

  1. accesses a global variable DELIMITERS, and

  2. mutates an external dictionary counts which is a local variable inside the function calculate_word_counts.

Thus the function update_word_counts on its own can be complicated for an accelerator to compile since the types of the external variables are unknown.

def update_word_counts(line, counts):
    Given a string, parse the string and update a dictionary of word
    counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS are
    removed before the string is parsed. The function is case-insensitive
    and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    for purge in DELIMITERS:
        line = line.replace(purge, " ")
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        word = word.lower().strip()
        if word in counts:
            counts[word] += 1
            counts[word] = 1
DELIMITERS = ". , ; : ? $ @ ^ < > # % ` ! * - = ( ) [ ] { } / \" '".split()
def calculate_word_counts(lines):
    Given a list of strings, parse each string and create a dictionary of
    word counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS
    are removed before the string is parsed. The function is
    case-insensitive and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    counts = {}
    for line in lines:
        update_word_counts(line, counts)
    return counts


In this example we shall demonstrate Cython via a package called Transonic . Transonic lets you switch between Cython, Numba, Pythran and to some extent Jax using very similar syntax

To use Transonic we add decorators to functions we need to optimize. There are two decorators

  • @transonic.boost to create ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled modules and it requires type annotations

  • @transonic.jit to create just-in-time (JIT) compiled modules where type is inferred on runtime

The advantage of using transonic is that you can quickly find out which accelerator works best while preserving the Python code for debugging and future development. It also abstracts away the syntax variations that Cython, Pythran etc. have.

The accelerator backend can be chosen in 3 ways:

  1. Using an environment variable, export TRANSONIC_BACKEND=cython

  2. As a parameter to the decorator, @boost(backend="cython")

  3. As a parameter to the Transonic CLI, transonic -b cython /path/to/file.py

We shall use the @boost decorator and the environment variable TRANSONIC_BACKEND for simplicity


We make a few changes to the code:

  • Pull DELIMITERS inside update_word_counts function

  • Add @boost decorators

  • Add type annotations as required by transonic.

Cython has an ability to create inline functions and this is also supported in Transonic. Therefore it is OK that update_word_counts is impure.

from transonic import boost
from transonic.typing import List, Dict

def update_word_counts(line: str, counts: Dict[str, int]):
    Given a string, parse the string and update a dictionary of word
    counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS are
    removed before the string is parsed. The function is case-insensitive
    and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    DELIMITERS = ". , ; : ? $ @ ^ < > # % ` ! * - = ( ) [ ] { } / \" '".split()

    for purge in DELIMITERS:
        line = line.replace(purge, " ")

    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        word = word.lower().strip()
        if word in counts:
            counts[word] += 1
            counts[word] = 1

def calculate_word_counts(lines: List[str]):
    Given a list of strings, parse each string and create a dictionary of
    word counts (mapping words to counts of their frequencies). DELIMITERS
    are removed before the string is parsed. The function is
    case-insensitive and words in the dictionary are in lower-case.
    counts = {}

    for line in lines:
        update_word_counts(line, counts)

    return counts

Then compile the file ./wordcount/v1_1.py

$ export TRANSONIC_BACKEND=cython
$ transonic v1_1.py 
1 files created or updated needs to be cythonized
$ ls -1 __cython__/

This would auto-generate a module containing only the functions to be optimized and also compiles it. While running the application, Transonic takes care of swapping the Python function with the compiled counterpart.

We are ready to benchmark this.

$ time python v1_1.py data/concat.txt processed_data/concat.dat

real    0m4,071s
user    0m4,373s
sys     0m0,288s


We see that the compiled function made the script slower! This could happen because of a few reasons

  • Python’s dictionary which uses hash-maps, is quite optimized and it is hard to beat it

  • Cython interacts with Python a lot. This can be analyzed by running cd __cython__; cythonize --annotate v1_1.py which generates the following HTML page.

When do we use accelerators?

An example: Astrophysics N-body problem

To simulate an N-body problem using a naive algorithm involves \(O(N^2)\) operations for each time-step.

Naive Python version

It uses a list of Numpy arrays!

import sys
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
from time import perf_counter
from datetime import timedelta

class Particle:
    A Particle has mass, position, velocity and acceleration.

    def __init__(self, mass, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz):
        self.mass = mass
        self.position = np.array([x, y, z])
        self.velocity = np.array([vx, vy, vz])
        self.acceleration = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

    def ke(self):
        return 0.5 * self.mass * sum(v ** 2 for v in self.velocity)

class Cluster(list):
    A Cluster is just a list of particles with methods to accelerate and
    advance them.

    def ke(self):
        return sum(particle.ke for particle in self)

    def energy(self):
        return self.ke + self.pe

    def step(self, dt):

    def __accelerate(self):
        for particle in self:
            particle.acceleration[1] = particle.acceleration[0]
            particle.acceleration[0] = 0.0
            self.pe = 0.0
        for p1, p2 in combinations(self, 2):
            vector = np.subtract(p1.position, p2.position)
            distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(vector ** 2))
            p1.acceleration[0] = (
                p1.acceleration[0] - (p2.mass / distance ** 3) * vector
            p2.acceleration[0] = (
                p2.acceleration[0] + (p1.mass / distance ** 3) * vector
            self.pe -= (p1.mass * p2.mass) / distance

    def __advance_positions(self, dt):
        for p in self:
            p.position = (
                p.position + p.velocity * dt + 0.5 * dt ** 2 * p.acceleration[0]

    def __advance_velocities(self, dt):
        for p in self:
            p.velocity = (
                p.velocity + 0.5 * (p.acceleration[0] + p.acceleration[1]) * dt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t_start = perf_counter()
    tend, dt = 10.0, 0.001  # end time, timestep
    cluster = Cluster()
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as input_file:
        for line in input_file:
            # try/except is a blunt instrument to clean up input
                cluster.append(Particle(*[float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]]))
    old_energy = -0.25
    for step in range(1, int(tend / dt + 1)):
        if not step % 100:
                f"t = {dt * step:.2f}, E = {cluster.energy:.10f}, "
                f"dE/E = {(cluster.energy - old_energy) / old_energy:.10f}"
            old_energy = cluster.energy
    print(f"Final dE/E = {(cluster.energy + 0.25) / -0.25:.6e}")
    print(f"run in {timedelta(seconds=perf_counter()-t_start)}")
Numpy vectorized version
from math import sqrt
from time import perf_counter
from datetime import timedelta

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def load_input_data(path):
    df = pd.read_csv(
        path, names=["mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz"], delimiter=r"\s+"
    # warning: copy() is for Pythran...
    masses = df["mass"].values.copy()
    positions = df.loc[:, ["x", "y", "z"]].values.copy()
    velocities = df.loc[:, ["vx", "vy", "vz"]].values.copy()
    return masses, positions, velocities

def advance_positions(positions, velocities, accelerations, time_step):
    positions += time_step * velocities + 0.5 * time_step ** 2 * accelerations

def advance_velocities(velocities, accelerations, accelerations1, time_step):
    velocities += 0.5 * time_step * (accelerations + accelerations1)

def compute_accelerations(accelerations, masses, positions):
    nb_particules = masses.size
    for index_p0 in range(nb_particules - 1):
        position0 = positions[index_p0]
        mass0 = masses[index_p0]
        for index_p1 in range(index_p0 + 1, nb_particules):
            mass1 = masses[index_p1]
            vector = position0 - positions[index_p1]
            distance = sqrt(sum(vector ** 2))
            coef = 1.0 / distance ** 3
            accelerations[index_p0] -= coef * mass1 * vector
            accelerations[index_p1] += coef * mass0 * vector

def loop(time_step, nb_steps, masses, positions, velocities):
    accelerations = np.zeros_like(positions)
    accelerations1 = np.zeros_like(positions)

    compute_accelerations(accelerations, masses, positions)

    time = 0.0
    energy0, _, _ = compute_energies(masses, positions, velocities)
    energy_previous = energy0

    for step in range(nb_steps):
        advance_positions(positions, velocities, accelerations, time_step)
        # swap acceleration arrays
        accelerations, accelerations1 = accelerations1, accelerations
        compute_accelerations(accelerations, masses, positions)
        advance_velocities(velocities, accelerations, accelerations1, time_step)
        time += time_step

        if not step % 100:
            energy, _, _ = compute_energies(masses, positions, velocities)
                f"t = {time_step * step:5.2f}, E = {energy:.10f}, "
                f"dE/E = {(energy - energy_previous) / energy_previous:+.10f}"
            energy_previous = energy

    return energy, energy0

def compute_kinetic_energy(masses, velocities):
    return 0.5 * np.sum(masses * np.sum(velocities ** 2, 1))

def compute_potential_energy(masses, positions):
    nb_particules = masses.size
    pe = 0.0
    for index_p0 in range(nb_particules - 1):
        for index_p1 in range(index_p0 + 1, nb_particules):
            mass0 = masses[index_p0]
            mass1 = masses[index_p1]
            vector = positions[index_p0] - positions[index_p1]
            distance = sqrt(sum(vector ** 2))
            pe -= (mass0 * mass1) / distance
    return pe

def compute_energies(masses, positions, velocities):
    energy_kin = compute_kinetic_energy(masses, velocities)
    energy_pot = compute_potential_energy(masses, positions)
    return energy_kin + energy_pot, energy_kin, energy_pot

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys

    t_start = perf_counter()
        time_end = float(sys.argv[2])
    except IndexError:
        time_end = 10.

    time_step = 0.001
    nb_steps = int(time_end / time_step) + 1

    path_input = sys.argv[1]
    masses, positions, velocities = load_input_data(path_input)

    energy, energy0 = loop(time_step, nb_steps, masses, positions, velocities)
    print(f"Final dE/E = {(energy - energy0) / energy0:.6e}")
        f"{nb_steps} time steps run in {timedelta(seconds=perf_counter()-t_start)}"


Data for 16-bodies: ./nbabel/input16

$ time python bench0.py input16
$ time bench_numpy_highlevel.py input16
$ export TRANSONIC_BACKEND=pythran
$ time bench_numpy_highlevel_jit.py input16  # Rerun after Pythran module is compiled
