exercise/03: elastic constance calculation for fcc Cu
In this exercise we will practice how to get elastic constance for fcc copper with EMTO code.
Orthorhombic distortion
leads to energy change
Monoclinic distortion
leads to energy change
Isochoric stain
volume not changed: SWS not changed.
only even order of \(\delta\).
Orthorhombic distortion apply to fcc: face center orthorhombic (fco).
Monoclinic distortion apply to fcc: body center orthorhombic (bco).
All files for this exercise are in the path exercise/03
fco lattice in emto
1KSTR HP......=N 22 Jan 08
2JOBNAM...=fco0 MSGL.= 0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
5Slope matrices, fco (spdf) DeltaE/V = (C11-C12)*e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.00)
6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
7(K*W)^2..= 0.000000 DMAX....= 1.6000 RWATS...= 0.10
8NQ3...= 1 LAT...=11 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
9A........= 1.0000000 B.......= 1.0000000 C.......= 1.0000000
10ALPHA....= 90.d0 BETA....= 90.d0 GAMMA...= 90.d0
11QX(.1)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(.2)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....= 2.5000 AMAX....= 4.5000 BMAX....= 4.5000
PRIMV: Default choice of primitive vectors.
A = 1.000000 B = 1.000000 C = 1.000000
ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000
Primitive vectors for Fco lattice in
units of the lattice spacing a:
( 0.50000, 0.00000, 0.50000 )
( 0.50000, 0.50000, 0.00000 )
( 0.00000, 0.50000, 0.50000 )
Basis vectors: NQ3 = 1
( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 )
1KSTR HP......=N 22 Jan 08
2JOBNAM...=fco5 MSGL.= 0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
5Slope matrices, fco (spdf) DeltaE/V = (C11-C12)*e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.05)
6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
7(K*W)^2..= 0.000000 DMAX....= 1.6000 RWATS...= 0.10
8NQ3...= 1 LAT...=11 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
9A........= 1.0000000 B.......=0.90476190 C.......=0.95476786
10ALPHA....= 90.d0 BETA....= 90.d0 GAMMA...= 90.d0
11QX(.1)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(.2)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....= 2.5000 AMAX....= 4.5000 BMAX....= 4.5000
PRIMV: Default choice of primitive vectors.
A = 1.000000 B = 0.904762 C = 0.954768
ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000
Primitive vectors for Fco lattice in
units of the lattice spacing a:
( 0.50000, 0.00000, 0.47738 )
( 0.50000, 0.45238, 0.00000 )
( 0.00000, 0.45238, 0.47738 )
Basis vectors: NQ3 = 1
( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 )
bco lattice in emto
1KSTR HP......=N 22 Jan 08
2JOBNAM...=bco0 MSGL.= 0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
5Slope matrices, bco (spdf) DeltaE/V = 2C44e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.00)
6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
7(K*W)^2..= 0.000000 DMAX....= 2.4000 RWATS...= 0.10
8NQ3...= 1 LAT...=10 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
9A........= 1.0000000 B.......= 1.0000000 C.......=1.41421356
10ALPHA....= 90.d0 BETA....= 90.d0 GAMMA...= 90.d0
11QX(IQ)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(IQ)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....= 2.5000 AMAX....= 4.5000 BMAX....= 4.5000
PRIMV: Default choice of primitive vectors.
A = 1.000000 B = 1.000000 C = 1.414214
ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000
Primitive vectors for Bco lattice in
units of the lattice spacing a:
( 0.50000, -0.50000, 0.70711 )
( 0.50000, 0.50000, -0.70711 )
( -0.50000, 0.50000, 0.70711 )
Basis vectors: NQ3 = 1
( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 )
1KSTR HP......=N 22 Jan 08
2JOBNAM...=bco5 MSGL.= 0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
5Slope matrices, bco (spdf) DeltaE/V = 2C44e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.05)
6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
7(K*W)^2..= 0.000000 DMAX....= 2.2000 RWATS...= 0.10
8NQ3...= 1 LAT...=10 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
9A........= 1.0000000 B.......=0.90476190 C.......=1.35024566
10ALPHA....= 90.d0 BETA....= 90.d0 GAMMA...= 90.d0
11QX(IQ)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(IQ)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....= 2.5000 AMAX....= 4.5000 BMAX....= 4.5000
PRIMV: Default choice of primitive vectors.
A = 1.000000 B = 0.904762 C = 1.350246
ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000
Primitive vectors for Bco lattice in
units of the lattice spacing a:
( 0.50000, -0.45238, 0.67512 )
( 0.50000, 0.45238, -0.67512 )
( -0.50000, 0.45238, 0.67512 )
Basis vectors: NQ3 = 1
( 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 )
kgrn inputs
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kgrn/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kgrn/cuf5.dat
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
KGRN 13 Oct 12
-Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu
+Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu, (C11-C12)/2
Band: 10 lines
NITER.= 50 NLIN.= 31 NPRN.= 0 NCPA.= 7 NT...= 1 MNTA.= 1
MODE..= 3D FRC..= N DOS..= N OPS..= N AFM..= P CRT..= M
Lmaxh.= 8 Lmaxt= 4 NFI..= 31 FIXG.= 2 SHF..= 0 SOFC.= N
-KMSH...= G IBZ..= 2 NKX..= 0 NKY..= 13 NKZ..= 0 FBZ..= N
+KMSH...= G IBZ..= 11 NKX..= 27 NKY..= 27 NKZ..= 27 FBZ..= N
KMSH2..= G IBZ2.= 1 NKX2.= 4 NKY2.= 0 NKZ2.= 51
ZMSH...= C NZ1..= 16 NZ2..= 8 NZ3..= 8 NRES.= 4 NZD.=1500
DEPTH..= 1.000 IMAGZ.= 0.020 EPS...= 0.200 ELIM..= -1.000
-AMIX...= 0.100 EFMIX.= 1.000 VMTZ..= 0.000 MMOM..= 0.000
+AMIX...= 0.050 EFMIX.= 1.000 VMTZ..= 0.000 MMOM..= 0.000
TOLE...= 1.d-07 TOLEF.= 1.d-07 TOLCPA= 1.d-06 TFERMI= 500.0 (K)
SWS......=2.686842 NSWS.= 1 DSWS..= 0.05 ALPCPA= 0.6020
Setup: 2 + NQ*NS lines
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kgrn/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kgrn/cuo5.dat
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
KGRN 13 Oct 12
-Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu
+Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu, C44
Band: 10 lines
NITER.= 50 NLIN.= 31 NPRN.= 0 NCPA.= 7 NT...= 1 MNTA.= 1
MODE..= 3D FRC..= N DOS..= N OPS..= N AFM..= P CRT..= M
Lmaxh.= 8 Lmaxt= 4 NFI..= 31 FIXG.= 2 SHF..= 0 SOFC.= N
-KMSH...= G IBZ..= 2 NKX..= 0 NKY..= 13 NKZ..= 0 FBZ..= N
+KMSH...= G IBZ..= 10 NKX..= 27 NKY..= 27 NKZ..= 37 FBZ..= N
KMSH2..= G IBZ2.= 1 NKX2.= 4 NKY2.= 0 NKZ2.= 51
ZMSH...= C NZ1..= 16 NZ2..= 8 NZ3..= 8 NRES.= 4 NZD.=1500
DEPTH..= 1.000 IMAGZ.= 0.020 EPS...= 0.200 ELIM..= -1.000
-AMIX...= 0.100 EFMIX.= 1.000 VMTZ..= 0.000 MMOM..= 0.000
+AMIX...= 0.050 EFMIX.= 1.000 VMTZ..= 0.000 MMOM..= 0.000
TOLE...= 1.d-07 TOLEF.= 1.d-07 TOLCPA= 1.d-06 TFERMI= 500.0 (K)
SWS......=2.686842 NSWS.= 1 DSWS..= 0.05 ALPCPA= 0.6020
Setup: 2 + NQ*NS lines
kfcd inputs
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kfcd/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kfcd/cuf5.dat
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-KFCD MSGL..= 1 22 Jan 08
+KFCD MSGL..= 0 22 Jan 08
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kfcd/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kfcd/cuo5.dat
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-KFCD MSGL..= 1 22 Jan 08
+KFCD MSGL..= 0 22 Jan 08
run the exercise03
submit all kstr, bmdl and shape jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.
cd kstr
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 1 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
cd kstr
sbatch -A xxxx -c 1 -a 1-12 -p lrd_all_serial -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
submit all kgrn jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.
cd kgrn
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 8 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
cd kgrn
sbatch -A xxxx -c 8 -a 1-12 -p lrd_all_serial -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
check if the kgrn jobs are finished correctly.
cd kgrn grep -L "finished" *.prn
submit all kfcd jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.
cd kfcd
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 1 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
cd kfcd
sbatch -A xxxx -c 1 -a 1-12 -p lrd_all_serial -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
extract the results
In kfcd folder
grep TOT-PBE cuo?.prn | awk '{if(NR==1)e0=$5;printf "%s %.6f %.6f\n" $1,NR*NR*0.0001,$5-e0}'
fit \(\delta_o^2\) vs. \(\Delta E\) with the 2nd and 3th column to get \(c'\).
grep TOT-PBE cuf?.prn | awk '{if(NR==1)e0=$5;printf "%s %.6f %.6f\n" $1,NR*NR*0.0001,$5-e0}'
fit \(\delta_m^2\) vs. \(\Delta E\) with the 2nd and 3th column to get \(c_{44}\).