exercise/03: elastic constance calculation for fcc Cu

In this exercise we will practice how to get elastic constance for fcc copper with EMTO code.

Orthorhombic distortion

\[\begin{split}D_o(\delta_o) + I = \left[\begin{matrix} 1+\delta_o&0&0\\ 0&1-\delta_o&0\\ 0&0&\frac{1}{(1-\delta_o^2)}\\ \end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

leads to energy change

\[\Delta E(\delta_o) = 2Vc'\delta_o^2+O(\delta_o^4)\]

Monoclinic distortion

\[\begin{split}D_m(\delta_m) + I = \left[\begin{matrix} 1&\delta_m&0\\ \delta_m&1&0\\ 0&0&\frac{1}{(1-\delta_m^2)}\\ \end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

leads to energy change

\[\Delta E(\delta_m) = 2Vc_{44}\delta_m^2+O(\delta_m^4)\]
  • Isochoric stain

    • volume not changed: SWS not changed.

    • only even order of \(\delta\).

  • Orthorhombic distortion apply to fcc: face center orthorhombic (fco).

  • Monoclinic distortion apply to fcc: body center orthorhombic (bco).


All files for this exercise are in the path exercise/03

fco lattice in emto


The input file (kstr/fco0.dat)
 1KSTR      HP......=N                               22 Jan 08
 2JOBNAM...=fco0       MSGL.=  0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
 5Slope matrices, fco (spdf) DeltaE/V = (C11-C12)*e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.00)
 6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
 7(K*W)^2..=  0.000000 DMAX....=    1.6000 RWATS...=      0.10
 8NQ3...=  1 LAT...=11 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
 9A........= 1.0000000 B.......= 1.0000000 C.......= 1.0000000
10ALPHA....=     90.d0 BETA....=     90.d0 GAMMA...=     90.d0
11QX(.1)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(.2)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....=    2.5000 AMAX....=    4.5000 BMAX....=    4.5000
In the output file (kstr/fco0.prn)
 PRIMV:    Default choice of primitive vectors.

           A     =  1.000000 B     =  1.000000 C     =  1.000000
           ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA  = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000

           Primitive vectors for  Fco lattice in
           units of the lattice spacing a:

           (   0.50000,   0.00000,   0.50000 )
           (   0.50000,   0.50000,   0.00000 )
           (   0.00000,   0.50000,   0.50000 )

           Basis vectors:            NQ3 =   1

           (   0.00000,   0.00000,   0.00000 )


The input file (kstr/fco5.dat)
 1KSTR      HP......=N                               22 Jan 08
 2JOBNAM...=fco5       MSGL.=  0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
 5Slope matrices, fco (spdf) DeltaE/V = (C11-C12)*e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.05)
 6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
 7(K*W)^2..=  0.000000 DMAX....=    1.6000 RWATS...=      0.10
 8NQ3...=  1 LAT...=11 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
 9A........= 1.0000000 B.......=0.90476190 C.......=0.95476786
10ALPHA....=     90.d0 BETA....=     90.d0 GAMMA...=     90.d0
11QX(.1)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(.2)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....=    2.5000 AMAX....=    4.5000 BMAX....=    4.5000
In the output file (kstr/fco5.prn)
 PRIMV:    Default choice of primitive vectors.

           A     =  1.000000 B     =  0.904762 C     =  0.954768
           ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA  = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000

           Primitive vectors for  Fco lattice in
           units of the lattice spacing a:

           (   0.50000,   0.00000,   0.47738 )
           (   0.50000,   0.45238,   0.00000 )
           (   0.00000,   0.45238,   0.47738 )

           Basis vectors:            NQ3 =   1

           (   0.00000,   0.00000,   0.00000 )

bco lattice in emto


The input file (kstr/bco0.dat)
 1KSTR      HP......=N                               22 Jan 08
 2JOBNAM...=bco0       MSGL.=  0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
 5Slope matrices, bco (spdf) DeltaE/V = 2C44e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.00)
 6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
 7(K*W)^2..=  0.000000 DMAX....=    2.4000 RWATS...=      0.10
 8NQ3...=  1 LAT...=10 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
 9A........= 1.0000000 B.......= 1.0000000 C.......=1.41421356
10ALPHA....=     90.d0 BETA....=     90.d0 GAMMA...=     90.d0
11QX(IQ)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(IQ)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....=    2.5000 AMAX....=    4.5000 BMAX....=    4.5000
In the output file (kstr/bco0.prn)
 PRIMV:    Default choice of primitive vectors.

           A     =  1.000000 B     =  1.000000 C     =  1.414214
           ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA  = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000

           Primitive vectors for  Bco lattice in
           units of the lattice spacing a:

           (   0.50000,  -0.50000,   0.70711 )
           (   0.50000,   0.50000,  -0.70711 )
           (  -0.50000,   0.50000,   0.70711 )

           Basis vectors:            NQ3 =   1

           (   0.00000,   0.00000,   0.00000 )


The input file (kstr/bco5.dat)
 1KSTR      HP......=N                               22 Jan 08
 2JOBNAM...=bco5       MSGL.=  0 MODE...=B STORE..=Y HIGH...=Y
 5Slope matrices, bco (spdf) DeltaE/V = 2C44e^2+O[e^4] (e=0.05)
 6NL.....= 4 NLH...=11 NLW...= 9 NDER..= 6 ITRANS= 3 NPRN..= 0
 7(K*W)^2..=  0.000000 DMAX....=    2.2000 RWATS...=      0.10
 8NQ3...=  1 LAT...=10 IPRIM.= 1 NGHBP.=13 NQR2..= 0
 9A........= 1.0000000 B.......=0.90476190 C.......=1.35024566
10ALPHA....=     90.d0 BETA....=     90.d0 GAMMA...=     90.d0
11QX(IQ)...= 0.0000000 QY......= 0.0000000 QZ......= 0.0000000
12a/w(IQ)..= 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
13LAMDA....=    2.5000 AMAX....=    4.5000 BMAX....=    4.5000
In the output file (kstr/bco5.prn)
 PRIMV:    Default choice of primitive vectors.

           A     =  1.000000 B     =  0.904762 C     =  1.350246
           ALPHA = 90.000000 BETA  = 90.000000 GAMMA = 90.000000

           Primitive vectors for  Bco lattice in
           units of the lattice spacing a:

           (   0.50000,  -0.45238,   0.67512 )
           (   0.50000,   0.45238,  -0.67512 )
           (  -0.50000,   0.45238,   0.67512 )

           Basis vectors:            NQ3 =   1

           (   0.00000,   0.00000,   0.00000 )

kgrn inputs

--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kgrn/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kgrn/cuf5.dat
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 KGRN                                               13 Oct 12
 STRT..=  A MSGL.=  0 EXPAN.= S FCD..=  Y FUNC..= SCA
-Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu
+Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu, (C11-C12)/2
 Band: 10 lines
 NITER.= 50 NLIN.= 31 NPRN.=  0 NCPA.=  7 NT...=  1 MNTA.=  1
 MODE..= 3D FRC..=  N DOS..=  N OPS..=  N AFM..=  P CRT..=  M
 Lmaxh.=  8 Lmaxt=  4 NFI..= 31 FIXG.=  2 SHF..=  0 SOFC.=  N
-KMSH...= G IBZ..=  2 NKX..=  0 NKY..= 13 NKZ..=  0 FBZ..=  N
+KMSH...= G IBZ..= 11 NKX..= 27 NKY..= 27 NKZ..= 27 FBZ..=  N
 KMSH2..= G IBZ2.=  1 NKX2.=  4 NKY2.=  0 NKZ2.= 51
 ZMSH...= C NZ1..= 16 NZ2..=  8 NZ3..=  8 NRES.=  4 NZD.=1500
 DEPTH..=  1.000 IMAGZ.=  0.020 EPS...=  0.200 ELIM..= -1.000
-AMIX...=  0.100 EFMIX.=  1.000 VMTZ..=  0.000 MMOM..=  0.000
+AMIX...=  0.050 EFMIX.=  1.000 VMTZ..=  0.000 MMOM..=  0.000
 TOLE...= 1.d-07 TOLEF.= 1.d-07 TOLCPA= 1.d-06 TFERMI=  500.0 (K)
 SWS......=2.686842   NSWS.=  1 DSWS..=   0.05 ALPCPA= 0.6020
 Setup: 2 + NQ*NS lines
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kgrn/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kgrn/cuo5.dat
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 KGRN                                               13 Oct 12
 STRT..=  A MSGL.=  0 EXPAN.= S FCD..=  Y FUNC..= SCA
-Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu
+Self-consistent KKR calculation for fcc Cu, C44
 Band: 10 lines
 NITER.= 50 NLIN.= 31 NPRN.=  0 NCPA.=  7 NT...=  1 MNTA.=  1
 MODE..= 3D FRC..=  N DOS..=  N OPS..=  N AFM..=  P CRT..=  M
 Lmaxh.=  8 Lmaxt=  4 NFI..= 31 FIXG.=  2 SHF..=  0 SOFC.=  N
-KMSH...= G IBZ..=  2 NKX..=  0 NKY..= 13 NKZ..=  0 FBZ..=  N
+KMSH...= G IBZ..= 10 NKX..= 27 NKY..= 27 NKZ..= 37 FBZ..=  N
 KMSH2..= G IBZ2.=  1 NKX2.=  4 NKY2.=  0 NKZ2.= 51
 ZMSH...= C NZ1..= 16 NZ2..=  8 NZ3..=  8 NRES.=  4 NZD.=1500
 DEPTH..=  1.000 IMAGZ.=  0.020 EPS...=  0.200 ELIM..= -1.000
-AMIX...=  0.100 EFMIX.=  1.000 VMTZ..=  0.000 MMOM..=  0.000
+AMIX...=  0.050 EFMIX.=  1.000 VMTZ..=  0.000 MMOM..=  0.000
 TOLE...= 1.d-07 TOLEF.= 1.d-07 TOLCPA= 1.d-06 TFERMI=  500.0 (K)
 SWS......=2.686842   NSWS.=  1 DSWS..=   0.05 ALPCPA= 0.6020
 Setup: 2 + NQ*NS lines

kfcd inputs

--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kfcd/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kfcd/cuf5.dat
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-KFCD      MSGL..=  1                               22 Jan 08
+KFCD      MSGL..=  0                               22 Jan 08
--- /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/00/kfcd/cu.dat
+++ /home/runner/work/emto-best-practices/emto-best-practices/content/exercise/solutions/03/kfcd/cuo5.dat
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-KFCD      MSGL..=  1                               22 Jan 08
+KFCD      MSGL..=  0                               22 Jan 08

run the exercise03

  • submit all kstr, bmdl and shape jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.

cd kstr
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 1 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
  • submit all kgrn jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.

cd kgrn
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 8 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch
  • check if the kgrn jobs are finished correctly.

  • submit all kfcd jobs to the queue, use following sbatch script.

cd kfcd 
sbatch -A naiss2024-22-241 -c 1 -a 1-12 -t 10:00 ../../emto.sbatch

extract the results

In kfcd folder

grep TOT-PBE cuo?.prn | awk '{if(NR==1)e0=$5;printf "%s %.6f %.6f\n" $1,NR*NR*0.0001,$5-e0}'

fit \(\delta_o^2\) vs. \(\Delta E\) with the 2nd and 3th column to get \(c'\).

grep TOT-PBE cuf?.prn | awk '{if(NR==1)e0=$5;printf "%s %.6f %.6f\n" $1,NR*NR*0.0001,$5-e0}'

fit \(\delta_m^2\) vs. \(\Delta E\) with the 2nd and 3th column to get \(c_{44}\).