exercise/04: Mixing enthalpy for bcc FeCrx alloy: FM

In this exercise we will practice how to get Mixing enthalpy of bcc \(Fe_{ (1-x) }Cr_x\) alloy with EMTO.

\[H = E_{Fe_{(1-x)}Cr_x} - ( 1-x )E_{Fe_{bcc}} - x E_{Cr_{bcc}}\]

The reference states are chosen as FM Fe and NM Cr, both in bcc structure. [1]
For each \(Fe_{ (1-x) }Cr_x\), we need its equilibrium volume and correspond energy.

alloy setup with CPA in kgrn

create an input files for \(Fe_{50}Cr_{50}\)

  • we could copy the kgrn input from exercise00 and make some changes.

    • JOBNAM=fecr_FM

    • FOR001=../kstr/smx/bcc.tfh, FOR004=../bmdl/mdl/bcc.mdl and IBZ..=  3

    • MNTA.=  2

    • AFM..=  F

    • SOFC.=  Y

    • AMIX...=  0.010

    • Symb   IQ IT ITA NZ  CONC   Sm(s)  S(ws) WS(wst) QTR SPLT Fix
      Fe      1  1  1  26  50.00  1.000  1.000  1.000  0.0  2.0  N
      Cr      1  1  2  24  50.00  1.000  1.000  1.000  0.0 -1.0  N
    • Fe
      Iz=  26 Norb= 10 Ion=  0 Config= 3d7_4s1
      n      1  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  4
      Kappa -1 -1  1 -2 -1  1 -2  2 -3 -1
      Occup  2  2  2  4  2  2  4  4  3  1
      Valen  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1
      Iz=  24 Norb=  9 Ion=  0 Config= 3d4_4s2
      n      1  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  4
      Kappa -1 -1  1 -2 -1  1 -2  2 -1
      Occup  2  2  2  4  2  2  4  4  2
      Valen  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
  • kstr, bmdl, shape and kfcd input files

  • run all calculations

    ├── bmdl
    │   ├── bcc.dat
    │   └── mdl
    ├── kfcd
    │   └── fecr_FM.dat
    ├── kgrn
    │   ├── chd
    │   ├── fecr_FM.dat
    │   └── pot
    ├── kstr
    │   ├── bcc.dat
    │   └── smx
    └── shape
        ├── bcc.dat
        └── shp
    11 directories, 5 files
    • check NOS from kgrn/fecr_FM.prn

    grep -H NOS *.prn
    fecr_FM.prn: KKRFCD: NOS(Ef) =      7.000025 ELT =      7.000000
    fecr_FM.prn: KKRFCD: NOS(Ef) =      7.000025 ELT =      7.000000

create input files with different volumes for each \(Fe_{(1-x)}Cr_x\)

 1#! /bin/bash
 2# generate kgrn and kfcd input files based on kgrn/fecr_FM.dat
 3for i in `seq 0 2 10`  `seq 30 20 90` 100
 5  cr=$(printf "%03d" $i)
 6  fe=$(printf "%03d" $((100-i)))
 7  folder=FM/FeCr$cr
 8  mkdir -p $folder/{kgrn,kfcd}
10  ln -s $(pwd)/kstr  $folder/kstr
11  ln -s $(pwd)/bmdl  $folder/bmdl
12  ln -s $(pwd)/shape $folder/shape
14  for sws in `seq 2.59 0.02 2.69`
15  do
16        # -e "s/NCPA.=.../NCPA.= 17/"  \
17        # -e "s/NKY..=.../NKY..= 21/" \
18    sed -e "s/JOBNAM=.*/JOBNAM=fecr-$sws/" \
19        -e "28 s/ 50.00/$fe.00/"  \
20        -e "29 s/ 50.00/$cr.00/"  \
21        -e "s/SWS......=......../SWS......=${sws}0000/" \
22        kgrn/fecr_FM.dat > $folder/kgrn/fecr-$sws.dat
24    sed -e "s/JOBNAM...=.*/JOBNAM...=fecr-$sws/" \
25        kfcd/fecr_FM.dat > $folder/kfcd/fecr-$sws.dat
26  done
  • get equilibrium state for each concentration.

    Eos.sh FeCr* > eos
    cat eos