Introduction to OpenACC

  • Serial Computing on CPU

  • Porting to GPU


What is OpenACC ?

  • OpenACC defines a set of compiler directives that allow code regions to be offloaded from a host CPU to be computed on a GPU

    • High level GPU programming

    • Large similarity to OpenMP directives

  • Support for both C/C++ and Fortran bindings

  • Extensive guides, tutorials, code samples and documentation on the OpenACC standard can be found at

OpenACC vs. CUDA or HIP

  • Why OpenACC and not CUDA / HIP?

    • Easier to work with

    • Porting of existing software requires less work

    • Same code can be compiled to CPU and GPU versions easily

  • Why CUDA/HIP and not OpenACC?

    • Get access to all features of the GPU hardware

    • More optimization possibilities

How to port code to GPU with OpenACC?

  • Compilers that support OpenACC usually require an option that enables the feature

    • PGI (now NVIDIA HPC SDK): -acc

    • Cray: -hacc

    • GNU (partial support): -fopenacc

    • Without these options a regular CPU version is compiled!

  • OpenACC data model

    • host manages memory of the device

    • host copies data to/from the device

  • OpenACC execution model

    • Host-directed execution with an attached accelerator

    • Part of the program is usually executed by the host

    • Computationally intensive parts are offloaded to the accelerator that executes parallel regions

OpenACC directive syntax





#pragma acc



data model

data model

execution model

execution model









data model

data model

execution model

execution model





  • OpenACC uses compiler directives for defining compute regions (and data transfers) that are to be performed on a GPU

  • Important constructs

    • parallel, kernels, data, loop, update, host_data, wait

  • Often used clauses

    • if (condition), async(handle)

OpenACC data model

  • Define a region with data declared in the device memory

    • C/C++: #pragma acc data [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc data [clauses]

    • clauses can be copy, copyin, copyout, and present

  • Data transfers take place

    • from the host to the device upon entry to the region

    • from the device to the host upon exit from the region

  • Functionality defined by data clauses

  • Data clauses can also be used in kernels and parallel constructs

OpenACC execution model

  • OpenACC includes two different approaches for defining parallel regions

    • parallel defines a region to be executed on an accelerator. Work sharing parallelism has to be defined manually. Good tuning prospects.

    • kernels defines a region to be transferred into a series of kernels to be executed in sequence on an accelerator. Work sharing parallelism is defined automatically for the separate kernels, but tuning prospects limited.

  • With similar work sharing, both can perform equally well

Compute constructs: kernels

  • Define a region to be transferred to a sequence of kernels for execution on the accelerator device

    • C/C++: #pragma acc kernels [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc kernels [clauses]

  • Each separate loop nest inside the region will be converted into a separate parallel kernel

  • The kernels will be executed in a sequential order

Compute constructs: parallel

  • Define a region to be executed on the accelerator device

    • C/C++: #pragma acc parallel [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc parallel [clauses]

  • Without any work sharing constructs, the whole region is executed redundantly multiple times

    • Given a sequence of loop nests, each loop nest may be executed


Work sharing construct: loop

  • Define a loop to be parallelized
    • C/C++: #pragma acc loop [clauses]

    • Fortran: !$acc loop [clauses]

    • Must be followed by a C/C++ or Fortran loop construct.

    • Combined constructs with parallel and kernels
      • #pragma acc kernels loop / !$acc kernels loop

      • #pragma acc parallel loop / !$acc parallel loop

  • Similar in functionality to OpenMP for/do construct

  • Loop index variables are private variables by default

Compiler diagnostics

  • Compiler diagnostics is usually the first thing to check when starting the OpenACC work

    • It can tell you what operations were actually performed

    • Data copies that were made

    • If and how the loops were parallelized

  • The diagnostics is very compiler dependent

    • Compiler flags

    • Level and formatting of information

  • Diagnostics is controlled by compiler flag -Minfo=option

  • Useful options:

    • accel – operations related to the accelerator

    • all – print all compiler output

    • intensity – print loop computational intensity info

Example: -Minfo

$ pgcc -g -O3 -acc -Minfo=acc sum_parallel.c -o sum

   21, Generating copy(vecA[:],vecB[:],vecC[:]) [if not already present]
   23, Generating Tesla code
       25, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */

$ pgcc -g -O3 -acc -Minfo=accel sum_kernels.c -o sum

   21, Generating copy(vecA[:],vecB[:],vecC[:]) [if not already present]
   23, Loop is parallelizable
       Generating Tesla code
       23, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */

Example: PGI_ACC_TIME=1

 $ cat slurm-13186502.out  #output of sum_parallel.c

 Accelerator Kernel Timing data
 main  NVIDIA  devicenum=0
   time(us): 451
   21: data region reached 2 times
       21: data copyin transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=245 max=100 min=71 avg=81
       29: data copyout transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=206 max=72 min=67 avg=68
   23: compute region reached 1 time
       23: kernel launched 1 time
           grid: [800]  block: [128]
           elapsed time(us): total=41 max=41 min=41 avg=41
  Reduction sum: 1.2020569031119108

$ cat slurm-13186514.out

Accelerator Kernel Timing data
 main  NVIDIA  devicenum=0
   time(us): 453
   21: data region reached 2 times
       21: data copyin transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=247 max=100 min=72 avg=82
       26: data copyout transfers: 3
            device time(us): total=206 max=73 min=66 avg=68
   23: compute region reached 1 time
       23: kernel launched 1 time
           grid: [800]  block: [128]
           elapsed time(us): total=40 max=40 min=40 avg=40
Reduction sum: 1.2020569031119108

Hello World, vector sum and double loop

Now it’s your turn to port a few simple codes to GPUs using OpenACC directives! You will first need to download the exercises:

  • If you are using a cluster, follow the instructions under “Downloading exercises” in the Setup.

  • If you are using Google Colab, the commands to clone and explore the code repository are already in the template Colab notebook.

  • Instructions for using the Tetralith cluster or the Google Colab cloud can be found in the Setup section.

  • Remember to ask plenty of questions to the workshop helper or in hackMD!

The exercises can be found under OpenACC-CUDA-beginners/examples/OpenACC in subfolders hello-world, vector-sum and doubleloop. Solutions can be found under the solutions subfolders.

  1. As usual, we start with Hello World. Inspect either hello.c or hello.F90. Compile it by running the compilation script: ./ On Tetralith, run the code using the job script, sbatch, and investigate the output. On Colab, execute the code directly by ./hello.

  2. The vector sum code is slightly trickier, but you already saw how to use the parallel and kernels directives in the code block above! You should nonetheless inspect the code under subdirectories c/ or F90/ and think about where the parallel or kernels directives should go and why. Try implementing it yourself and compile using the compile script (on Tetralith) or the Makefile by make (on Colab). Run it with sbatch (on Tetralith) or ./sum (on Colab).

  3. Now try the double-loop exercise. Inspect the code under c/ or F90/ and try to implement OpenACC directives. Compile it by ./ (Tetralith) or make (Colab) and run by sbatch (Tetralith) or ./doubleloop (Colab).


  • OpenACC is an directive-based extension to C/Fortran programming languages for accelerators

  • Compute constructs: data, parallel and kernels

  • Compiler diagnostics