Solving heat equation with CUDA¶
The problem¶
The heat equation is a partial differential equation that describes the propagation of heat in a region over time. Two-dimensional heat equation can be written as:
Where \(x\) and \(y\) are spatial variables, \(t\) is the time. \(U\) is the temperature, \(a\) is thermal conductivity. It is common to use \(U\) instead of \(T\) for the temperature, since the same mathematical equation describes diffusion, in which case, \(a\) will be a diffusion constant.
To formulate the problem, one needs to also specify the initial condition, i.e. function \(U(x,y,t)\) at \(t=0\). This is sufficient for infinite domain, where \(x \in (-\infty,+\infty)\) and \(y \in (-\infty,+\infty)\). Since simulating over the infinite spatial domain is not possible, the numerical computations are usually done on a finite area. This implies that one has to specify boundary condition on the region. That is, if \(x \in (x_0, x_1)\) and \(y \in (y_0, y_1)\), values of functions \(U(x_0,y,t)\), \(U(x_1,y,t)\), \(U(x,y_0,t)\) and \(U(x,y_1,t)\) should be set. With the area limited, one can approximate the function \(U(x,y,t)\) with the grid function \(U^n_{ij}\), where \(n=0,1,2,\ldots,N\) is the time step, \(i=0,1,\ldots,N_x-1\) and \(j=0,1,\ldots,N_y-1\) are the spatial steps. The grid is usually defined as a set of equally separated points, such as \(t_n=n\cdot dt\), \(x_i=x_0+i\cdot dx\) and \(y_i=y_0+j\cdot dy\). The values of spatial steps \(dx\) and \(dy\) are such that the final grid points are \(x_1\) and \(y_1\) for two spatial dimensions respectively.

The grid (A) and the template (B) of the numerical scheme for the heat equation. Red dots indicate the grid nodes, where the values are taken from the boundary conditions. Black dots are internal grid nodes. The grid node in which the values is computes is shown in green. There are two examples of how the template (B) is applied to the grid (A).¶
With the grid defined, one can use the following explicit approximation for the differential equation:
Here we used basic approximations for the first and second derivatives \(\frac{df}{dx}\approx\frac{f(x+dx)-f(x)}{dx}\) and \(\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}\approx\frac{f(x-dx)-2f(x)+f(x+dx)}{dx^2}\). In the equation above, the values on the next time step, \(U^{n+1}_{i,j}\) are unknown. Indeed, if \(n=0\), the only unknown value in equation for each \(i\) and \(j\) is \(U^1_{ij}\): the rest are determined by the initial condition. Going through all possible values of \(i\) and \(j\), one can compute the grid function \(U^n_{i,j}\) at \(n=1\). This procedure is then repeated for \(n=2\) and so on. Note that the values at the borders can not be computed from the equation above, since some of the required values will be out of the spatial region (e.g. \(U^n_{i-1,j}\) when \(i=0\)). This is where the boundary conditions are used.
The numerical scheme can then be rearranged to give an explicit expression for these values:
And this is the expression we are going to use in our code.
The choice of the spatial steps \(dx\) and \(dy\) (or equally the choice of number of spatial steps \(N_x\) and \(N_y\)) are determined by the required spatial resolution. With the spatial steps set, the time step is limited by the stability of the numerical approximation of the equation, i.e. by:
We are going to be using the maximum possible time steps, as determined by the expression above.
Porting the code¶
Even though the problem is two-dimensional, we are still going to use one-dimensional arrays in CUDA. This allows for an explicit control of the memory access pattern. We want neighboring threads to access the neighboring elements of an array, so that the limited amounts of cache will be used efficiently. For that, we will use a helper function that computes the one-dimensional index from two indices:
getIndex(const int i, const int j, const int width)
return i*width + j;
Here, width
is a width of a two-dimensional array, i
and j
are the two-dimensional indices.

Mapping of the two-dimensional array into one-dimensional. The numbers represent the number of the element in 1D array.¶
Since we are going to use non-trivial data access pattern in the following examples, it is good idea to constantly check for errors. Not to overload the code with extra checks after every API call, we are going to use the following function from the CUDA API:
__host__ __device__ cudaError_t cudaGetLastError(void)
This function will check if there were any CUDA API errors in the previous calls and should return cudaSuccess
if there were none.
We will check this, and print an error message if this was not the case.
In order to render a human-friendly string that describes an error, the cudaGetErrorString(..)
function from the CUDA API will be used:
__host__ __device__ const char* cudaGetErrorString(cudaError_t error)
This will return a string, that we are going to print in case there were errors.
We will also need to use the getIndex(..)
function from the device code.
To do so, we will need to ask a compiler to compile it for the device execution.
This is done by adding a __device__
specifier to its definition, will make the function available in the device code but not available in the host code.
Since we are also using it when populating the initial conditions, we need a __host__
specifier for this function as well.
Initial CUDA port
* Based on CSC materials from:
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pngwriter.h"
/* Convert 2D index layout to unrolled 1D layout
* \param[in] i Row index
* \param[in] j Column index
* \param[in] width The width of the area
* \returns An index in the unrolled 1D array.
int getIndex(const int i, const int j, const int width)
return i*width + j;
int main()
const int nx = 200; // Width of the area
const int ny = 200; // Height of the area
const float a = 0.5; // Diffusion constant
const float dx = 0.01; // Horizontal grid spacing
const float dy = 0.01; // Vertical grid spacing
const float dx2 = dx*dx;
const float dy2 = dy*dy;
const float dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2)); // Largest stable time step
const int numSteps = 5000; // Number of time steps
const int outputEvery = 1000; // How frequently to write output image
int numElements = nx*ny;
// Allocate two sets of data for current and next timesteps
float* Un = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
float* Unp1 = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
// Initializing the data with a pattern of disk of radius of 1/6 of the width
float radius2 = (nx/6.0) * (nx/6.0);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
// Distance of point i, j from the origin
float ds2 = (i - nx/2) * (i - nx/2) + (j - ny/2)*(j - ny/2);
if (ds2 < radius2)
Un[index] = 65.0;
Un[index] = 5.0;
// Fill in the data on the next step to ensure that the boundaries are identical.
memcpy(Unp1, Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
// Timing
clock_t start = clock();
// Main loop
for (int n = 0; n <= numSteps; n++)
// Going through the entire area
for (int i = 1; i < nx-1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < ny-1; j++)
const int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
float uij = Un[index];
float uim1j = Un[getIndex(i-1, j, ny)];
float uijm1 = Un[getIndex(i, j-1, ny)];
float uip1j = Un[getIndex(i+1, j, ny)];
float uijp1 = Un[getIndex(i, j+1, ny)];
// Explicit scheme
Unp1[index] = uij + a * dt * ( (uim1j - 2.0*uij + uip1j)/dx2 + (uijm1 - 2.0*uij + uijp1)/dy2 );
// Write the output if needed
if (n % outputEvery == 0)
char filename[64];
sprintf(filename, "heat_%04d.png", n);
save_png(Un, nx, ny, filename, 'c');
// Swapping the pointers for the next timestep
std::swap(Un, Unp1);
// Timing
clock_t finish = clock();
printf("It took %f seconds\n", (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Release the memory
return 0;
* Based on CSC materials from:
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pngwriter.h"
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 16
/* Convert 2D index layout to unrolled 1D layout
* \param[in] i Row index
* \param[in] j Column index
* \param[in] width The width of the area
* \returns An index in the unrolled 1D array.
int __host__ __device__ getIndex(const int i, const int j, const int width)
return i*width + j;
__global__ void evolve_kernel(const float* Un, float* Unp1, const int nx, const int ny, const float dx2, const float dy2, const float aTimesDt)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if (i > 0 && i < nx - 1)
int j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
if (j > 0 && j < ny - 1)
const int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
float uij = Un[index];
float uim1j = Un[getIndex(i-1, j, ny)];
float uijm1 = Un[getIndex(i, j-1, ny)];
float uip1j = Un[getIndex(i+1, j, ny)];
float uijp1 = Un[getIndex(i, j+1, ny)];
// Explicit scheme
Unp1[index] = uij + aTimesDt * ( (uim1j - 2.0*uij + uip1j)/dx2 + (uijm1 - 2.0*uij + uijp1)/dy2 );
int main()
const int nx = 200; // Width of the area
const int ny = 200; // Height of the area
const float a = 0.5; // Diffusion constant
const float dx = 0.01; // Horizontal grid spacing
const float dy = 0.01; // Vertical grid spacing
const float dx2 = dx*dx;
const float dy2 = dy*dy;
const float dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2)); // Largest stable time step
const int numSteps = 5000; // Number of time steps
const int outputEvery = 1000; // How frequently to write output image
int numElements = nx*ny;
// Allocate two sets of data for current and next timesteps
float* h_Un = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
float* h_Unp1 = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
// Initializing the data with a pattern of disk of radius of 1/6 of the width
float radius2 = (nx/6.0) * (nx/6.0);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
// Distance of point i, j from the origin
float ds2 = (i - nx/2) * (i - nx/2) + (j - ny/2)*(j - ny/2);
if (ds2 < radius2)
h_Un[index] = 65.0;
h_Un[index] = 5.0;
// Fill in the data on the next step to ensure that the boundaries are identical.
memcpy(h_Unp1, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
float* d_Un;
float* d_Unp1;
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float));
dim3 numBlocks(nx/BLOCK_SIZE_X + 1, ny/BLOCK_SIZE_Y + 1);
dim3 threadsPerBlock(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y);
// Timing
clock_t start = clock();
// Main loop
for (int n = 0; n <= numSteps; n++)
cudaMemcpy(d_Un, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_Unp1, h_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
evolve_kernel<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_Un, d_Unp1, nx, ny, dx2, dy2, a*dt);
cudaMemcpy(h_Un, d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(h_Unp1, d_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Write the output if needed
if (n % outputEvery == 0)
cudaError_t errorCode = cudaGetLastError();
if (errorCode != cudaSuccess)
printf("Cuda error %d: %s\n", errorCode, cudaGetErrorString(errorCode));
char filename[64];
sprintf(filename, "heat_%04d.png", n);
save_png(h_Un, nx, ny, filename, 'c');
// Swapping the pointers for the next timestep
std::swap(h_Un, h_Unp1);
// Timing
clock_t finish = clock();
printf("It took %f seconds\n", (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Release the memory
return 0;
Change the extension to
, add device buffers, allocate memory.Prepare kernel configuration parameters. Since we have a double loop over coordinates, it is convinient to map it to two-dimensional block of threads. Note that the total number of threads per block will be multiple of the number of threads in each dimensions, so it is easy to assign too many threads to a single block: this number is limited by 1024 for all NVidia GPUs. Decide the size of the block and compute the required number of blocks and create corresponding
variables. It is convinient to use#define
to specify the block sizes in each direction, since we are going to need them in the GPU code.At the beginning of the main loop, copy data to the GPU.
Add a
specifiers to thegetIndex(..)
function definition.What will happen, if the
__host__ __device__
function has the following line in its definition:printf("%ld\n", 13);
?Nothing. Everything will compile and execute fine.
The code will not compile — one can not use
in the device code.The code will compile with a warning, but will not execute.
The code will compile with a warning and will execute printing number “13” many times.
The code will compile with two warnings, but will not execute.
The code will compile with two warnings, and will execute printing number “13” many times.
The added line should cause compiler to issue a warning. Since this line is in the
__host__ __device__
function, there are going to be two warnings: one from the CPU compiler, one from the GPU compiler. All modern versions of CUDA allow printing from the kernels, althogh the order in which threads are printing is quite random.
Create a gpu kernel and move the double loop over coordinates into it. Change the loop indices to the components of the respective thread indices. Make sure that the data outside the domain is not accessed by installing a conditional on the indices (see the iteration limits of the original loops).
After the kernel is executed, copy the data back to the host memory.
Moving data ownership to the device¶
There is a lot of possibilities to improve the performance of in the current implementation. One of them is to reduce the number of the host-device and device-to host data transfers. Even though the transfers are relatively fast, they are much slower than accessing the memory in the kernel call. Eliminating the transfers is one of the most basic and most effitient improvements.
Note that in more complicated cases, eliminating the data transfers between host and device can be challenging. For instance, in cases where not all the computational procedures are ported to the GPU. This may happen on the early stages of the code porting, or because it is more effitient to compute some parts of the algorithm on a CPU. In this cases, effort should be made to hide the copy behind the computations: the compute kernels and copy calls use different resources. These two operations can be done simultaneously: while GPU is busy computing, the data can be copied on the background. One should also consider using CPU efficiently: if everything is computed on a device, host will be idling. This is a waste of resources. In some cases one can copy some data to the host memory, do the computations and copy data back while the device is still computing.
Removing unnessesary host to device and device to host data transfers, can also be looked at as the change in the data ownerhip. Now the device holds the data, do all computational procedures and, occasionally, the data is copied back to the CPU for e.g. output. This is exactly the case in our code: there is nothing to compute between two consequative time steps, so there is no need to copy data to the host on each step. The data only needed on the host for the output.
In the following exercise we will eliminate the unnessesary data transfers and will make the device responsible for holding current data.
Moving the data ownership to the device
* Based on CSC materials from:
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pngwriter.h"
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 16
/* Convert 2D index layout to unrolled 1D layout
* \param[in] i Row index
* \param[in] j Column index
* \param[in] width The width of the area
* \returns An index in the unrolled 1D array.
int __host__ __device__ getIndex(const int i, const int j, const int width)
return i*width + j;
__global__ void evolve_kernel(const float* Un, float* Unp1, const int nx, const int ny, const float dx2, const float dy2, const float aTimesDt)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if (i > 0 && i < nx - 1)
int j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
if (j > 0 && j < ny - 1)
const int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
float uij = Un[index];
float uim1j = Un[getIndex(i-1, j, ny)];
float uijm1 = Un[getIndex(i, j-1, ny)];
float uip1j = Un[getIndex(i+1, j, ny)];
float uijp1 = Un[getIndex(i, j+1, ny)];
// Explicit scheme
Unp1[index] = uij + aTimesDt * ( (uim1j - 2.0*uij + uip1j)/dx2 + (uijm1 - 2.0*uij + uijp1)/dy2 );
int main()
const int nx = 200; // Width of the area
const int ny = 200; // Height of the area
const float a = 0.5; // Diffusion constant
const float dx = 0.01; // Horizontal grid spacing
const float dy = 0.01; // Vertical grid spacing
const float dx2 = dx*dx;
const float dy2 = dy*dy;
const float dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2)); // Largest stable time step
const int numSteps = 5000; // Number of time steps
const int outputEvery = 1000; // How frequently to write output image
int numElements = nx*ny;
// Allocate two sets of data for current and next timesteps
float* h_Un = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
float* h_Unp1 = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
// Initializing the data with a pattern of disk of radius of 1/6 of the width
float radius2 = (nx/6.0) * (nx/6.0);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
// Distance of point i, j from the origin
float ds2 = (i - nx/2) * (i - nx/2) + (j - ny/2)*(j - ny/2);
if (ds2 < radius2)
h_Un[index] = 65.0;
h_Un[index] = 5.0;
// Fill in the data on the next step to ensure that the boundaries are identical.
memcpy(h_Unp1, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
float* d_Un;
float* d_Unp1;
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float));
dim3 numBlocks(nx/BLOCK_SIZE_X + 1, ny/BLOCK_SIZE_Y + 1);
dim3 threadsPerBlock(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y);
// Timing
clock_t start = clock();
// Main loop
for (int n = 0; n <= numSteps; n++)
cudaMemcpy(d_Un, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_Unp1, h_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
evolve_kernel<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_Un, d_Unp1, nx, ny, dx2, dy2, a*dt);
cudaMemcpy(h_Un, d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMemcpy(h_Unp1, d_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Write the output if needed
if (n % outputEvery == 0)
cudaError_t errorCode = cudaGetLastError();
if (errorCode != cudaSuccess)
printf("Cuda error %d: %s\n", errorCode, cudaGetErrorString(errorCode));
char filename[64];
sprintf(filename, "heat_%04d.png", n);
save_png(h_Un, nx, ny, filename, 'c');
// Swapping the pointers for the next timestep
std::swap(h_Un, h_Unp1);
// Timing
clock_t finish = clock();
printf("It took %f seconds\n", (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Release the memory
return 0;
* Based on CSC materials from:
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pngwriter.h"
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 16
/* Convert 2D index layout to unrolled 1D layout
* \param[in] i Row index
* \param[in] j Column index
* \param[in] width The width of the area
* \returns An index in the unrolled 1D array.
int __host__ __device__ getIndex(const int i, const int j, const int width)
return i*width + j;
__global__ void evolve_kernel(const float* Un, float* Unp1, const int nx, const int ny, const float dx2, const float dy2, const float aTimesDt)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if (i > 0 && i < nx - 1)
int j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
if (j > 0 && j < ny - 1)
const int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
float uij = Un[index];
float uim1j = Un[getIndex(i-1, j, ny)];
float uijm1 = Un[getIndex(i, j-1, ny)];
float uip1j = Un[getIndex(i+1, j, ny)];
float uijp1 = Un[getIndex(i, j+1, ny)];
// Explicit scheme
Unp1[index] = uij + aTimesDt * ( (uim1j - 2.0*uij + uip1j)/dx2 + (uijm1 - 2.0*uij + uijp1)/dy2 );
int main()
const int nx = 200; // Width of the area
const int ny = 200; // Height of the area
const float a = 0.5; // Diffusion constant
const float dx = 0.01; // Horizontal grid spacing
const float dy = 0.01; // Vertical grid spacing
const float dx2 = dx*dx;
const float dy2 = dy*dy;
const float dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2.0 * a * (dx2 + dy2)); // Largest stable time step
const int numSteps = 5000; // Number of time steps
const int outputEvery = 1000; // How frequently to write output image
int numElements = nx*ny;
// Allocate two sets of data for current and next timesteps
float* h_Un = (float*)calloc(numElements, sizeof(float));
// Initializing the data with a pattern of disk of radius of 1/6 of the width
float radius2 = (nx/6.0) * (nx/6.0);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
int index = getIndex(i, j, ny);
// Distance of point i, j from the origin
float ds2 = (i - nx/2) * (i - nx/2) + (j - ny/2)*(j - ny/2);
if (ds2 < radius2)
h_Un[index] = 65.0;
h_Un[index] = 5.0;
float* d_Un;
float* d_Unp1;
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Unp1, numElements*sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpy(d_Un, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_Unp1, h_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
dim3 numBlocks(nx/BLOCK_SIZE_X + 1, ny/BLOCK_SIZE_Y + 1);
dim3 threadsPerBlock(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y);
// Timing
clock_t start = clock();
// Main loop
for (int n = 0; n <= numSteps; n++)
evolve_kernel<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_Un, d_Unp1, nx, ny, dx2, dy2, a*dt);
// Write the output if needed
if (n % outputEvery == 0)
cudaMemcpy(h_Un, d_Un, numElements*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaError_t errorCode = cudaGetLastError();
if (errorCode != cudaSuccess)
printf("Cuda error %d: %s\n", errorCode, cudaGetErrorString(errorCode));
char filename[64];
sprintf(filename, "heat_%04d.png", n);
save_png(h_Un, nx, ny, filename, 'c');
std::swap(d_Un, d_Unp1);
// Timing
clock_t finish = clock();
printf("It took %f seconds\n", (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Release the memory
return 0;
Use the solution of the previous example as a starting point.
Move the host to device copy calls to before the main loop (i.e. before the loop over the time steps).
Move the device to host copy into the conditional on the output. Only the current layer of data is needed (
).Change the pointer swapping from the host pointers to the device pointer. In CUDA, the device buffers are just pointers, so the usual operations work the same way as with the host pointer.
Now, the
array on the host can be removed, since it is redundant.`