Introducing MPI and threads


  • What might stop my code scaling?


  • Understand the different threading modes available to an MPI rank

Why move past pure-MPI programs?

MPI is an excellent tool for parallel execution of programs. A key strength is that the programmer must explicitly move data to where it is needed. That can make code easier to understand, albeit more work since both authors and maintainers spend more time reading existing code than writing new code, that is often desirable.

However, such approaches tend to perform poorly at scale. Computer hardware has not grown much faster in the last 20 years, but instead made many more potentially parallel execution units available. One can hardly buy a single-core CPU any more, and HPC nodes with multiple CPU sockets each containing scores of cores abound. MPI was designed in an era where it was much more common to find a node with only a single processor and a single core, and total counts were in the hundreds to thousands. Such jobs are often too small to be permitted to run on current high-end clusters.

Code that assumes one MPI process to a core has trouble scaling to \(N\) processes (eg. for \(N > 1000\)) for several reasons:

  • collective communication cost tends to scale at least like \(\mathrm{log} N\) - aggregating messages helps a lot but more processes as starting and ending points for messages simply must take more time

  • data must be replicated to each process, which takes time that grows with the process count

  • replicated data forces cores to share the memory bandwith, thus defeating the advantages of shared memory caches


Comparing pure MPI vs hybrid MPI-threading solutions. MPI ranks are shown in red boxes. Total memory usage and message cost tends to be lower with hybrid, because threads can share the same memory. However, realizing those benefits can lead to further work to reduce contention and eliminate race conditions.

Imagine if a halo-exchange application like that from an earlier lesson was implemented in these two ways. The pure-MPI solution has a much larger volume of data in the border and halo regions. That means more data must be sent in total, as well as more messages between pairs of MPI ranks. In the hybrid case, both are reduced. However, the hybrid solution can have other challenges, including code complexity, usage complexity, synchronization, and avoiding problematic sharing.

MPI + threading

The MPI standard has been updated to accommodate the use of threads within processes. Using these capabilities is optional, and presents numerous advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of MPI + threading

  • possiblity for better scaling of communication costs

  • either simpler and/or faster code that does not need to distribute as much data, because all threads in the process can share it already

  • higher performance from using memory caches better

  • reduced need to dedicate a rank solely to communication coordination in code using a manager-worker paradigm

Disadvantages of MPI + threading

  • implicitly shared data can be harder to reason about correctly (eg. race conditions)

  • code now has to be correct MPI code and correct threaded code

  • possibility of lower performance from cache contention, when one thread writes to memory that is very close to where another thread needs to read

  • more code complexity

  • might be merely shifting bottlenecks from one place to another (eg. opening and closing OpenMP thread regions)

  • needs higher quality MPI implementations

  • it can be awkward to use libraries that also use threading internally

  • usage gets more complicated, as both ranks and threads have to be shepherded onto cores for maximum performance

Quiz: Is an application that already scales well with MPI and which uses large amounts of read-only data a good candidate for MPI with threading?

  1. Yes, threads can share the memory

  2. No, threads will have problems from cache contention

  3. No, RMA would definitely be better

  4. Can’t tell on the information given

Threading library options

OpenMP is the open standard for HPC threading, and is widely used with many quality implementations. It is possible to use raw pthreads, and you will find MPI examples using them, but this is much less productive in programmer time. It made more sense when OpenMP was less mature. In most HPC cases, OpenMP is implemented using pthreads.

This workshop will use simple OpenMP for illustrative purposes. For more information on OpenMP check out these tutorials and OpenMP training materials.

MPI support for threading

Since version 2.0, MPI can be initialized in up to four different ways. The former approach using MPI_Init still works, but applications that wish to use threading should use MPI_Init_thread.

The following threading levels are generally supported:

  • MPI_THREAD_SINGLE - rank is not allowed to use threads, which is basically equivalent to calling MPI_Init.


    With MPI_THREAD_SINGLE, the rank may use MPI freely and will not use threads.

  • MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED - rank can be multi-threaded but only the main thread may call MPI functions. Ideal for fork-join parallelism such as used in #pragma omp parallel, where all MPI calls are outside the OpenMP regions.


    With MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, the rank can use MPI from only the main thread.

  • MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED - rank can be multi-threaded but only one thread at a time may call MPI functions. The rank must ensure that MPI is used in a thread-safe way. One approach is to ensure that MPI usage is mutually excluded by all the threads, eg. with a mutex.


    With MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, the rank can use MPI from any thread so long as it ensures the threads synchronize such that no thread calls MPI while another thread is doing so.

  • MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE - rank can be multi-threaded and any thread may call MPI functions. The MPI library ensures that this access is safe across threads. Note that this makes all MPI operations less efficient, even if only one thread makes MPI calls, so should be used only where necessary.


    With MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, the rank can use MPI from any thread. The MPI library ensures the necessary synchronization

Note that different MPI ranks may make different requirements for MPI threading. This can be efficient for applications using manager-worker paradigms where the workers have simpler communication patterns.

For applications where it is possible to implement using MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED approach, it will generally outperform the same application naively implemented and using MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, because the latter will need to use more synchronization.

Querying the MPI runtime

When writing a library, sometimes MPI will be initialized outside your code. If you wish to use threading, you have to honor the requirements established at the time MPI was initialized (or give an error). This can be done with MPI_Query_thread.

Similarly, MPI regards the thread that called MPI_Init_thread as the main thread for the purpose of MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED. If your code needs to identify that thread (eg. to ensure that calls to your library happen from that thread, so you use MPI), then you need to call MPI_Is_thread_main.

Compile an MPI program and observe what thread level is supported

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-4/00_threading-query folder. A working solution is in the solution subfolder. Try to compile with:

mpicc -g -Wall -fopenmp -std=c11 threading-query.c -o threading-query
  1. When you have the code compiling, try to run with:

    mpiexec -np 2 ./threading-query
  2. Use clues from the compiler and the comments in the code to change the code so it compiles and runs.

Which threading level to use?

If you’re not using threading, use MPI_THREAD_SINGLE.

If you’re using fork-join parallelism, e.g. in the style of OpenMP, use MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED.

MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED can be optimal, but forces the programmer to pay a lot more attention to manually ensuring that the promise to the MPI runtime is honored.

If you’re using more complex forms of threading, it’s simplest to use MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE. Be aware that this forces the MPI runtime to be much more defensive about its internal data structures, and that will cost you performance. That’s not going to be a relevant problem until you reach your scaling limits. Get your code working correctly first, then see if performance is not as good as you expect, and then analyse if you can use a less costly MPI threading level.

Calculating \(\pi\) with a hybrid MPI+OpenMP code

This example is based on the \(\pi\) computation exercise (content/code/day-1/02_compute-pi). You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-4/10_integrate-pi folder. A working solution is in the solution subfolder. Try to compile with:

mpicc -g -Wall -fopenmp -std=c11 pi-integration.c -o pi-integration
  1. Use clues from the compiler and the comments in the code to change the code so it compiles and runs.

  2. When you have the code compiled, try to run with:

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
    mpiexec -np 2 ./pi-integration 10000000

See also


  • MPI offers four levels of threading support, use the one that fits your needs.