Non-blocking point-to-point


  • Does blocking communication scale well?

  • Can my code do useful work while waiting for messages?


  • Understand that messages can lead to deadlocks

  • Using non-blocking point-to-point messages in a stencil halo exchange application


Communication operations take time to happen. Most of that time doesn’t need the CPU to participate, particularly if the network hardware is good. Many applications have work to do on the data they already have available in the local process, and then work to do on data that arrives in a message. Likewise, they often need to have sent data for other processes to use later.

These messages can be sent synchronously using the point-to-point message types we already learned about. However the synchronization takes time, and this limits how far one can parallelise.

Stencil application example

Stencils are a kind of computational kernel often used in PDE solvers. A simple example is a diffusive heat-flow model, where the amount of heat in a location at the next point in time depends on the amount of heat currently present there, and the amounts in the nearest neighbour locations.


The model of the problem uses an 8x8 grid of data in light blue, which has to be updated based on the indicated 5-point stencil in light green to move from one time point to another.

Let us assume the grid is periodic, ie. the left-hand edge is adjacent to the right-hand edge (like the video game Space Invaders!), and likewise top and bottom. Such a grid models a torus. In order to update the amount of heat at every location, all the amount of heat at all four of its neighbours must also be known locally. That’s straightforward when using a single process, because everything is local. But what happens when using two ranks?


The two processes share the data evenly, in a 4x8 local data set shown in light blue. In order to compute the heat at the next time step, the required data set is larger than this, shown in yellow.

The required data to the left and right of the local data set is easy, because that data is already present locally, just on the other side of the local data set. However the top and bottom yellow data has to come from the other process.


The border data in dark blue has to be sent to the other process, and the ghost data or halo data in dark green is received from the other process.

Non-performant MPI workflows for stencil applications: blocking messages

A possible workflow for the code on these two processes looks like


A simple parallel stencil-computation workflow. Depending on the MPI implementation, doing the send first on both ranks can lead to a deadlock.

This may work sometimes, but it also might not if the buffers or number of messages gets large enough. Such code will not be portable.


A correct ring-style parallel stencil-computation workflow.

This workflow will always work. This approach generalizes to larger rings, so long as alternating processes either send or respectively receive first. It also generalizes to multiple dimensions. However, it still requires synchronization between send and receive ranks. That synchronization is problematic when the time to send messages is comparable with either the amounts of compute work involved, or the variation in those amounts.

Performant MPI workflows for stencil applications: non-blocking messages


A correct non-blocking-style parallel stencil-computation workflow. The MPI implementation may be able to do the communication overlapped with the computation.

This will also always work. It may be more efficient than the ring-style approach, but that depends on the implementation and environment, as well as the size of messages and amounts of compute that can participate in the overlapped region.

The user is responsible for not using the memory area until after the message request has been waited upon.

Non-blocking MPI send calls

An MPI_Isend creates a send request and returns a request object. It may or may not have sent the message, or buffered it. The caller is responsible for not changing the buffer until after waiting upon the resulting request object.

Other calls exist for other sending modes familiar to you from point-to-point messages, including buffered, synchronous, and ready-mode sends. They are listed in the table below, along with links for more information.

Point-to-point communication functions

















Non-blocking MPI receive call

An MPI_Irecv creates a receive request and returns a receive request in an MPI_Request object. The caller is responsible for not changing the buffer until after waiting upon the resulting request object.

An MPI_Irecv can be used to match any kind of send, regardless of sending mode or blocking status.

Waiting for non-blocking call completion

An MPI_Wait call waits for completion of the operation that created the request object passed to it. For a send, the semantics of the sending mode have been fulfilled (not necessarily that the message has been received). For a receive, the buffer is now valid for use, however the send has not necessarily completed (though obviously has been initiated).

It can be efficient to wait on any one, some, or all of a set of operations before returning. MPI provides MPI_Waitany, MPI_Waitsome, and MPI_Waitall for these use cases. For example, waiting for any request to complete may allow the caller to continue with related computation while waiting for other requests to complete.

Testing for non-blocking call completion

An MPI_Test call returns immediately a flag value indicating whether a corresponding MPI_Wait would return immediately.

It can be efficient to test any one, some, or all of a set of operations before returning. MPI provides MPI_Testany, MPI_Testsome, and MPI_Testall for these use cases. For example, testing for any request completed may allow the caller to continue with unrelated computation because no message with work has yet arrived.

Observe a deadlock in a non-blocking stencil application

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-2/04_deadlock folder. A working solution is in the solution subfolder. Try to compile with:

mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 non-blocking-communication-deadlock.c -o non-blocking-communication-deadlock
  1. When you have the code compiling, try to run with:

    mpiexec -np 2 ./non-blocking-communication-deadlock
  2. The communication may block. If it does, you will have to kill the process to continue, e.g. with Ctrl-C. If it doesn’t, follow the first challenge to use a call to MPI_Ssend to make it block.

  3. Try to fix the code so that one process sends before receiving and the other process does the opposite. Now it will work even if the runtime chooses to implement MPI_Send like MPI_Ssend.

Ovelaping communication and computation

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-2/05_overlap folder. A working solution is in the solution subfolder. Try to compile with:

mpicc -g -Wall -std=c11 non-blocking-communication-overlap.c -o non-blocking-communication-overlap
  1. When you have the code compiling, try to run with:

    mpiexec -np 2 ./non-blocking-communication-overlap
  2. Try to fix the code so that local and non-local computations are overlapped between the the send/recv and wait calls.

See also


  • Non-blocking point-to-point communications can be used to avoid deadlocks from blocking communications.

  • Also, non-blocking messages can decrease idle times and allow for the possibility of interleaving computation and communication.

  • Be aware of not modifying the buffer used by MPI_Isend/MPI_Irecv prior to completion.