Using sub-groups in SYCL


  • Is it always necessary to use work-group local memory and synchronization?


  • Learn about sub-groups as an alternative to work-group local memory.

In episode The task graph: data, dependencies, synchronization, we saw that work-group local memory is an effective means to achieve kernel-level communication between work-items in an ND-range. SYCL also offers sub-groups as a useful abstraction to achieve such communication patterns. Let’s have a further look at the organization of a 3-dimensional \(8\times 8 \times 8\) ND-range.


Depiction of a 3-dimensional ND-range and its further subvisions. The global execution range is \(8\times 8 \times 8\), thus containing 512 work-items. The global range is further subdivided into 8 work-groups each comprised of \(4 \times 4 \times 4\) work-items. At an even finer level, each work-group has sub-groups of 4 work-items. The availability of sub-groups is implementation-dependent. Note that the contiguous dimension (dimension 2 in this example) of ND-range and work-group coincide. Furthermore, sub-groups are laid out along the contiguous dimension of their work-groups. Figure adapted from [RAB+21].

The number of work-items is dictated by the total size of the ND-range, here we have 512 work-items, while we determine the subdivision in work-groups with our definition of the local range, here \(4\times 4\times 4\). Based on the SYCL implementation at hand, the further division into sub-groups might also be available. The following three facts should be kept in mind when considering workign with sub-groups:

  • They are always 1-dimensional and laid out along the contiguous dimension of their parent work-groups.

  • Their size is implementation-dependent: it cannot be set in the nd_range constructor.

  • You can obtain the sizes of sub-groups with the info::device::sub_group_sizes query to get_info:

    std::cout << " Subgroup sizes: ";
    for (const auto& x :
         Q.get_device().get_info<info::device::sub_group_sizes>()) {
      std::cout << x << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

Why would it be advantageous to use sub-groups? Sub-groups are groupings of work-items within a given work-group with additional scheduling guarantees. The most obvious guarantee is that all work-items in the sub-group execute together on the same hardware. There is thus limited or no need to explicitly synchronize work-items within a sub-group using barriers, as we did in the tiled MatMul exercise. Furthermore, since the details of sub-groups are left up to the implementors of the SYCL standard, they might enjoy further execution guarantees and performance optimizations over the use of work-group local memory. Communication and synchronization might be more efficient for sub-groups than for work-group local memory.

Within a ND-range parallel_for, we access the sub-group to which the current nd_item belongs by calling the get_sub_group function.

For example:

cgh.parallel_for(nd_range { global, local }, [=](nd_item<2> it) {
  // get subgroup
  auto sg = it.get_sub_group();

When using work-group local memory, we explicitly set its values and synchronize the memory view across the work-group using a barrier:

tileA[i] = accA[m][l + i];

for (auto k = 0; k < tile_sz; ++k) {
  sum += tileA[k] * accB[l + k][n];

When using sub-groups, we use collective functions instead. A work-item in the sub-group loads data and the broadcasts it to communicate it to all elements in the sub-group:

auto tileA = accA[m][l + i];

for (auto k = 0; k < tile_sz; ++k) {
  sum += group_broadcast(sg, tileA, k) * accB[l + k][n];

The group_broadcast function takes the value of the work-item with local id k in tileA and communicates it to all work-items in the sg sub-group:

Since all work-items in the sub-group will perform the broadcast, the local_id argument must be the same for all work-items.

Sub-group tiled MatMul

We will modify the tiled MatMul exercise in The task graph: data, dependencies, synchronization to use sub-groups instead of local memory. Using group_broadcast removes all explicit work-item barriers in the code.

Don’t do this at home, use optimized BLAS!

You can find a scaffold for the code in the content/code/day-3/00_sub_group-matmul/sub_group-matmul.cpp file, alongside the CMake script to build the executable. You will have to complete the source code to compile and run correctly: follow the hints in the source file. A working solution is in the solution subfolder.

  1. As usual, we first create a queue and map it to the GPU, either explicitly:

    queue Q{gpu_selector{}};

    or implicitly, by compiling with the appropriate HIPSYCL_TARGETS value.

  2. We first declare the operands as std::vector<double> the right-hand side operands are filled with random numbers:

    // initialize input and output memory on the host
    constexpr size_t sz = 256;
    // we could make the matrices non-square!
    constexpr size_t M = sz;
    constexpr size_t N = sz;
    constexpr size_t K = sz;
    std::vector<double> a(M * K), b(K * N);
    // fill a and b with random numbers in the unit interval
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 mt(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0.0, 1.0);
    std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), [&dist, &mt]() {
      return dist(mt);
    std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), [&dist, &mt]() {
      return dist(mt);

    We can choose not to allocate space on the host for the result matrix up front, but rather rely on a host_accessor to do the job once the computation completes, see The task graph: data, dependencies, synchronization.

  3. We define buffers for all the operands in our matrix multiplication:

    buffer<double, 2> bufA(, range{M, N}), bufB(, range{N, K});
    buffer<double, 2> bufC(range{M, K});

    Once again, note that the buffer for the result matrix is not associated to any allocated memory on the host.

  4. We submit work to the queue through a command group handler:

    Q.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
      /* work for the queue */
  5. We declare accessors to the buffers. For example, for the matrix \(\mathbf{A}\):

    accessor accA{ a_buf, cgh, read_only };

    It is convenient to use access targets and properties, such as read_only, since they can help the scheduler optimize memory accesses. We know that both \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) are read-only, whereas \(\mathbf{C}\) is write-only and any data it holds before entering the kernel can be discarded.

  6. We also need to define the global and local 2-dimensional iteration ranges:

    constexpr auto tile_sz = 16;
    range global{M, K};
    range local{1, tile_sz};

    The former will span the whole result matrix, while the latter spans tiles of the rows of \(\mathbf{A}\). The tile size should be a value lesser than or equal to the sub-group size.

  7. Within the handler, we launch a parallel_for. The parallel region iterates over the 2-dimensional ranges of global and local indices.

      nd_range{ /* global range */, /* local range */ },
      [=](nd_item<2> it){
        /* kernel body */

    In the kernel body:

    • For each nd_item, we get its subgroup, the global ids (row and column indices), and the local id in the first dimension (the index within a tile):

      // get subgroup
      auto sg = it.get_sub_group();
      // indices in the global index space
      // these are used to address
      //  - the result (held in global memory)
      //  - the row of the left operand
      //  - the column of the right operand
      auto m = it.get_global_id()[0];
      auto n = it.get_global_id()[1];
      // index in the local index space
      auto i = it.get_local_id()[1];
    • We load the \(\mathbf{A}\) matrix tile by tile:

      // accumulate result
      auto sum = 0.0;
      // loop over inner index (common to operands) with stride equal to the
      // tile size
      for (auto l = 0; l < K; l += tile_sz) {
        // load a tile of matrix A
        auto tileA = accA[m][l + i];
    • We loop over elements in the tile, broadcast them to the whole sub-group and accumulate the value of matrix multiplication:

       // loop over tile elements
       for (auto k = 0; k < tile_sz; ++k) {
         // broadcast tile element to the subgroup and load matrix B from
         // global memory
         sum += group_broadcast(sg, tileA, k) * accB[l + k][n];
    • Outside the double loop, we assign the compute value to the appropriate element in the result matrix \(\mathbf{C}\):

      // finally, write to the result matrix
      accC[m][n] = sum;
  8. Copy back the results to the host using a host_accessor:

    host_accessor C{bufC};

    and check that your results are correct.


  • Sub-groups are an implementation-defined grouping of work-items within a work-group with additional scheduling guarantees.

  • The use of sub-groups might improve your code by removing, partially or completely, the use of explicit synchronization barriers.

  • Group-collective functions, such as group_broadcast, might offer a better alternative than using explicit work-group local memory and synchronization, especially in a high-quality SYCL implementation.
