Heat equation mini-app


  • Understand the structure of a mini-app that models heat diffusion

  • Understand how the 5-point stencil operates

  • Understand that the loops influence the duration of the mini-app

  • Understand the expected output of the mini-app


This episode was adapted, with permission, from the ENCCS/CSC workshop on OpenMP for GPU offloading. CSC staff developed the serial version of the mini-app, under MIT license. We reproduce it with permission.

Heat equation

Heat flows in objects according to local temperature differences, as if seeking local equilibrium. Such processes can be modelled with partial differential equations via discretization to a regular grid. Solving for the flow over time can involve a lot of computational effort. Fortunately that effort is quite regular and so can suit parallelization with a variety of techniques, SYCL included.

The partial differential equation

The rate of change of the temperature field \(u(x, y, t)\) over two spatial dimensions \(x\) and \(y\) and time \(t\) with diffusivity \(\alpha\) can be modelled via the equation

\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \nabla^2 u\]

where \(\nabla\) is the Laplacian operator, which describes how the temperature field varies with the spatial dimensions \(x\) and \(y\). When those are continuous variables, that looks like

\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \left( \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right)\]

Because computers are finite devices, we often need to solve such equations numerically, rather than analytically. This often involves discretization, where spatial and temporal variables only take on specific values from a set. In this mini-app we will discretize all three dimensions \(x\), \(y\), and \(t\), such that

\[\begin{split}\nabla^2 u &= \frac{u(i-1,j)-2u(i,j)+u(i+1,j)}{(\Delta x)^2} \\ &+ \frac{u(i,j-1)-2u(i,j)+u(i,j+1)}{(\Delta y)^2}\end{split}\]

where \(u(i,j)\) refers to the temperature at location with integer index \(i\) within the domain of \(x\) spaced by \(\Delta x\) and location with integer index \(j\) within the domain of \(y\) spaced by \(\Delta y\).

Given an initial condition \((u^{t=0})\), one can follow the time dependence of the temperature field from state \(m\) to \(m+1\) over regular time steps \(\Delta t\) with explicit time evolution method:

\[u^{m+1}(i,j) = u^m(i,j) + \Delta t \alpha \nabla^2 u^m(i,j)\]

This equation expresses that the time evolution of the temperature field at a particular location depends on the value of the field at the previous step at the same location and four adjacent locations:


This example model uses an 8x8 grid of data in light blue in state \(m\), each location of which has to be updated based on the indicated 5-point stencil in yellow to move to the next time point \(m+1\).


How much arithmetic must be done to evolve each location at each time step?


How much arithmetic must be done to evolve all locations in the grid for 20 steps?

Spatial boundary conditions

Something must happen at the edges of the grid so that the stencil does a valid operation. One alternative is to ignore the contribution of points that are outside the grid. However, this tends to complicate the implementation of the stencil and is also often non-physical. In a real problem, there is always somethign outside the grid! Sometimes it makes sense to have periodic boundaries to the grid, but that is complex to implement. In this mini-app, we will have a ring of data points around the grid. Those will have a fixed value that is not updated by the stencil, although they do contribute to the stencil operation for their neighbors.


This example model uses an 8x8 grid of data in light blue with an outer ring in red of boundary grid sites whose temperature values are fixed. This lets the stencil operate on the blue region in a straightforward way.

The source code

Now we’ll take a look at the source code that will do this for us! Let’s look at the data structure describing the field:

Next, the routine that applies the stencil to the previous field to compute the current one:

Then the routine that handles the main loop over time steps:

There’s other supporting code to handle user input and produce nice images of the current field, but we won’t need to touch those, so we won’t spend time looking at them now. In the real version of the code we have seen, there’s also calls to libraries to record the time taken. We’ll need that later so we understand how fast our code is.

We should look at the routines that initialize the field data structures:

Building the code

The code is set up so that you can change to its directory and build as follows.

which produces an executable program called heat in the build folder. The app can be built with visualization support. [*]

Running the code

The code lets you choose the spatial dimensions and the number of time steps on the command line. For example, to run an 800 by 800 grid for 1000 steps, run

./heat 800 800 1000

Try it now!


How long does the iteration take if you double the number of steps? How long does the iteration take if you double the number of grid points in each direction?

You can see the output on the terminal, like:

Average temperature at start: 59.762281
Iterations took 0.426 seconds.
Average temperature: 58.065097

This report will help us check whether our attempts to optimize made the code faster while keepint it correct.

Initial and boundary conditions

When solving PDEs, the initial conditions determine the possible solutions. The mini-app automatically sets up a disk of cold grid points in the center at temperature 5, with warm grid points around it at temperature 65.


Initial conditions of the grid. The boundary layers are not shown.

There is a fixed boundary layer of one grid point on all sides, two of which are warm (temperature 70 and 85) and two cold (temperature 20 and 5). Early on, the disk and its surroundings dominate the contents of the grid, but over time, the boundary layers have greater and greater influence.


To which average temperature will the grid converge?

Writing a SYCL port

We are now ready to write a SYCL port of the heat equation mini-app. We will start by using the buffer and accessor model and will look into using USM at a later stage, see Buffer-accessor model vs unified shared memory.

Before starting to work with the code, consider:

  1. Which kernel should be ported first? The time evolution is essentially serial:

      auto start = wall_clock_t::now();
      // Time evolution
      for (int iter = 1; iter <= nsteps; iter++) {
        evolve(&current, &previous, a, dt);
        if (iter % image_interval == 0) {
          write_field(&current, iter);
        // Swap current field so that it will be used
        // as previous for next iteration step

    The stencil application will be our target for parallelization with SYCL:

    evolve(field *curr, field *prev, double a, double dt)
      // Help the compiler avoid being confused by the structs
      double *currdata = curr->data.data();
      double *prevdata = prev->data.data();
      int nx           = curr->nx;
      int ny           = curr->ny;
      // Determine the temperature field at next time step
      // As we have fixed boundary conditions, the outermost gridpoints
      // are not updated.
      double dx2 = prev->dx * prev->dx;
      double dy2 = prev->dy * prev->dy;
      for (int i = 1; i < nx + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < ny + 1; j++) {
          int ind = i * (ny + 2) + j;
          int ip  = (i + 1) * (ny + 2) + j;
          int im  = (i - 1) * (ny + 2) + j;
          int jp  = i * (ny + 2) + j + 1;
          int jm  = i * (ny + 2) + j - 1;
          currdata[ind] =
            prevdata[ind] +
            a * dt *
              ((prevdata[ip] - 2.0 * prevdata[ind] + prevdata[im]) / dx2 +
               (prevdata[jp] - 2.0 * prevdata[ind] + prevdata[jm]) / dy2);
  2. How do we fit the queue, buffer, and accessor concepts of SYCL in the existing codebase? We will have to modify a few aspects of the codebase, to make sure that functions to be offloaded are aware of the queue. Data will have to be wrapped into SYCL buffers.

SYCL heat equation mini app with buffers and accessors

We will use the serial version of the mini-app as a scaffold for our port. The code is in the content/code/day-2/05_serial-heat-equation folder. You will have to uncomment some lines in the CMake script in order to build the executable with SYCL support. A working solution is in the content/code/day-2/06_sycl-heat-equation folder.

Let’s start from the top, main.cpp, and more down to the stencil application function in core.cpp. Compile after each step and fix compiler errors before moving on to the next step.

  1. As usual, we first create a queue and map it to the GPU, either explicitly:

    queue Q{gpu_selector{}};

    or implicitly, by compiling with the appropriate HIPSYCL_TARGETS value.

  2. The queue needs to be passed into the evolve function. Compiling now should raise an error, because no overload of this function accepting a queue is known. Fix the compiler errors by redefining the function or providing an overload. Don’t change the implementation in core.cpp yet.

We can now work on the parallel implementation:

  1. Obtain grid sizes in the \(x\) and \(y\) directions from the curr input parameter.

  2. Obtain denominator of the finite-difference formula in both Cartesian directions:

    auto dx2 = prev->dx * prev->dx;
    auto dy2 = prev->dy * prev->dy;
  3. We open a new scope for our SYCL work and declare buffers mapping to the data underlying the curr and prev data structures for the heat field:

    buffer<double, 2> buf_curr{ ..., ... }, buf_prev{ ..., ... };

    What are the dimensions of the iteration spaces given as second argument to the buffer constructors? Remember that the edges of the grid accomodate the fixed boundary conditions!

  4. With buffers at hand, we’re ready to submit work to the queue:

    Q.submit([&](handler& cgh){
       /* body */
  5. First, declare accessors with appropriate targets, since curr is read-write, but prev is read-only:

    auto acc_curr = accessor(buf_curr, cgh, ...);
    auto acc_prev = accessor(buf_prev, cgh, ...);
  6. To start with, we use a basic data-parallel kernel. Add a parallel_for to the command-group handler:

    cgh.parallel_for(range<2>(..., ...), [=](id<2> id) {
      /* kernel body */

    What are the extents of the range object passed as first argument? Remember that the zeroth and last elements in each dimension accommodate the values fixed by the boundary conditions!

  7. The buffers and accessors reinterpret the data in the 1-dimensional data arrays of the field data structures as 2-dimensional objects. We need to obtain the correct row and column indices:

    auto j = ...;
    auto i = ...;

    Once again, remember that the zeroth and last elements in each dimension accommodate the values fixed by the boundary conditions!

  8. Finally, apply the stencil:

    acc_curr[j][i] =
      acc_prev[j][i] +
      a * dt *
        ((acc_prev[j][i + 1] - 2.0 * acc_prev[j][i] + acc_prev[j][i - 1]) / dx2 +
         (acc_prev[j + 1][i] - 2.0 * acc_prev[j][i] + acc_prev[j - 1][i]) / dy2);

The star and stop timers surrounding the time evolution loop in main.cpp can be used to give a rough estimate of the performance. Compare the serial and SYCL versions of the code? What do you notice? At a glance, do you think this is the best SYCL version of the app we can write?


  • The heat equation is discretized in space and time

  • The implementation has loops over time and spatial dimensions

  • The implementation reports on the contents of the grid so we can understand correctness and performance easily.
