Parallel Computing (II)
on some HPC systems you might need srun -n 4
instead of mpirun -np 4
on Vega, add this module for MPI libraries: ml add foss/2020b
MPI libraries
A number of available MPI libraries have been developed (OpenMPI, MPICH, IntelMPI, MVAPICH) and HPC centers normally offer one or more of these for users to compile/run MPI code.
For example, on Vega one can load the GNU compiler suite along with OpenMPI using:
$ ml add foss/2021b
Parallel workflows with Snakemake
Many scientific problems involve complicated workflows with multiple interdependent steps. If the workflow involves performing the same analysis on many different datasets we can use the inherent (“embarrassing”) parallelism of the problem and perform these simultaneously.
Let us have a look at a toy example which many of us can hopefully relate to.
Demo: The word-count project
Head over to and clone the repository:
$ git clone
This project is about counting words in a given text and print out the 10 most common
words which can be used to test Zipf’s law.
The data
directory contains 64 public domain books from Project Gutenberg
and source files under source
can be used to count words:
$ # count words in two books
$ python source/ data/pg10.txt processed_data/pg10.dat
$ python source/ data/pg65.txt processed_data/pg65.dat
$ # print frequency of 10 most frequent words in both books to file
$ python source/ 10 processed_data/pg10.dat processed_data/pg65.dat > results/results.csv
This workflow is encoded in the Snakefile
which can be used to run
through all data files:
$ # run workflow in serial
$ snakemake -j 1
The workflow can be visualised in a directed-acyclic graph:
$ # requires dot from Graphviz
$ snakemake -j 1 --dag | dot -Tpng > dag.png

The workflow can be parallelized to utilize multiple cores:
$ # first clear all output
$ snakemake -j 1 --delete-all-output
$ # run in parallel on 4 processes
$ snakemake -j 4
For embarrassingly parallel work one can achieve significant speedup with parallel Snakemake execution.
The Snakefile describes the workflow in declarative style, i.e. we describe the dependencies but let Snakemake figure out the series of steps to produce results (targets). This is how the Snakefile looks:
# a list of all the books we are analyzing
DATA = glob_wildcards('data/{book}.txt').book
# the default rule
rule all:
# count words in one of our books
# logfiles from each run are put in .log files"
rule count_words:
output: 'processed_data/{file}.dat'
log: 'processed_data/{file}.log'
python {input.wc} {} {output} >> {log} 2>&1
# generate results table
rule zipf_test:
books=expand('processed_data/{book}.dat', book=DATA)
nwords = 10
output: 'results/results.csv'
shell: 'python {input.zipf} {params.nwords} {input.books} > {output}'
ipyparallel, also known as IPython Parallel, is yet another tool for parallel computing in Python. However, it’s more than just parallel Python, it’s parallel IPython, and this adds interactivity to parallel computing.
The architecture of ipyparallel for parallel and distributed computing abstracts out parallelism in a general way and this enables many different styles of parallelism, including:
Single program, multiple data (SPMD) parallelism
Multiple program, multiple data (MPMD) parallelism
Message passing using MPI
Task farming
Data parallel
Combinations of these approaches
Custom user-defined approaches
This is similar to Dask which will be covered in a later episode.
Let’s explore how ipyparallel can be used together with MPI. The following code will initialize an IPython Cluster with 8 MPI engines in one of two ways:
Inside a context manager to automatically manage starting and stopping engines.
In a terminal and connect to it from a Jupyter notebook.
After initializing the cluster, we create a “broadcast view” to the engines, and finally
use the apply_sync()
function to run the mpi_example()
function on the engines:
Define function:
def mpi_example():
from mpi4py import MPI
return f"Hello World from rank {comm.Get_rank()}. Total ranks={comm.Get_size()}"
Start cluster in context manager:
import ipyparallel as ipp
# request an MPI cluster with 4 engines
with ipp.Cluster(engines='mpi', n=4) as cluster:
# get a broadcast_view on the cluster which is best suited for MPI style computation
view = cluster.broadcast_view()
# run the mpi_example function on all engines in parallel
r = view.apply_sync(mpi_example)
# Retrieve and print the result from the engines
Define function:
def mpi_example():
from mpi4py import MPI
return f"Hello World from rank {comm.Get_rank()}. Total ranks={comm.Get_size()}"
Start engines in terminal:
$ # load module with MPI
$ ml add foss/2021b
$ ipcluster start -n 8 --engines=MPI
Connect from a code cell in Jupyter:
import ipyparallel as ipp
cluster = ipp.Client()
# print engine indices
view = cluster.broadcast_view()
r = view.apply_sync(mpi_example)
In an exercise below you can practice using ipyparallel for running an interactive MPI job in Jupyter for the word-count project.
Measure Snakemake parallelisation efficiency
Explore the parallel efficiency of Snakemake for the word-count project.
First clone the repo:
$ git clone
Run the workflow on one core and time it:
$ time snakemake -j 1
Now compare the execution time when using more processes. How much improvement can be obtained?
The more time-consuming each job in the workflow is, the larger will be the parallel efficiency, as you will see if you get to the last exercise below!
Use the MPI version of word-autocorrelation with ipyparallel
Now try to use the MPI version of the script inside Jupyter using ipyparallel! Of course, you can also use the provided MPI solution above.
Start by creating a new Jupyter notebook autocorrelation.ipynb
in the word-count-hpda/source/
Then start the IPython cluster with e.g. 8 cores in a Jupyter terminal:
$ ipcluster start -n 8 --engines=MPI
Now create a cluster in Jupyter:
import ipyparallel as ipp
cluster = ipp.Client()
Instead of copying functions from
to your notebook, you can
import them on each engine. But you may first need to change the current working
directory (CWD) if your Jupyter session was started in the word-count-hpda/
import os
# create a direct view to be able to change CWD on engines
dview = rc.direct_view()
# print CWD on each engine
# set correct CWD, adapt if needed (run %pwd to find full path), ['/full/path/to/word-count-hpda/source']*len(cluster))
Now you need to import all needed functions explicitly on the engines:
with view.sync_imports():
from autocorrelation import preprocess_text, setup, word_acf
from autocorrelation import ave_word_acf_gather, ave_word_acf_p2p, mpi_acf
Finally you’re ready to run MPI code on the engines! The following code uses
to run the mpi_acf()
function on all engines with given
input arguments:
# run the mpi_example function on all engines in parallel
book = "../data/pg99.txt"
wc_book = "../processed_data/pg99.dat"
r = view.apply_sync(mpi_acf, book, wc_book)
# Print the result from the engines
Time the execution of the last code cell by adding
at the top of the cell.Stop the cluster in terminal (CTRL-c), and start a new cluster with a different number of MPI engines. Time the cell again to explore the parallel efficiency.
Instead of running through only one data file (book), create a loop to run through them all.
Extend the Snakefile
Extend the Snakefile in the word-count repository to compute the autocorrelation function for all
books! If you are running on a cluster you can add e.g. threads: 4
to the rule and run a parallel
version of the
script that you wrote in an earlier exercise.
Apart from adding a new rule for computing the autocorrelation functions, you will need to add dependencies
to the top-level all
rule in order to instruct Snakemake to run your new rule. For instance, you
can replace it with:
rule all:
'results/results.txt', expand('results/acf_{book}.dat', book=DATA)
Make sure to name the output
files accordingly in your new rule.
# a list of all the books we are analyzing
DATA = glob_wildcards('data/{book}.txt').book
# the default rule
rule all:
'results/results.txt', expand('results/acf_{book}.dat', book=DATA)
# count words in one of our books
# logfiles from each run are put in .log files"
rule count_words:
output: 'processed_data/{file}.dat'
log: 'processed_data/{file}.log'
python {input.wc} {} {output} >> {log} 2>&1
rule word_acf:
output: 'results/acf_{file}.dat'
threads: 4
log: 'processed_data/acf_{file}.log'
python {input.acf} {} {input.wcdata} {output} >> {log} 2>&1
# generate results table
rule zipf_test:
books=expand('processed_data/{book}.dat', book=DATA)
nwords = 10
output: 'results/results.txt'
shell: 'python {input.zipf} {params.nwords} {input.books} > {output}'